

一直有个梦想给我们的产品打入发达国家之中,例如 德国,日本。尤其是德国,作为工业化高度发达的国家。市场准入是很严格的。


09年3月20日 我发第一封新客户开发信过去,客户3月22日回信的。
Dear Mr. Stapleton
Thank you very much for your e-mail.
We are always interested in contacts with new suppliers.
Our company only buys gas generator sets powered by natural gas and LPG.
Our current supplier for gas generator sets 1,5 - 5 kW is Green Power, Shanghai.
Do you have the possibility to supplier equivalent units or superior ones?
We are looking for a reliable supplier for water-cooled gas generator sets (NG and LPG)
in the range of 24 kW, 30 kW, 50 kW, 75 kW, 90 kW and 100 kW.
In case you can offer this gas generator sets please be so kind and send us technical datas,
photos and prices (FOB Shanghai).
I´m looking forward to hear from you.
Best regards
下面是客户的信息,很详细,有公司名称,地址,电话 网站,注册号码(我还是第一次看到给公司注册信息也写在签名上的,可见,德国人蛮认真的)

然后我就回信了 09/03/22

Dear Mr. Jack Stapleton
Thanks for your todays e-mail. I did´t expect to get an reply so soon because it´s Sunday.
1. Silent type we are offering for generator sets from 8 - 20 kW (water-cooled).
2. The certificates you have for the different generator sets are o.k.
For which engine power (kW) you are offering water-cooled generators (for NG and LGP)?
How many cylinders these generators have?
From which power (kW) you can supply three-phases, 400 V, 50 Hz?
Best regards

我给相关的产品资料发给客户。也可以说是第一次做贸易吧,他需要的是燃气产品,我们做的是柴油发电机组。我对他这个产品一窍不通。工作原理都不懂。只能问一下一家工厂了。然后从他们手里发出来的产品资料来忽悠客户了。只是给客户发产品资料 ,没有报价。我在开始的时候一般不会给客户报价格的。

Dear Mr. Jack,
Thank you very much for your rapid reply and kind support.
Reg. the 2 kW - 5 kW silent type (natural gas) generator sets please be so kind and send me some more
pictures of the inside of the generator as I have to give complete details to my customers.
Do you can supply 5 kW generator sets with three phases, 400 V, 50 Hz?
Do you also offer ATS for all generator types (2 - 5 kW)?
I´m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards

[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2010-1-26 16:58 编辑 ]

Dear Mr. Jack
I´m really interested in you. As soon as you sent me the requested
pictures I will decide to order one generator as sample for testing. Besides it is also important to know the noise level (db).
Best regards

我给客户打了一个电话,本以为他们会讲英语,可是对方却听不懂英语。因为给他们交往都是发邮件的。估计德国人 他们也不喜欢英语,没有办法才用英语的。呵呵

Dear Mr. Jack ,
sorry that I missed your call today. My technician answered the phone.
As I´m frequently visiting customers I´m hardly to reach by phone.
If necessary please contact me by e-mail. I try to answer as soon as I´m back
in the office.
Thank you very much for your kind understanding.
Best regards

[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2011-7-12 13:51 编辑 ]


不过我也比较黑,一般给客户寄B L ,我都会让客户支付DHL费用,去美国的AMS一般都是客户支付这个费用的。

Dear Mr. Jack
Thanks you for your information and kind support.
Here with I like to order one piece ofas offered in your last e-mail),
price (CIF Hamburg) USD .00. I´m waiting for your proforma invoice.
Best regards
Please note that transportation charged have not been included.
Thanks and best regards


[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2011-7-12 13:52 编辑 ]

Dear Mr ,
1>Thank you for your reply
2> I am sorry I forget your complete company name and address on the Proforma Invoice,Please check the attachment , it is the new Proforma Invoice for you.Plesae fix it,then sign it and send it by fax :0086-(Beijing time 8:00AM---5:30PM), or email  ,the we sign it send  back to you.
3> The price and delivery time of Single Fuel and Double fuel is different,
the Natural gas & LPG,we need change the Fuel-air mixer and switch,it will be add the cost:US$40.00
For better service,the delivery time will prolong 5 days,of course, we will delivery it as soon as possible.
To be frank with you,the LPG, LPG&gasoline silent generator is more powerful than Natural gas,But it is not easy start(I mean Recoil start model,not Electric start model).
Seafreight costs  is also free
4> Wish both of us no mistake next time.这就话用的,我还是蛮担心的。:)
Any question,feel free call me
Thanks and best regards

Dear Mr. Jack
attached please find the bankslip reg. the payment of your invoice no. KP-090327-JS.
Best regards and have a nice weekend

