我是从今年3月份进入这家公司的,那天上午刚从原来的公司辞职,正好又有人才招聘会,所以就去碰碰运气。(还是我妈跟我一起去的)没想到,人都走光了,摊子都没几个,随便看了下就想走人,结果被一个中年妇女叫住(就是我现在的老板娘),本来他们只是想找个会计,我说我做外贸的,跟单或者单证都可以。因为自己没什么经验,英语又烂,连个证书都没有,也不妄想人家会让你做业务。去年下半年在原来那个公司里是做单证的,但他们根本不需要单证,只是处理一些文秘上的工作,我到现在都还没做过真正的单证工作。偶尔有老外来了,就在傍边听业务员跟老外谈生意。走之前,出了老客户的一个柜子。(好像说远了 ) 回到那天,我妈很积极地问他们公司在哪里,一听,原来离我家很近,招聘会上人也没有了,反正顺路,就跟着他们一起来了,顺便看看公司。(一起的还有一个应届毕业生)
刚到公司,一看环境不错,是家新公司,只有空壳,几台液晶电脑,办公室和样品间什么的都弄得很好,很气派,至于机器,包括网站,样本,样品,平台,办公用的文件夹,计算机什么的通通没有。接着就像考试似的给了我们一封英文邮件,要把它翻译出来。我只看懂了几句,下面的都是专业产品名称,根本不懂,随便乱写一气就交了,我记得当时那个带我们回来的老板看着我的卷子还说了一句:写了些什么都不知道 我那个脸是刷地一下红了 加上里面空调温度好高。当时一定好糗
我以为不会用我,没想到,来了个试用期,1000一月,而且是做业务。既然离家很近,上班方便,试用期工资也比我原来那里高,还可以让自己试着做业务。老板都挺随和(一共四个老板 )就先试试好了,大不了到时候混不下去了再去做单证。
上班第一天,老总(最大的股东)给了我一份单子,说是要报价的,让我把产品名称翻译出来,我当时那个郁闷啊,我连公司做什么产品的都不知道:L (很傻吧,找工作都不问做什么产品 ),更何况那些专业名称。迅速装了个金山词霸,硬着头皮看,还是不懂,那些字面理解根本都不能用的。幸好老板周到,给了我一本别人公司的样本,让我对照着翻,琢磨了两天才马马虎虎地完工。
Dear Ginette,
We revise your prices, they are very high regarding our purchase prices. We buy directly to the factories; please to revise and to present us your best prices. For your reference attchment TARGET PRICES. Please make your best effort in prices; we have more than 25 years of experience in the commercialization of these products in our market. We hope to strengthen the commercial knots with you, we will increase our orders gradually.
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your kindly reply.
From your target price,I found that you are sincere desire to do business with us,I have calculate carfully,and the best price please check the attachment.
Because the first offer is already our firm offer,so any part we can meet your target price, we have accept it,but others is already the best price,hope you can understand this best price really leave us thin profit. I think there is no supplier can offer the same price as ours on the basis of same quality.
Thanks & your early reply will be highly appreciate.
Best regards!
Dear Ginette,
We accept your "bets prices", in the ferrule 型号 accept the initial price given in the rate "quote adapters", we understand that the other prices that you increased such as 型号 and 型号 it corresponds to correction of your initial error. We trust that our commercial relationships are strong and durable.
For finally to close our business, please to consider:
1. We need to be your distributors and exclusive representatives for our market.
2. Guarantee us the same prices, minimum until the following order.
3. Apply to the products of our order mark "MAXTER", according to instruction attchment.
4. Please to make to print our test mark and to send for e-mail.
5. Our payment is T/T and L/C.
Please to send bill of your bank to make advance and other data to emit the L/C.
Please you to inform me dates of delivery.
Attachment files
Bets regards,
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your cooperation and hope we can develop business quickly each other.
1.About the exclusive agent,i have draw up an contract,please see the attachment,if no problem,please fill in your detailed information and signature it,also need your company's stamp. then refax to me.
2.The price in your proforma invoice,any part you were copy wrong,I have change it,please also check the attachment.
3.Is this proforma invoice is your first order, Its delivery time is two months, detailed conditions as the Agency Agreeement and i also add in the proforma invoice.
4.Marks on the products' picture,please find in the attachment.
5.In the future,our manufacture able is about 500,00 pieces per month.
Any question please contact me ASAP.
Thanks & glad to do business with you.
Dear Ginette
1. Please to consider suggestions in our agreement of AGENCY AGREEMENT. For us to be successful in the business with mutual benefit, it is necessary to have stable prices. We try to negotiate with effective, however there are moments in that we have to lean on in the L/C; we will try to fulfill your requirement of 45%, but our commitment is "minimum 30% ". xxxxxxxxx is one of our main companies.
2. I don't understand the change of its "bets price" for adapter 型号 (attachment your offer); for us it is very important that the prices stay in that made a pact.
