加拿大进出口外贸Trends in Rubber Processing 橡胶加工趋势


Trends in Rubber Processing 橡胶加工趋势

橡胶人才网 http://www.xiangsu.org ,rubberchem翻译不易,很专业的参考资料,大家珍惜!

As the many industries of the rubber processing world enter the last two decades of the twentieth century, they are increasingly aware of many serious influences. even impediments, to their goals of progress and growth. The most serious of these are compound quality influence on end product performance, availability of raw materials and energy. Many other   factors such as ecology, environment and safety, as well as the more traditonal concerns of manufacturing businesses, also   demand attention. It is quite possible that the final resolutions and satisfactory accommodations of these many influencing   factors will result in the most significant advances in processing rubber compounds that have ever been made.

The automotive industry is still the single most influential factor for technical progress in the rubber industry. This   influence applies equally to tire manufacturers as well as to mechanical or technical goods manufacturers. The radial tire   is  goods example of a very influential factor affecting the direction of the rubber processing industries. In rubber   mechanical goods, increased demands in terms of quantity and performance have been placed on rubber parts used throughout the automobile. The non-automotive world also has an increasing appetite for rubber compounds, particularly those that can be injection molded utilizing new polymers that are now available. Competition from plastics have placed additional pressure on the need for developing different and better rubber compounds.

Such new developments in the end product use of rubber compounds reflect demands upon the entire compound processing system, including not only the final forming of parts such as tires but also on the initial preparation of the rubber compounds and the processing of the same compounds up to the final steps in the product manufacturing cycle. These efforts tto satisfy such demands on rubber compounds are in two specific major directions which are improved compound uniformity and more complete automatic rubber compound processing.

[ 本帖最后由 loogo 于 2010-7-22 10:58 编辑 ]
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