


We have the instruction and Mandate to promptly process and release via Automated Transfer the above stated amount to your nominated account, be informed that we have commenced the final Verification and Validation Exercise being a prerequisite for all such remittance, basically to reconfirm your details in our possession for conformity.

Consequently, Be aware that we operate the Automated Banking System/Swift Transfer or On line Banking for your convenience. For this process to be achieved, a system account would be activated here in your favor. We shall be forwarding the necessary Account Codes to you in due course, you shall upon the receipt of same instruction from the system for the direct remittance of the entire entitlements due to whatever account you may desire the world over Via on line banking (Extremely Convenient), but where you encounter any problems in concluding the remittance, endeavor to swiftly revert back to us for assistance as repetition of the process where your information's are declined would automatically log you out of the system (for Security reason).Be informed.

Please find attached the Fund release order form which you are required to fill/ authenticate and send back to us via fax/email attachment. Incorrect information's would not be entertained. This is necessary in concluding the Final Verification and Validation Exercise for the extension of our thorough and meticulous service to you for a successful remittance of the funds.

Find attached a copy of the deposit slip, Certificate of legal Clearance and Fund release approval confirmation  from the federal government of Spain which permit the transfer of amount such as yours.

We await your contact with the requested information's. You are at liberty at all times to contact the undersigned for any further clarifications desired by Phone, Fax or Email, because of the global time difference.

Deputy Governor (c.e.o) General Manager International Remittance Department. (BANCO DE ESPAÑA)   

DIRECT TEL: +34-680-877-362 / TEL/FAX: +34-91-414-32-55 EXT. 2
FAX:   +34-91-181-75-73

Attn: Mr. Richard Hu,

To be honest I have now understand from your writing that you really want
to be of great assistance to Mrs. Kate Wemba with his Son with all your

So my assurance to you in regards to this project is that I will fight
with the last blood of mine to see that every things goes well since I
have fully envisage your magnanimities to them.

Meanwhile I must let you know that I did digest your email respond and
understand all your point and agitations with passport and Visa issued
which after receiving your email speak with the manager from (Accredited
Bank Of South Africa) been the head of office of this liaison Banking
Details from Spain that I enclosed their information for your confirmation
as I collected it from the Manger based on my yesterday telephone
conversation with you.

Mr. Richard Hu, according to the Manager here after presenting your
suggestion whether it will be possible for their Liaison banking offshore
payment branch in Spain will be well pleased to execute this transfer
directly without your presence, he did told me it will as soon a you
communicated with them through their banking details send and instruct the
person whose name is contend exactly how you want them to carry out this
transfer into any of your overseas nominated account you will be ask to
provide for the remittance as this family foreign beneficiary with all the
legal document that will prove and empowered you the veto right to
received this incoming fund on behalf of Mrs. Kate Family.

DIRECT TEL: +34-680-877-362 / TEL/FAX: +34-91-414-32-55 EXT. 2
FAX:   +34-91-181-75-73

Deputy Governor (c.e.o) General Manager International Remittance
Department. (BANCO DE ESPA袮)   www.bde.es

Kindly use this banking information I send you now to contact them by
Monday and tell the banker whose name is there that you will like them to
transfer the fund in your account either in Hong Kong as you said before
or as you may wish.

I will send you a copy of the biding agreement that will stipulate every
parties percentage for your perusal before I go into biding for you and
this family endorsement by tomorrow with a san copy of my South Africa
identity national card for you to know the person you are dealing with
since I have received your phone.

Thanks while I wait for confirmation after speaking with the bank in Spain
by next week.

Barrister Anthony William Kruger.

Attn: Mr. Richard Hu,

Well I am Barrister Anthony William Kruger financial adviser to Family of
Mrs. Kate Wemba from Gabon Central Africa whose family is currently
residing in Refugee Camp in South Africa.

I am writing this mail to you after my today visit due to according to
Mrs. Kate and Paul Wemba informed me that they have finally secured
foreign partner as the law demands and I guess that Mrs. Kate might have
keep you informed concerning your expected roles as their foreign
beneficiary of this said fund deposited on the custody of Accredited Bank
Of South Africa known as (ABSA).

