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Number of Products 100 50 30 10
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Number of Groups 20 10 6 -
Featured Products * 7 4 2 -
Approval Express * 1 working day 1-2 working days 1-3 working days -
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Showroom Templates 36 26 16 1
Spotlight Exhibits 4 3 - -
Product List text plus image text plus image text plus image simple text only
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Customer Support Level High High Moderate -
Price RMB 21600/year RMB 10800/year Sold Out Free
Site of Membership: http://www.made-in-china.com
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* Approval Express: It is the service on speeding up the validation and publishing process of the info (company, product, offer) submitted by China Suppliers
* Featured Products: Important products of the member which can be displayed in the Spotlight Exhibits of its own Showroom and have priority search ranking in company / product search of Made-in-China.com
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·汽车 我在路边停车时被刮伤了,如何申请保险?