如题我有些走美国的货,现在收到客户船务,刚刚发来的文件SOLAS Weight requirements 2016
很长很长,我都还没看,有知道说一下吗?SOLAS 公约是什么鬼?十分感谢
Shippers' guide to the container weight mandate JOC Staff | Dec 14, 2015 1:08PM EST
On July 1, 2016, a new SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea convention of the International Maritime Organization or IMO) takes effect requiring shippers whose name appears on the bill of lading to verify the gross mass of a container carrying cargo when tendering the container to the ocean carriers and terminals. Many questions remain unanswered, and rules and legal enforcement are likely to vary potentially widely among countries, ocean carriers and marine terminals, making this rule likely a big headache for shippers to comply with. But a few things are already clear: On July 1 the rule becomes not just international law under the IMO but national law within the 170 countries and three associate members that are signatories to the IMO, and that the legally responsible party for providing a verified gross mass (VGM) signed either electronically or on paper resides with the shipper. Early analysis suggests the ocean carrier and the marine terminal will be strict in not accepting containers lacking an accompanying VGM since under the SOLAS rule they can be held responsible for loading a container for which a VGM hasn’t been provided.
The following questions and answers are drawn from a variety of sources, including JOC.com reporting, published commentaries, statements by speakers at JOC events, and an official Q&A published jointly in December, 2015 by the World Shipping Council, TT Club, Global Shippers Forum and International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA). Additional information can be found on the World Shipping Council website here.
This FAQ has been updated as of Dec. 14 and we will continue to update it as more information becomes available.
At a basic level, what is the new requirement put on shippers?
Under the new SOLAS VGM (verified gross mass) requirement, the shipper named on the ocean bill of lading is the party responsible for providing the container carrier and the terminal operator with the verified gross mass of a packed container. The carrier and the terminal operator must not load a packed container aboard a ship unless they have the verified gross mass for that container. The “shipper” according to MSC 1 / Circ. 1475 (the IMO’s guidance on VGM), is “a legal entity or person named on the bill of lading or sea waybill or equivalent multimodal transport document as shipper, and/or who (or in whose name or on whose behalf) a contract of carriage has been concluded with a shipping company.” This responsibility shipper doesn’t go away if a shipper uses a forwarder to pack and weigh a container, forward it to the port and even make the booking with the carrier. If the forwarder is acting purely on the instructions of the shipper to undertake that work on his behalf, and the shipper’s name is still what appears on the bill of lading, it’s the shipper that is responsible for verifying the gross mass weight. The shipper will have to ensure that it’s satisfied with the integrity of the forwarders’ weighing process if it’s relying on the forwarder’s measurement.
How will the rule be enforced, and what are the risks for shippers?
Certain basic facts about this are known. It will be enforced by the maritime authorities of individual nations, whose implementing regulations will vary, potentially widely depending on country and region. As a practical matter the real-world “enforcement” that will affect shippers most directly seems most likely to be carried out directly by the container lines and terminal operators, who can be expected not to accept a container without the certified VGM document accompanying it. Enforcement agencies may implement measures to satisfy themselves that compliance is achieved, which could include documentation checks, auditing or random weighing. But the SOLAS rule also places an obligation on the carrier and the terminal operator not to load a packed container for which no verified gross mass has been provided or obtained aboard ship. The carriers and terminals are expected to be disciplined in their unwillingness to accept containers tendered to them without the required VGM documentation in order to avoid penalties on themselves such as delayed sailings, and to avoid costs for the storage and handling of affected containers that might be difficult to recover from the shipper. Thus, “the risk is your container won’t get shipped. It would be turned away from the terminal,” said Global Shippers Forum secretary general Chris Welch told JOC.com in a Q&A in October.
When does the new regulation take effect?
The new regulation, called Verified Gross Mass, takes effect on July 1, 2016 but effectively the implementation date is earlier since some containers that get transshipped after July 1 will depart from their original port of origin as early as May. “There will be many containers leaving ports in May and they will have to be offloaded or transhipped in July. When that happens, someone will check whether the verifiable gross weights have been provided,” said Inttra Marketplace President Inna Kuznetsova. Thus, May 2016 “is when the industry has to be ready or experience disruptions and penalties.”
Will legislation be required by each country to make the convention law at their ports?
