香港律師會: http://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_c/default.asp
(PS: Please confirm all these procedures with your counterpart in Turkey first.)
1) If you are a Hong Kong Company which has not been registered in Turkey, please go to local notary public for notarization. Then apostile it at High Court. The appostilled documents are valid in Turkey without further endorsement by this Consulate General. Nevertheless, if you need we can also endorse only translation of the relevant document made by sworn translators without any consideration of content of substance, after notarization and appostiled. Please confirm this procedure with your counterpart in Turkey.?
2.If somebody wants to give authorization to a Turkish citizen in Turkey, on behalf of himself/herself (not on behalf of a company)
This kind power of attornay must be in Turkish.
For this , please come along with one of above interpreters at this Consulate in working hours without having and appointment. Before coming to this Consulate, please contact your counterpart in Turkey in providing a sample text (.txt or .doc or .docx format in Turkish ) of power attorney that you need to notarize and send it us by e-mail. (If the person is a Turkish citizen, no need an interpreter to come)
3. If somebody wants to give authorization to a Turkish citizen in Turkey, on behalf of a company which has already been registered in Turkey.
Required documents to be attached to the power of attorney :
a-Signature sircular that proves the persons signiture on behalf of the said company (Notarized in Turkey)
b-Business registration record in Turkey
c-Turkish Business licence (Trade Registry Gazette record)
d-Chamber of Commerce of Turkey operation certificate
e-Tax board (In Turkey)
Document list in Turkish for your Turkish counterpart to collect:
a-İmza sirküleri (vekalet verecek kişinin şirket adına imzasını teyit eden, noter onaylı)
b-Şirket kuruluş belgesi
c-Ticari sicil gazetesi kaydı
d-Ticaret odası faaliyet belgesi
e-Vergi levhası
This kind power of attornay must be in Turkish.
For this , please come along with one of above interpreters and bring the required documents at this Consulate in working hours without having and appointment. Before coming to this Consulate, please contact your counterpart in Turkey in providing a sample text (.txt or .doc or .docx format in Turkish ) of power attorney that you need to notarize and send it us by e-mail. (If the person is a Turkish citizen, no need an interpreter to come)
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