Further again I was the person who suggested to this family it will be
faster and easy to carry out this transfer through their above mentioned
bank liaison office in Spain because it will then minimized the high cost
of taxation if this transfer will be executed from Africa.

Although I have made up my mind to prepare myself down to their liaison
branch office in Spain to be with you as an eye witness in signing the
Certificate of Ownership Deed which will be presented to you in the bank
for the release of this transfer since the family have now agreed to
transfer the legal right in all the bonafide document and step into
partnership with you.

Mr. Richard Hu, I will appreciate it will be touched your mind to obtained
travel document for us to meet in Spain for the legal endorsement to be
sure of this legality of this transaction. Mrs. Kate have instructed me to
use my good office to draft an accord that will make every parties known
exactly what will be your percentage at the end even if you people later
go into joint partnership which I be ready by Friday to send the copy of
this agreement for your perusal before it becomes active as a biding

To conclude this, once I hear from you, I will send you a hard copy of
Fund Origin Certificate which proved the legitimacy of this project before
bank who will bestowed the legal bonafide from this family name to your
full particulars in Spanish Bank. Based on my knowledge from the manager
of Absa Bank who is bring this motive, all this process for the execution
from their liaison their in Spain will not take more then three working
days to be finalized and confirmed this fund available in your account any
where. So go ahead and open this new account in Hong Kong and let me know
how long it will take you to secured your passport from your Home Affairs
because here it will only took us as South Africa Citizen 2 to 3 weeks.

Yours Faithfully,

Barrister Anthony. William Kruger.

Dear Mr. Richard Hu.

It is a very good pleasure to speak with you few minutes ago. Now like as you have ask me to tell you exactly what we want you to do for us.

Well I and my mother is currently staying here in South Africa as a Refugee Status, so there is a huge amount of  fund (USD$10.M) we travel down here with that was deposited in a private Security Company for our safety keeping then before I and my mother seek for an Asylum, but does not knowing that  law governing every Refugee Families here did not authorized any family nor individual to Operate in any business or banking Systems until after when we visited Alert Security Company Pty Ltd been the name of the Security House were we made this deposit that we were informed.

So my dear our purpose of seeking for your assistance is simply based on the Security firm procedures that the only means to retrieved this (USD$10.M) back from them is to secured the consent of foreign partner whom we shall use his or her details to make changing of ownership from the Deposit Certificate issued to us then to the person information and present in any of their offices either here in South Africa or in Spain were they got liaison branch.

Now will it be possible for you to travel down to South Africa or Spain were they got overseas branch office for my family to take you down to Alert Security Company Pty Ltd office and present you as our foreign beneficiary to this said fund with an authorization that we did bestowed veto power to you for the release of this fund on the none resident account you will be asked to open with any of the commercial bank who will proceed for the on ward transfer of this fund directly into any of your accounting information yet to provide the banker  either in your country or any country of your choice for available use on my family behalf since we have made up our mind to invest in your country into any business you will advised by joint partnership with you.

Also according to my telephone conversation with our Attorney (Barrister Anthony William Kruger) today after telling him that I speak with you, he said is still possible to carry out this transfer directly to your accounting details without traveling down to any where, so kindly let me know whether to ask him to speak with the commercial bank to communicate with you for further instructions on how this transfer will be carried out or will it be possible for you to travel down.

Thanks while I wait for your action,

Paul son of Kate wemba for the family.

Dear Mr. Richard Hu,

Really I don’t exactly know how to express my deeper gratitude for your kind acceptance towards my family solicitation concerning our situation here in South Africa Refugee Camp were I and my Son is residing under the umbrella of Asylum Status.

Well our purpose of asking for your assistance is because as a Refugee Status, we are not permitted to transact or operate in any business nor banking systems here in South Africa even after we finally secured and present foreign partner as the law demands and prohibited that nobody fall into this circle should no matter any case.

Now since the law could not allowed any Refugee Families to operate in any venture, hope it will not be the same in your country because I and my son have made up our mind that who ever that be of great assistance for us towards this transaction, we shall enter into joint family business relationship with into any movable business that will be of more benefit as the person may suggest.