No. The rule is law in each of the 159 countries that are signatories to SOLAS. The reason is that SOLAS has international legal status so there need not be any further implementing legislation for states that are party to it. There has been no precedent for non-implementation or delay in the implementation of a SOLAS regulation, so there is no reason to expect any delay in implementation beyond July 1, 2016. At the same time, as a United Nations agency, the IMO leaves it to each of the individual countries to implement the ruling, which means that the exact system of penalties and procedures is left to each government and managed by the agency representing IMO in the respective country, for example the Coast Guard in the U.S., or the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in the U.K. The exact timing of regulations being promulgated and enforced will inevitably vary country by country. That said, it is understood that several countries’ agencies are currently investigating how to prevent the loading of container without the VGM submitted.
What is meant by the requirement for a “signature” on the VGM document?
What the SOLAS rule requires is that the shipper communicates the verified gross mass in a “shipping document.” It must be signed by a person duly authorized by the shipper, with a first and last name, not just a company name. The signature may be an electronic signature or may be replaced by the name in capitals of the person authorized to sign it. The VGM and signature can be part of the shipping instructions communicated via electronic data interchange (EDI), or be contained within a separate communication including a hard copy document. In either case, the document should clearly highlight that the gross mass provided is the “verified gross mass.” There is no requirement that a so-called “weight ticket” generated by a weighbridge be presented, but national implementing regulations may require that shippers using Method 1 (weighing of the cargo and container as one) produce weight tickets or other documentation upon request.
How will the signature and documentation be handed off from one party to the next in the supply chain?
This is an area where regulations won’t apply and it will be a matter of coordination among parties, with processes very much still to be worked out as of late 2015. According to a Q&A published in December by the World Shipping Council, the Global Shippers Forum, TT Club and ICHCA International, “There are inevitable process challenges to ensure effective coordination between the shipper and hauler to achieve effective documentary handoff (whether electronic or paper) to avoid in-gate delays. Such processes should be discussed between the commercial parties, including the maritime carrier and the terminal operator.”
When sourcing from contract manufacturers at origin countries, will retailers, consumer product firms and others rely on their manufacturers to conduct the weighing at the origin?
Most shippers use third-party logistics companies (3PLs) to pack and transport containers to ports. Therefore, it is fair to expect that contracts for contract logistics and freight forwarding services will be amended to reflect the VGM requirement. Shippers can expect 3PLs to try to assess an incremental fee to weigh containers. It is unrealistic to expect the shipper themselves to perform this work in most cases since they lack resources, space and people able to undertake the actual weighing of cargo or loaded containers. Therefore all 3PLs and freight forwarders will have to offer such services in some form, but in order to minimize supply chain disruption as the implementation date approaches in 2016, a customer should inquire early to be certain that the requirement can be met.
Are shippers that only tender partial loads to a forwarder or master loader responsible for providing VGM?
No. The responsibility for providing the accurate, verified gross mass of a co-loaded container remains with the shipper named on the maritime carrier’s bill of lading, i.e. the “master” loader or freight forwarder. The contractual terms between the ultimate shipper and a co-loader may allow the shipper to provide a VGM to the master loader, or the master loader or forwarder might undertake the weighing process themselves, but either way this would be a commercial arrangement between those parties.
