This is ……, I am in the bank head office in another city to facilitate your payment, i don't have access to our company's email becos of poor yahoo net work here at the moment. Pls read below & respond to me via this mail & also send a copy to our company's email.For easy payment of ……to you.
My bank want to convert the L/C payment method to Bill for Collection method becos we have already received the consigment from you.
Send the documents listed below to me via email.
1. Bank Covering Schedule or Remitance Schedule for that previous order)
2. Bill of Exchange
3. Manufacturer Certificate of Product (stating the standard you adopted)
Pls send it immediately to enable you receive the money.
My bank want to convert the L/C payment method to Bill for Collection method becos we have already received the consigment from you.
Send the documents listed below to me via email.
1. Bank Covering Schedule or Remitance Schedule for that previous order)
2. Bill of Exchange
3. Manufacturer Certificate of Product (stating the standard you adopted)
请问客户是说要做托收 汇票吗?之前没有接触过,希望大家帮忙,谢谢!
[ 本帖最后由 Rrrachel 于 2016-12-6 13:19 编辑 ]
帮顶 没遇过 课本上学习过 记得是托收汇票
谢谢!我也感觉是托收 不知道客户让我们准备的是什么资料,以前没有接触过
go your bank revised invoice of the previous consigment and collect Bank Covering Schedule payment of the prevoius via Bill for collection. 请问这个客户到底是让我们去银行干嘛
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