3. All our business make them directly with the factory (in this case your company "我们公司名称") our supplier, without middlemen; you ask us us to pay the advance to the company "我们的代理公司", with the one that or we are negotiating. Please understand that we cannot send our money to another company different to our supplier.
4. In the L/C that we emit, we don't accept "artial shipment"; the order should be given complete.
5. Your time of delivery is very long. Our suppliers usually give us among 30 and 40 days order date.
Attachment file
Bets regards,
Dear XXX,
1. Your suggestions is acceptable.I have sign it,please sign and refax to me.
2. I'm sorry for my mistake,the 型号 best price i copyed wrong,you see your target price is too far from my first offer,and I also reputation that our first offer is the firm offer already,also your target price for 型号 is not achieve our cost,if we can do as this price,i will not explain it,because you will be our exclusive agent, so please accept my price which in the proforma invoice.
3.代理公司名称 Is a trade company of our export agent,in china,to sell the goods to other country,need an export licence,because we haven't apply this certificate, so we must through a trade company which have this licence. I attached our company and that company's registration license to testify that the account is not a personal account. (There is no english edition,just have chinese,you may look out by some translate software). If it is not enough to testify,you also can come to china to visite our company.
4.Partial shipment not allowed is ok.
5. The delivery time for this first order maybe is a little long,but you see,there is too much specifications,just to prepare the material is also need much time,but after this first order,when our cooperation is stable,i think we will stock any material and goods special for your order in our houseware,that will be more quickly in the delivery time.
Thanks & waiting for your early reply.
Dear Ginette,
In connection with the AGENCY AGREEMEN, in the numeral one 3.Commodity, we understand that the term fitting hydr醬lic is generic and that it covers all the products (ferrule, fitting, adapters, etc) that its company takes place. We have AGENCY AGREEMEN for all your products. ( Please you to confirm.)
Today we send advance for value from USD$27,000 to your company 代理公司 counts 帐号 SWIFT BIC: XXXXXX (please to confirm if Swift Bic of its bank is correct). The documents should emit them the company exporter; please to revise heading of invoice proforma.
We accept correction of errors in "bets prices", please to have special care for next orders; our meeting of purchases is very exact in the analysis of offers.
Please to print our mark in FERRULE in size more in format but big that the previous correspondent (difficult to appreciate quality of printing), and to send it again for e-mail.
Please to revise instructions carefully of manufacturing fitting in our order, especially 型号 ferrule 型号 and flanges. Any doubt please to ask; our waits product of good quality and without problems of production.
We hope the delivery of the order is inferior to 60 days.
Proforma Invoice2 Revised.
Bets regards,
[ 本帖最后由 泡沫美人鱼 于 2007-12-22 12:40 编辑 ]
Dear Ginette,
Ok. To print our mark, we accept your quality. Please to send sealed the other pages of our proforma (they lack the pages of the fittings and ferrules).
Please you to confirm " In connection with the AGENCY AGREEMEN, in the numeral one 3.Commodity, we understand that the term fitting hydr醬lic is generic and that it covers all the products (ferrule, fitting, adapters, etc) that its company takes place. We have AGENCY AGREEMEN for all your products"
Bets regards,
Dear XXX,
1. The proforma invoice i send you all pages including ferrules and fittings,total is seven pieces,please confirm. The title's adress in your attachment picture is beneficiary bank's,and in which i send you yesterday,the adress is our export agent company's. You can check the bank detailes to collate it. Yesterday I only received 3 pages. Please you to send the complete proforma
2.I have write an "amendment of agency agreement",please check the attachment. Thank you.
3.Please inform me the delivery port FOB Shanghai, the port destination is Buenaventura/Colombia.
and colour of zinc plated - Of color (Golden), the same as your samples with our mark. If you have your own design of carton Please to send a picture of your packing boxes and your measures, I will return instructions.,please send a picture to me.
4.If you have remit the depost mentioned on last email: US$27,000.Please send me the bank slip. I will request to our bank it copies of the message Swift, I will send tomorrow for e-mail.
Thanks & waiting for your early reply.
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your kindly reply.
Maybe the file is too big,i attached our carton and first three pages of proforma invoice by this email, the other four pages please check the next email. Hope this time will send successfully.
Cartons can change "商标" to your "商标". (付上纸箱样板图片)
Thanks & best regards!
Dear Ginette,
Thank you, we want the same thing to you, your family and your work team !Happy navidad and prospers year 2008!. We are also very interested in having some long very good commercial relationships with your company; on our behalf it has all our effort.
In connection with the boxes, please to consider:
1. Please to place tape to seal the color boxes a color for the adapters, and of another color for the ferrules and fittings. For handling of our cellar, we separate the adapters of the other products..
2. To keep in mind observations in pictures of boxes.
3. To elaborate list of similar packing to "Samples PL."
4. As much as possible to only use boxes of 235x235x150.
Also attacment message copy Swift for advance of USD$27.000; please to inform once receives your confirmation of the bank.
Bets regards,
不错 啊 好好干啊 支持你 支持你
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