加拿大进出口外贸(看日常英语塑造外贸英语)关于经济的恢复与经济的发展 1


Hu: Strong, sustainable growth key to global recovery
Updated: 2010-06-28 00:10 Comments(0) PrintMail  Large Medium Small  

Chinese President Hu Jintao laid out on Sunday a three-point proposal for promoting a strong, sustainable and balanced global economic growth, calling for joint efforts of the international community for global economic recovery.

While addressing the fourth G20 summit in Toronto, Hu said in his speech titled "Work in Unity for the Future" that the world economy is gradually recovering with the help of the concerted efforts of G20 members and the entire international community.

However, he warned that the recovery was unfirmly established, unbalanced, and still facing "quite many uncertainties," such as the expanding sovereign debt crisis, drastic exchange rates fluctuations of major currencies and persistent volatility in the international financial markets.

Seeking to address these problems and materialize a strong and balanced growth worldwide, Hu laid out a three-point proposal.

"First, we need to turn the G20 from an effective mechanism to counter the international financial crisis to a premier platform for advancing international economic cooperation," said the Chinese president.

"The complex world economic situation makes it necessary for the G20 to play a guiding role. We need to take a longer-term perspective and shift the focus of the G20 from coordinating stimulus measures to coordinating growth, from addressing short-term contingencies to promoting long-term governance and from passive response to proactive planning," he said.

The Chinese leader said G20 nations should strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies among them, support countries hit by the sovereign debt crisis in overcoming the current difficulties.

He also called for well managing the G20's relationship with other international organizations and multilateral mechanisms and ensuring that the G20 "plays a core role in promoting international economic cooperation and global economic governance."

Secondly, Hu said "we need to accelerate the establishment of a new international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed," calling for the establishment of an international financial system "that is good for the growth of the real economy."

Hu said the G20 members need to bring the shadow banking system under supervision and regulation and formulate globally consistent accounting rules.

He also said the G20 nations need to enhance the IMF's capacity building and surveillance reform, and strengthen supervision over macroeconomic policies of various parties, particularly major reserve currency issuing economies.

Thirdly, the Chinese leader urges advancing "the building of an open and free global trading regime."

"We must take concrete actions to reject all forms of protectionism, and unequivocally advocate and support free trade," he said.


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Calling for renewing commitment not to impose new restrictions on goods, investment and services, he said developed countries should promote international trade "with greater openness."

"It is important to address trade frictions appropriately through dialogue and consultation and under the principle of mutual benefit and common development," he stressed.

During the speech, Hu emphasized the significance of strong and sustainable growth for the world economic development.

"To ensure strong growth is the top priority in today's world economic development," Hu said, "to enable sustainable growth is our long-term objective."

The Chinese leader called upon other heads of state and government attending the G20 Summit to take proactive steps to ensure strong growth, make great efforts to develop the real economy, create jobs for the people and step up international cooperation in emerging industries.
"We should overcome difficulties in the course of progress and tackle challenges through growth," the Chinese president said, adding "We should strive for balanced growth, including balanced growth both among different parts and industries of a country and among different countries and regions."

But the Chinese leader warned that it would take a long and complex process to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.

"It cannot be done overnight. We must make persistent efforts to push forward this process. And in doing so, we must also take into account specific circumstances of industrial countries and respect their diverse development paths and models."

President Hu offered examples and experiences to back up the Chinese insight in coping with the ongoing global financial and economic slowdown.

"Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China has comprehensively implemented and continuously enriched and improved its package plan and other policy measures in response," He told G20 summiteers.

"As a result, the Chinese economy grew by 8.7 percent in 2009 and contributed its part to regional and global economic recovery. Since the start of 2010, the Chinese economy has maintained steady and relatively fast growth. In the first quarter, the economy grew by 11.9 percent."

President Hu said his country always values sustainable growth which is demonstrated by the country's effort to keep budget deficit under 3 percent of the GDP.

China has been boosting domestic demands so as to better balance off the country's economic development and cope with the global economic slowdown.

"In 2009, while China's total exports in goods dropped by 16 percent, its retail sales (at home) were up by nearly 17 percent in real terms, fixed assets investment increased by about 30 percent, and current account surplus relative to the GDP fell to 6.1 percent," Hu cited telling figures.




too professional,but i almost get it,every helpful,thanks so much~~


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