[ 本帖最后由 echolonely 于 2016-3-1 18:22 编辑 ]
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国际海上人命救助安全公约之货柜查证重量要求 20160310 台湾新生报航运网
国际海上人命安全救助公约(The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS) 是国际海事组织(International marine Organization, IMO)公布之国际安全协定。為确保签约国船舶配合最低安全标準,订定之一份关於船舶安全、设备安全、运作安全的安全準则,国际海上人命安全救助公约之歷次修正,均以朝航行安全方向运作,因此普遍被认為係目前国际商船航行最重要之遵行原则。
国际公约之生效程序缓慢,航行安全之要求却迫切,1974年之二版之国际海上人命安全救助公约,可说是目前海上人命安全救助公约最完整的版本,该版於1980年生效,此后之修正均按该版為修正基準。该版在公约内订定简化公约之修改及生效程序,规定除传统公约生效常见程序之批准(ratification)、核准(approval)、同意(agreement)、接受(acceptance)、加盟(accession)之外,增加一个默许接受(tacit acceptance)的程序,规定若非有一定船吨国家(未知如果中华民国国籍船吨数够多,能否适用)以反对书方式提出反对,否则即属默许接受(tacit acceptance),承认公约,因此加速公约规定之生效过程。并订定国际公制,作為统一计量之标準。
1988之修正主因1987年以无线电通报取代摩斯密码(morse code)通报全球海事灾变系统(the Global Maritime Distress Safety System,GMDSS),於1992.2.1生效。2014.7.1之新版,则為合併1978, 1988年的若干小修正,订於2016.7.1开始实施,分通则、结构、稳定性、机械及电机、防火灭火、救生设备、无线电通讯、航行安全、载货安全(燃油安全、危险品运载安全)、核子商船、船舶安全管理、散装船管理及公约下之发证等12章内容,订於2016.7.1开始实施。
国际海事组织 (IMO) 修正之新规定,要求装载货柜出口之船舶,须有认证之柜重,託运人应负责柜重之认证。该要求订於2016.7.1起实施,生效后海运营运人与码头营运人查证重量属实,始可装船。
目前的班轮运输生态,经营者已非昔日之船东,多数船舶营运人仅為船舶之承租人或营运操作人。修正规定下所要求之託运人,则主要為船方签发主提单(master B/L or ocean B/L)上之海运承揽运送人(大陆之货运代理人,简称货代),而非承揽运送人所签分提单(House B/L)之货主託运人。
依修正规定之文字,託运人应提报认证之货重,即公约之"verified gross mass”,若不拘泥於公约之文字,可解释以託运人之负责签字即代表毛重已经被认证。是否於装船前实际过磅,则可不予计较,这点对公约新规定之詮释,十分重要。公约规定係适用於全球的,因此託运人、承揽运送人(货代)、船舶营运人相互间,应建立一套标準程序,以确认完成装柜时之重量要求。
併柜之货重由併柜之个别货主通知主要承揽运送人后,由主承揽运送人查证并签字负责,公约并特别规定,主承揽运送人应查证后再签字负责,不以其他託运人(承揽运送人)提供之货重作為查证重量。这点就比较麻烦,而查证之作法可就其他货物外包装之重量说明-即密封包装袋上註明之重量為準(Chapter VI, Part A, Regulation 2,4,2),或者另请公证公司验证,验证后的重量即為公约规定之查证重量,再由该主承揽运送人签字认证。
四、公约 (SOLAS)新规定之基本原则
因应这套修正规定之特性,国际海事组织(IMO)与国际海运协会(World Shipping Council, WSC)均另订指导原则,為公约不够详细之处做说明。
重柜必须在装船前实际过磅,未经适当过磅查证重量之货柜,无法装船 (SOSAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2,para.6 & IMO Guidelines, Section 6)。
船长或其代表人、码头代表应於装船前获取货柜实际毛重。公约这段话的原文很简单,只说记载重柜(整柜或满柜)柜重的海运单证如未提供货柜毛重,船长或其代表、码头代表在未获知货柜毛重前,不得装船。指导原则因此补充,「船长或其代表、码头代表应透过实际过磅,获知毛重」。至於实际毛重是否回归SOSAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2, para.4~5公约要求的,由託运人签字认证,或逕行提供过磅站、或转由船长授权、船长代表(船方)授权、码头代表之被授权人(就涉及前述之船务代理行)签字,认证毛重,由於公约之规定本身,仅只针对託运人,因此可认為再交由託运人签字自亦不违公约、指导原则则补充说明,过磅站提供重量证明亦可,至於是否船方指定船代為船长代表,恐须由船方决定了,因為处分对象仍為船舶或船方,因此由船方决定应仍是正确的做法。
其一是在装柜后过磅,其二则就柜内货物、内容物之重量,包括使用垫板(pallet)时之垫板重量、使用货物与货物间做避免货物摩擦之分隔货物之垫舱(dunnage)时之垫舱重量、以及其他装入柜内之其他货物固定(secure)设备之固定设备重量等,一一过磅,加上载於柜门下方之货柜皮重,计算柜重。 IMO Guidelines, 7.2.2亦认為第二方案对某些货物来说,不适当也不务实,如废金属、未包装之穀类货物或其他散装货物,很难取得个别重量。
Guidelines paragraph 7.2.1)。重量不得以评估方式為之,惟產地封包之包装清楚记载之重量,
人(IMO Guideline 7.3),「因此主承揽运送人-海上运送人提单载明之託运人,即為代表其
人(SOLAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2, paragraph 1),构成船方接到海运指令。或由过磅站提供之
过磅重量证明另行陈交船方(IMO Guidelines, paragraph 3.13)。单证应清楚标明重量(IMO
Guidelines, paragraph 8) 「不论单证格式如何,认证之封柜重量均须由託运人或其代表人签
字為之,或以电子签章或由以被授权人之名字大写代之」(IMO Guidelines, paragraph 9)。
证柜重,不许装船 (Regulation 2, paragraph 1) 。纵託运人须负责柜重之认证及记载,货柜交
可由有关双方协议(包括过磅成本分摊之协定)( IMO Guidelines, paragraph 19)。这些都是公约
任何柜重差异应以消除疑义之柜重资料為记载(IMO Guidelines, paragraph 13),以码头过磅
