大家好~!我有一个国外客户,网站上认识的,向我询价, 而我们并没有相关的产品,由于我们和该客户的关系较好,出于对客户负责的态度,请各位帮忙。客户E-MAIL大体如下:
I'm looking for some goods for one of my customer with very reasonnables prices and I was wondering if you could get them.
Here are the items :
- mother board : socket 939 chipset nforce4 ultra PCI express (asus A8N E )
- graphic card : nvidia geforce 7800 GT PCI Express (gigabyt 7800 GT)
- Processor : AMD ATHLON 64 3700+
AMD ATHLON 64 3500+
- Memory : kit dual 2*512Mo PC 3200 cl.2.5 or 2
Thanks to tell me if you can provide me these products with your best prices for them.
请各位大哥大姐帮忙,谁有相关的产品给我报个价格~我的E-MAIL: [email protected], 多谢!!!
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