没有跟进就没有客户当年的时候好象也看到过有人用这个题目, 经过这么年的外贸我自己这个也有一些自己的领悟。去年的时候和一资深的外贸经理在聊天我们躺坐在公园的草坪上,晒晒着暖暖的太阳但是我们的话题却不是那么轻松的, 聊起一些公司以你发出邮件的多少说评述你的工作的卖力程度, 我开玩笑说如果一个业务手里只有20个客户他即使一周将所有客户联系一次也只有20封邮件,基数小怎么会有更多的邮件,朋友说错至少应该有60封邮件,我瞪大眼睛看着她问答案,她打了一个比方如果你周一报了一个价格, 然后你周三的时候就可以问问客户有什么想法, 然后到周五的时候可以有另外的产品报出,这样一周你应该至少有2封邮件。朋友说法虽然不能说是100%的真理但是对我的触动还是挺大的, 原来跟进邮件可以这么写呀。
对于首次报价的客人第一次跟进应该是报完的2-3天而此次的跟进不要任何多余的话只是提醒TA一下我之前给你价格,如果需要更多的信息请联系我。之后的跟进不要总问类似问题,而是针对产品做一些细节上面的邮件跟进。比如用细节图片展示一下产品特点。 又或是在另一封邮件里告诉客人这个产品我们在那个市场卖的好以及原因。总之跟进的邮件不必封封都赤裸裸地让客人对你的报价有回应,我们希望是这样的只是现实是很残酷,所以我们退而求其次,你能看我的邮件就好了,如果你看我一定有你想要的东西展示给你,是因为这样客人才选我。我曾经有过跟进客户8封邮件客人才开始回应我。很多客户我们不期待象中大乐透一下,一写就有结果,而更多的客户是因为我们不停的跟进最后水到渠成,成了我们客户。有时候你甚至可以把已经发过的报价, 仍然象第一次报他一样, 不说以前报过,只是象新样品一样再报一次,因为有时候客人对你前次的报价并没有看,而这一次他有兴趣看了, 我曾经一个西班牙客人我第一次报他跟进了2次仍是没有回,我就把报价重新发的象首次报新品一样, 然这一次他有兴趣了开始要样品。
Dear S
the samples are arrived, but unfortunatelly the quality don´t meet our requirements.
You know, we have very similar items in our catalog and I can not replace our existing items
after checking your samples.
I´m sorry to bring you this bad news.
从邮件来看你就知道客人对这个产品已经不感兴趣了,因为第一只告诉你产品有问题,不告诉细节, 第2他说BAD NEWS 这就意味着现在大家要terminal了。
Dear C
Thank you for your prompt feedback.
You are right if our items are into your sales, they must meet your available quality. Could you advise more details about our quality? during met W(这是他们头), he told me that your available size ( 100*100mm/200*100mm) and power :3W /7w is different from our 500*500mm with 8W /12W, I am not sure if our specification isn‘t also met your requirements? If not this only quality, please advise us details, we will improve and avoid and pls let us rework right quality to you. As our potential customer, our boss and team would like to do our best for you, please help us become your potential supplier too.
Dear C
Good day!
We are really looking forward your details about quality problem and very important to us, thank you !
跟进邮件要长长短短,光长光短都不合适, 这是一封短的。
Dear C,
Good day!
About LED panel sample we sent you, at the moment our engineer is doing some improvement, we would like to take your feedback into our improvement, so please give us more details and your requirements.
I would like to get your comments soonestly and see if we can do more together, thank you !
第四次路进是2天后, 在客人不回,打电话不回的情况下,我不能坐以待毙必须自救,所以我自己先来找找原因, 于是又有了这封邮件:
Dear C
You found some dots in edge of white about LED panel due to LED chip array, as beginning our Germany customer ordered the items with dots from Taiwan, so when we start to open order for this mould, we both are not care this enough. but now more customer start to work with us about item, last week, we solved it by improving coating. If only this point from our quality requirement, please don’t worry.
If another problem, please advise us freely.I know it's time to keep busy.
层层推进你需要自己找真相, 也需要给客人真相让客人知道我们一直在工作, 然客人还是没回应, 我要用我的大杀招了。
我的最后一次跟进,直接去找W ,知道是谁吧,
Dear W
Good day !
Attached Slim LED cabinet light, more details please kindly check quotation sheet .
Last email said, 6000hours ERP and CE/RoHS approval by TUV SUD, at the moment, 300mm& 500mm is regular in Germany market , especially 500mm. we would like to offer you as reference.
Last sample about LED panel, C told us quality wasn’t met yours, could you advise us some details ? it is very important for us. The item we develop mainly for Germany market. today our engineer and I also discuss about quality, but we really like to know more details, thank you.
I know now you are busy, only know some details about your requirement, so that we can do some improvement.
光光告状这个段位太LOW了, 所以我先报个价,然后不经意间再说一下那个没有回应的问题。所以我就收到了C 的邮件但是是从W 转他的,意外之喜是客人对新报的也有兴趣。
Dear S,
can you tell me the German customer for 500mm Slim LED cabinet panel?
I need further informations about this cabinet lights.
How many pieces can be connected ?
What is the highest LED driver ?
Please send me a quotation for the different switch.
The quality problem of the fino panel is of course that you can see some dots in edge of the frame.
The LED are shining through the frame, that´s really bad.
Dear W
Good day !
Attached Slim LED cabinet light, more details please kindly check quotation sheet .
Last email said, 6000hours ERP and CE/RoHS approval by TUV SUD, at the moment, 300mm& 500mm is regular in Germany market , especially 500mm. we would like to offer you as reference.
Last sample about LED panel, C told us quality wasn’t met yours, could you advise us some details ? it is very important for us. The item we develop mainly for Germany market. today our engineer and I also discuss about quality, but we really like to know more details, thank you.
I know now you are busy, only know some details about your requirement, so that we can do some improvement.
跟进方法很多,但要避免内容空洞的重复, 跟进的频率要有节奏,跟进也要有一定的周期, 我们常常因为客人没有回或是忙,有时候中断了。
[ 本帖最后由 amandazhu2010 于 2015-12-15 14:40 编辑 ]
我觉得 这个帖子对于刚刚才做外贸的人来说 ,一定是有帮助的
其实方法都差不多, 怎么组合使用怎么温故知新对每个人都是有帮助的。
很好的案例 学习了! 谢谢楼主分享
谢谢你的肯定, 其实没有什么捷径做外贸都是辛苦得来, 很多事你想多了办法就有了,有时候我也常常陷入困境没有办法了, 然后又不停想,业务的好处是你有N 种方法可以试, 很多方法是试出来的。
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