资料作為最后认证重量资料(IMO Guidelines, paragraph 14)。
个别货物在实务上,须先由货方提供货重资料,由於班轮运输以体积货為主,体积為计算运费之基础,重量则仅為参考数字,因此多由货方提供,船方亦多不质疑,逕行填列於提单,然重柜出口台湾对重柜过磅,记入装货积载图(本次公约所用之stowage plan,实则多称bay plan),而非以个别装柜货物之重量加总,此种作法台湾已行之有年。公约生效施行后,亦将自积载图查起,而非针对个别货物之货重,因此毋需多虑。
(一) 结论
1. 所有规定:包括託运人申报重量、载入提单、舱单,係行之有年之旧规定与旧做法,新规定仅增订如下:
(1) 託运人应签字负责。
(2) 併柜由领受主提单之託运人签字负责。
(3) 未申报重量之货物应由港务单位与船方强行过磅,费用另订协议。
2. 查证重量之方式,指导原则订定两种,一是过磅、二是就内容物查证后再加计载於货柜门下方之货柜皮重。使用工具则為依国内法发证或国内校準之工具。因此过磅之準确与否,其实无须担忧。
3. 如有封包并註明重量之重量之封包货物,以包装重量為準,无须再查证。
4. 转口重柜到港前已由前一港通知柜重,亦无须再查证。
5. 本次责成之託运人回归班轮运输之海运生态,其实指承揽运送人。以及主提单中之主要承揽运送人。
6. 国际海上人命安全救助公约之主要目的係為航行安全,船舶之载重资料则依装载计画之记载,责成託运人实则仍為责成船舶营运公司、即目前班轮运输之船东或船舶承租人(charterers)、船舶营运人(operator)须负责。
(二) 综和以上理由之建议包括如下
1. 公约新规定生效实施后,可知船方到港除传统送验之单据、证件外,必将新增託运人签
2. 新规定无罚则,属提醒注意及吓阻重量不实之作用规定,港口国检测应仍从船方积载图
SOLAS货柜查证重量要求 王肖卿:毋需多虑 20160310
自积载图查起 非针对个别货物货重 台湾已行之有年
集装箱承重新规2016年7月1日实施 承运商准备不足
误报的集装箱重量对船舶、卡车和码头设备的稳性具有严重影响,并可对该行业中的工人安全构成威胁,甚至危及生命。误报重量似乎是普遍现象,当集装箱在事 故后称重时,所获总量结果经常与其货物舱单上数据不同。就该问题的长期争议已导致对SOLAS公约(有关其第VI章第2条,要求使之准确)的修订,以确保 所有集装箱重量精确申报。
新SOLAS公约规定的原则是简单的,自 2016年7月1日起,所有集装箱在其装船前要强制性称重。集装箱重量可用两种方法之一来确定。集装箱可在其已装货后称重,或可代之以将货箱的所有内容物 品称重,并且该重量可加上集装箱皮重合并计算。无论以何种方式,对其重量不允许主观推算。
积极参与集装箱供应链的各个方面将在某种程度上受到此新规定影响。船舶经营人和码头经营人被要求将经验证的集装箱重量运用于配载计划。为了让他们以及时 方式得到信息,托运人将必须与订舱代理或货运代理分享该验证重量。这显然要求达成有关程序新协议,以及修改现有的信息技术(IT)系统。
托运人(或托运人责任下的第三方)被要求对装货的集装箱或其全部内容称重,这取决于其所选方法。所用的称重设备必须满足国家的认证和校准要求。 SOLAS公约修正案要求重量验证程序必须签名,特定人员必须按代表托运人已验证重量计算精度程序来命名和确定。承运人可依赖此签名验证重量作为准确重量。
MSK 国际海事组织关于装船前提供核实集装箱重量的要求
目前没有规则/程序核实托运人所提供的重量负荷,因此导致海上人命安全有巨大风险。 这是海上安全委员会规定的行业要求,需要所有相关单位于2016年7月1日起执行。
降低因事故和突发事件对船只上的货物/集装箱带来的风险。 让各方包括托运人,收货人,销售商对货物重量明晰。
我们为您提供支持 在全球范围为货主协调安排有关规则的沟通
让货主更方便提交核实重量 采取多种便利途径令货主提交核定的总重量信息 协调各国家/码头/供应商增加称重和托运人提交核定总重量的设施
中国业务试点 今年年初,中国海事局已经在深圳推出了业务试点,以探寻符合国际海上人命安全公约的解决方案。当业务试点取得进展,我们将提供您更详细的信息。
感谢您一直以来对于马士基航运的支持。如您对上述调整有任何疑问或希望了解更多信息,敬请联系您当地的马士基航运客服或销售代表。获取我们本地办公室的联系方式请登陆www.maerskline.com 获取。
马士基(中国)航运有限公司 华东区
How will shippers declare “verified gross weights of packed export containers” to ocean carriers and terminals from next July?
The mandatory regulation of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on container weights becomes effective in July 2016. But if you are not yet ready with new processes on how to comply with this new regulation, do not worry: you are not alone.
While attending the South Carolina International Trade Conference in September, Drewry found that none of the exporters and carriers we spoke to had already defined processes on how to comply. We heard concerns about how exporters will find out the tare
weight of the container. The regulation says that shippers must declare the gross mass of the container, meaning the combined
weights of all packages and cargo items, including pallets, dunnage and other packing material and securing materials
packed into the container plus the tare weight of the carrier’s shipping container. But the exporter will only know the tare
weight when the container is selected by the carrier or when it is delivered to the place of shipment. Will the shippers’ staff