Also the name of the firm were this consignment is handed over for our safety keeping when we arrived and deposited here which still got an affiliated branch office in Spain is known as (Alert Security Company Pty Ltd).

Meanwhile due to most a times  every Refugee Families in Camp usually restricted not to go outside Camp and every month according above mentioned Security House, there is always a need for inspection so we were forced to secured an attorney who normally go on our behalf and bring us back with his outcome.

So after received your email and contact him as a citizen of this country, and present your mail, he suggested that the best and easy means to execute this project since we are going to empowered you the foreign bona-fide right for the release of this consignment as the law deems, is to carry out this transaction through their overseas office branch in Spain due to what happened to their formal deputy president Mr. Jacob Zuma and his financial adviser.Although he ask us to send you his contact email and private number to enable him discuss as man to man.

His Name is (Barrister Anthony William Kruger).
Private number(+27-83-24-769-58)
Email: ([email protected],)([email protected]).

Please will it be possible for you to embark on this trip to Spain with Barrister for this transaction?,although you will be details regarding their information in Spain and even the bank in which their security company is using for the onward transfer directly into any of your nominated account after signing an agreement that will stipulated every parties share Barrister will be flying down with for your own endorsement.

Finally i will ask my son to call you through your mobile number here, just to alert you about this mail and important it is to reach the barrister.

May your days be longer while i hope to hear from you.

Mrs. Kate Wemba for the family.

Mrs.Kate Wemba/Paul son.
PHONE: 27-732405804
                                          (HIGHLY PRIVATE  CONFIDENTIAL):


I got your contact courtesy of the South African chamber of commerce
and Industry business Directory here in Johannesburg,My name is Mrs.Kate Wemba,the former wife of DEFENCE MINISTER Johnson Wemba of the republic of GABON in Central Africa.I and my only  son are  presently residing in Johannesburg, South Africa where we are seeking political Asylum following the latest dissolution of our 28 year-old marriage.

Before my marriage with the defence minister Johnson Wemba finally broke-up, I was able to move out some reasonable sum of Money in US$ currencies out of the Presidential Villa in Libraville, which I intend to invest for myself and my only son. This fund amounts to a total of US$10M(Ten Million US dollars)and this money is safely kept in the security vault of a private security  company in Johannesburg pending when I will find a trusted foriegn business partner.

I am interested in any business you think can be very viable in your country as long as the business will not fail me because the lives of me and my son depends on this money as we may never in life go back to his father who outrightly abandoned us. In your reply please indicate a few businesses you think will be of mutual benefit to both myself and yourself.

We will be glad to part with a reasonable percentageof the total fund to you for all your assistance towards moving this money out of  Johannesburg to your country and helping us in term of reasonable investment opportunities that will be of mutualbenefitto my family and also your humble self.

Please indicate your willings and also include your private phone and fax numbers for quicker communication, the above numbers are my privatetelephone and fax numbers.For further enquiries, you may wish to call me or my son on the above telephone numbers.

Please maintain absolute confidentiality of this previllaged piece of information and proposal as it is never the wish of me and my son that His father (Johnson Wemba)ever know our wayabout for life. Hoping to meet you very soon as our business relationship improves.God

bless you as we await your favourable reply.
Mrs. Kate Wemba/Paul son.

这周几乎每天N个电话,搞得我烦 都烦死


本人也收到过两次这样的邮件,一般我都是不理的,天下是没有免费的午餐的! ;

没有收到类似邮件的外贸人 不是好的外贸人














I have a business which I want to establish in your country. In Case you're interested, then please kindly get back to me for more details only if you are capable of handling five million, Five hundred thousand United States Dollars for investments purpose in your country.

Therefore I want you to help me transfer and receive my funds into your account in your country for investment purpose on these areas which you may choose:

(1. Health Care Project (2. Transport industry (3.Five Star hotel (4.Manufacturing and real estate management (5.Company Enterprise (6.Construction Management (7 Aviation Transport (8.Telecommunication 9).Mining Manufacturing (10.Tobacco, Agriculture Forestry and Fishing) 11 Stock Market investment) (12 Hospital Equipment Company.

What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account?

I will be humbly waiting for your soonest response.

Respectfully yours.

Douce<[email protected]>


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