



特地去帮你看了看荷兰是怎么出口郁金香的。在荷兰阿尔斯梅尔Aalsmeer有一个郁金香交易网站 https://www.floraholland.com


Supply regulations
These are the supply regulations that apply to the delivery of plants and flowers through internal distribution. Other supply regulations apply to Connect.
Delivery form
If you work with CC containers, please attach your delivery form to the front. For auction roll container, place the delivery form under the letter clamp.
Delivery form
Loading roll containers
Loading height for flowers
Cut flowers supplied in water in buckets: no higher than 260 cm (measured from the floor and including the product).
Cut flowers supplied in boxes: no higher than 257 cm (measured from the floor and including the product). For loads extending above the top and rear racks, the trolley must be fitted with PVC tubes (packaging code 180), and at least 1 middle shelf must be inserted in 1 of the uppermost 8 holes*:
* Exception 1:
The following flower boxes may not be used for high loading:
packaging codes 631 and 525 (because inadequately secured)
packaging code 654 (Amaryllis box)
packaging code 510 (NOT if filled with Amaryllis due to weight restrictions)
These flower boxes must not extend beyond the security offered by the top and rear racks.
* Exception 2:
Always use a shelf when loading more than 27 FC 519 boxes (for occupational health and safety reasons).
* Exception 3:
The specific product chrysanthemums with packaging code 519 may extend upwards somewhat without PVC tubes, if tilting 2 boxes on top of the trolley provides enough security (maximum of 33 boxes). The lids must not be open or extend higher. In this case as well, at least 1 middle shelf must be inserted in the 9th hole from the top to ensure sufficient overlap with the top and rear racks. If this is not possible, and you want to extend the load higher, then choose the PVC tube (FC 180) option.
Loading height for plants
All locations: not higher than 270 cm (measured from the floor and including the product). In terms of width, your product may not extend beyond the roll container.
Loading weight
Trolley: maximum 600 kg
Trays: maximum 120 kg per tray
CC container: maximum 400 kg
Supply regulations for contract suppliers
Are you a contract supplier and would you like to supply to FloraHolland? It's possible! We would be happy to talk to you about the possibilities and even prepare supply agreements.
Supply regulations for contract suppliers
Final location
If the location for the delivery of your products is not the final location, put the final location on the delivery form. In addition, fill in the name of the transporter who will transport your products to the final location.
For transit and transshipment from the locations in Aalsmeer, Naaldwijk and Rijnsburg you also have to fill in the form Transit and Transshipment
Transit and Transshipment
Container labels (growers' cards)
Stick a packaging label on at least one packaging unit on each trolley. This makes it simple for us to find the owner of the product if the delivery form gets lost.
Affix a label to the package specifying the product's and supplier's details:
Administration number
Cultivar name
Number in package
We recommend also giving the grading code and the name of the grower.
Use of Binding material
You must bind products placed loose on the roll container with string, elastic, etc. Never use adhesive tape.
Livestock not permitted
You may not deliver products with livestock, such as fish, through internal distribution with the intention to auction.
Multiple roll containers
You may not supply containers fastened to each other.
Lots of more than one roll container
If a lot has multiple containers, please attach a separate delivery form to every roll container.
For large lots, please attach a top delivery form (m) to the first roll container. This form indicates how many roll containers there are in the lot. On the subsequent delivery forms (v), state which top form the containers belong to.
If you are loading the lot in the yard or directly in the box, just one delivery form will be sufficient.
Lot numbering
Lot numbering means that each outer container on a trolley supplying more than one lot has a lot description, from the 2nd lot onwards. For products supplied in water, all outer containers on a trolley (= four sides) should be numbered.
When supplying boxed products, all containers on the trolley should be numbered. Lot numbering is mandatory when supplying plants to Aalsmeer.

More information about lot numbering
Convoy of multiple roll containers
If you are supplying both flowers and plants, deliver these in clusters. In other words, put all plants together and all flowers together. In addition, please keep clock and Connect supplies separate (do not mix them up).
Do not give the products too much water before they are transported. This makes the roll container heavy and unmanageable. Make sure the delivery form does not become wet either.
Extra for plants
The following additional regulations apply to plants:
Seal support pieces.
Seal cold and/or damage-sensitive plants and use a cover plate. Do not use broken CC containers.
Transfer costs is calculated on:
Transferring the products from the CC to the trolley
Transferring returned auctioned lots from the CC to the trolley
Transferring products of a defective and/or untagged CC to a good CC
FloraHolland cannot be held liable for damages resulting from disregarding these supply regulations.

https://www.floraholland.com/en/ ... supply-regulations/


Floriculture transport

Transporting floriculture products is always a job for specialists. These living, fragile products must be handled with care. Floricultural growers are outsourcing this important task with increasing frequency.

Most floriculture products are transported by road. Most products from outside Europe are transported by air. There are also several initiatives which use sea and rail transport.

Sea transport

Transport by sea is still not very common in the horticultural sector. Therefore, we and our partners are investing in the knowledge development of transporting horticultural products by sea.

Air transport

Air freight is extremely important for suppliers from countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia.

Various airlines fly flowers daily from a range of places directly to Schiphol (AMS) or airports like Luik (LGG), Maastricht (MST), and Frankfurt (FRA). FloraHolland suppliers primarily use freight forwarders. They are logistics service providers that organise the air freight for the FloraHolland suppliers.






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