have to read the ISO tare weight stated on the box itself or can they rely on what the carrier tells them the weight is? And the
exporter cannot be held responsible if the container has been repaired or amended and no longer has the original tare weight,
“The cost is going to be prohibitive,” said Melzie Wilson, vice president of compliance at major US forwarder and NVO
Mallory, who is also a board member at the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America. “How are we
going to do this?”
There will be 2 methods to provide and declare the verified container weight.
Method 1
– weighing the packed container using calibrated and certified weighing equipment.
“Costs associates with this may be stop fee by trucker, fee at public scales, trucker fee for getting certificate to
shipper/carrier, fee by NVOCC or Freight Forwarder for handling certificate or electronic filing. Due to possible lack of
visibility of verification by the carrier or an overweight or possible mismatch in weight, we see rolls and storage fees at port and possible additional drays by trucking,” Wilson said.
Method 2
– weighing the packages and cargo items including all packing and securing equipment and adding this to the tare weight of the container, using a certified method approved by a competent authority.
“Costs associated with this may be one of that of a NVOCC or FF for handling the certificate or electronic filing. Again, due to
possible lack of visibility of verification by the carrier or an overweight or possible mismatch in weight, we see rolls and
storage fees at port and possible additional drays by trucking,” Wilson added.
Some key questions must be addressed by exporters:
- Who will weigh the cargo or the container? Exporters or consolidators who already have a weighbridge at their
factory or warehouse can weigh the packed container themselves. Exporters who already have an automated
system to generate packing lists with exact weights for finished products (and who do not use dunnage) could
also calculate the total weight without problems. But all the other exporters, including those who ship raw
materials, will have to find a way or a third party to weigh the container. This could cost a lot of money.
- Which documents will exporters need to provide to both the carrier and the terminal with the cargo weight
declaration? Drewry understands that carriers are working on defining commercial processes for this. You should
start talking to your carrier.
- How will this affect the container cut-offs at the export port?
It is important to comply with the regulation. If you do not, the container will not be loaded on the ship.
The full text of the SOLAS regulations and the IMO Guidelines Regarding the Verified Gross Mass of Container Carrying
Cargo (MSC.1/Circ.1474, 9 June 2014) can be found at:
pdf文档 http://www.aaei.org/wp-content/u ... _shippers_minds.pdf

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