求知道土耳其语的大人帮忙翻译下,谢谢啦。。。。。isin sevindirici yani hatanin epidemik ve/veya guvenilirlik ile ilgisi olmamasi. ayni zamanda bastan varsa var., sonradan olusmuyor
1, fanlarda derek uretim ve gerekse konstruksiyon olarak hic bir problem yok
2, ses tamamen motor kaynakli
2,1 egik duzlemde olusan surtunme sesi rotordan daha dogrusu dizayndan kaynaklaniyor.
2.2 vuruntu sesi 2 tane yakaladik bu karbon rondeladan kaynakli uretim hatasi
明天帮你翻译 今天下班了
the beautiful of work is that; fail is not relate to epidemic and/or reliableness. If it is exist at initially, subsequently do not occur.
1. There is no any problem in ventilator either producing or construction.
2. Voice is totally comes from motor.
2.1 The friction voice that comes from inclined plane is totally comes from design apart from rotor.
2.2 we confirmed two clicking, because of defe 我让我土耳其的客户看过了 你看看大概是这个意思不 英语你应该能看懂吧
明白就好 我也好多天没上了 呵呵 大家多交流啊
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