加拿大进出口外贸中国公司CES参展独轮自平衡滑板车被指侵犯Future Motion的专利


据新浪科技1月8日消息,美国警方昨日在国际消费电子展(CES)上搜查了来自常州的First International Trade(菲斯特国际贸易有限公司)的展台,没收了该公司的参展产品,以及展区的所有宣传材料。据悉,该公司展出的Trotter独轮自平衡滑板车被指侵犯硅谷创业公司Future Motion的专利。Future Motion声称,该公司已为其生产的OneWheel独轮电动滑板车申请了两项专利,曾在去年的CES中看到这家常州公司展出的类似产品,并为此将对方发出通知函,要求停止销售侵权产品,但没有收到任何回应。


Future Motion声称的OneWheel独轮电动滑板车申请了两项专利


http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/n ... %22Future+Motion%22

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Future Motion Inc., The Company That Invented Onewheel®, Has Filed A Patent Infringement Lawsuit And Has Received A Seizure & Restraining Order Against A Knockoff Product At CES

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SOURCE Future Motion Inc.

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW -- After filing a patent infringement action and an emergency motion for injunctive relief in Nevada Federal District Court, Future Motion Inc. has obtained a temporary restraining order preventing the exhibition of allegedly infringing products at CES by Changzhou First International Trade Co., Ltd ("CZ-First").

Future Motion believes CZ-First's product, the "Surfing Electric Scooter," blatantly and deliberately copies the look and function of Future Motion's Onewheel® product, thereby infringing two of Future Motion's issued U.S. patents.  As part of the injunctive relief granted by the Nevada Federal District Court, the accused "Surfing Electric Scooter" products and other evidence of patent infringement have been seized by the U.S. Federal Marshals Service pending the outcome of Future Motion's patent infringement complaint.

"Knocking off an invention that is patented and carefully quality-controlled is a disservice and unsafe to consumers. Future Motion welcomes fair competition, but companies that simply mimic Onewheel® without the same technical know-how and safety assurances pose a threat not just to Future Motion, but to consumers and the industry at large," said Kyle Doerksen, CEO, Inventor and Chief Engineer, Future Motion. "We will continue to vigorously defend our intellectual property rights around the world."

About Future Motion
Founded in 2013, Future Motion Inc. is a pioneering new entrant to the board sports world. Future Motion is committed to designing and developing inspiring vehicles that include both elegant form and unprecedented function. Future Motion's first product, Onewheel®, exemplifies its dedication to crafting products that bridge recreation and transportation.

Onewheel® launched successfully at CES 2014. Future Motion is based in Santa Cruz, California and is a privately held company focused on the development of advanced personal vehicles.

Contact information:
Eric Hausken, Consort Partners for Future Motion
cell: 512.577.9264
[email protected]

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