Dear Mr
Thank you for your copy of the tranfer.
Once we get it, i will inform you immediately.
Please check the attachment, and choose the best Plugs and Socket.
Thanks and best regards
Dear Mr. Jack
thank you for sending the chart with available sockets and plugs.
Please install one socket with 230 V / 16 A and one socket with 400 V / 16 A (see attachment).
Best regards
Dear Mr ,
Good day!
Ok, thank you for your inform us about the plugs and sockets
The Manchinery is producting now. One things want to tell you, it is LCL ship to your city, we change the package, it is wooden case .not carton.Once it finished we will take picture for your inform.
Thanks and best regards

Dear Mr. Jack
please excuse that I did not inform you about certain details before.
For your understanding: a german engineer is co-partner of a vietnamese company with two factories.
This factories they want to supply with power by this gas generator sets. As option only natural gas or biogas are available.
One factory needs during the main working hours 1000 kW, during the other hours 500 kW. Thats the reason for parallel connection.
The second factory needs 1500 kW during the main working hours, otherwise only ca. 800 kW - also with parallel connection.
Therefore it is important to know if you can supply such system.
Do this generator sets have an integrated cooling system or heat exchanger?
Please ask your engineer to give a list of spare parts which are necessary for maintenance and repair.
Reg. the density and percentage of the mix gas I will inform you later.
This generator sets will be used as demonstration device and I´m sure of follow-up orders.
For this offer I urgently need your price (FOB Shanghai), the deliverytime and term of payment for 2 sets of 500 kW and 2 sets
of 800 kW.
If possible please send me some colorphotos as jpg file of this type series.
I know that I ask for a lot of information but this offer is of high importance.
Thank you very much for your understanding and your kind support.
Best regards

Dear Mr. Jack
thank you very much for your prompt reply.
Based on your detailed information I just prepared my offer and sent it to the customer.
I hope to get a feedback from him next week and will keep you informed.
I want to thank you once more for your help and kind support and hope that this will
be the beginning of a successful cooperation between our companies.
Besides please let me know if you agree that I use the allocated pictures on my website.
Best regards

Dear Mr. Jack thank you very much for your prompt reply.
Unfortunately I can´t read chinese language but I understand that you try to translate into english language.
Tomorrow morning (german time) I hope to send you further information reg. the requested cooling system.
Best regards

[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2010-1-26 17:00 编辑 ]


Dear Mr. Jack

I hope that you could compensate the lost sleep in the meantime and I really appreciate your efforts
in this case. I also do my best on this side.
My customer gave me some additional information I want to pass to you:
-the generator sets will be build together in one hall so only one electric control cabinet for both cooling systems is necessary
In regards to this information could you please give me a price for the requested water-cooling system?
Do you have the possibility to send me pictures of such a cooling system to show to my customer?
For me it is also important to know the measurements of the cooling system to calculate the freight charges.
Within the next two weeks I will get an information about the gas mixture and pass it to you accordingly.

At the current economic situation it is really important to have reliable business partners to give a good service
to customers and finally to get the orders.
Once again thank you very much for you kind support.
Best regards

Dear Mr. Jack
in regards zu the generator 5 kW we tested this unit in the meantime. We now offer it to our customers
and insert it on our homepage.
For future orders please confirm that following modifications are possible:
-operating hour meter as standard
-the door locks of the of the four side flaps should be more stable (they are opening very easy caused by
vibration of the generator)
-the inscription should be 230 V / 400 V (necessary for Germany) not 220 V / 380 V
-the housing should have only one color but not black (maybe completely red color)
-the housing of the sample generator shows a lot of toolmarks and dents and also some rust
-all connections of the gas hoses need to have a srew connection (no clamps)

I will keep you informed about the process.
For orders of this size do you sign a special sales contract for international
transfer of goods? If possible, please send me one as draft contract (english version as word file)
that we can check it in advance.
Thank you very much.
Best regards

[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2011-7-12 13:54 编辑 ]

Dear Mr. Jack
thank you for your reply and information.
In regards to my e-mail dtd. July 02 I can offer you the possibility to exchange the sample unit KDF 6500 we got from you against a modified and improved gen set.
In case you would take back the sample unit from us and send us an improved gen set free of charge we would check once again if it fulfils the requirements of the
european market:
-50 mbar inspection pressure for LPG
-30 mbar inspection pressure for NG
-no hose clamps (only crimp connection)
-engine hour meter
-successful operation of battery charging
-the input of the ATS should have a coupler socket
-automatic choke
Best regards
Dear Mr. Jack
I also regret that your company is not able to make allowances to the european market.
Therefore we are already in contact with another producers of gen sets to check their possibilities
and quality.
Best regards


再观很多中国公司,只想挣钱,没有把企业最大,做成行业或者世界知名企业的想法。一个企业 很多都没有研发部,就算是技术部,也只有几个土八路而已。

[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2011-7-12 13:55 编辑 ]




LZ 对客户邮件回复的认真和详细值得学习!谢谢!



[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2010-1-26 17:04 编辑 ]





[ 本帖最后由 shuvictory 于 2010-1-26 17:02 编辑 ]


谢谢了  大家一起分享吧

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