How Business Rating Score can Boost Annual RevenueIt’s always interesting to find out what people murmur behind your back, especially when they are discussing out your business. Tradekey reviews and other customer feedback on businesses is just not a mere paranoia this can push a blooming business to stake. Reviews online have consumer readership estimating around 67%-97% depending on the study you choose to consider.
There is not much data available on the impact that customer reviews pose on B2B businesses as compared to B2C. But, that doesn’t matter because in both cases ‘people’ are involved whether they belong to B2B or B2C.
Happy customers never bother to post reviews about companies since their goal is achieved but the customers who faced scam and fraud issues can exaggerate their reviews nightmare for others. The success of scammers based on the ignorance of precautions that should have been taken while doing international trade online via tradekey or other b2b websites.
Tradekey Reviews
A study presented by Michael Luca to Harvard Business School reported that just one star increase in business rating can boost revenue up to 5–9%. However, the study was grounded on B2C based research, but it won’t be wrong to say customer reviews, whether positive or negative, virtual or real can impact a booming business like Tradekey Reviews.
知道人们在你背后嘀咕什么总是很有趣的,特别是当他们在讨论你的业务时侯。 Tradekey评论和其他客户对企业的反馈并不仅仅是一种妄想,这真的可以推动业务蓬勃发展。根据您选择的对象的不同,网络评论的读者估计约为消费者的67%-97%。
迈克尔•卢卡(Michael Luca)向哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)提交的一项研究报告称,仅仅一颗星的商业评级提升就可以将收入提高5-9%。然而,这项研究的基础是基于B2C的研究,但是这么说B2B也是不会错的,无论是积极的还是消极的,虚拟的还是真实的,都会影响像Tradekey 评论这样蓬勃发展的业务。
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