有哪位知道韩国从中国进口工程机械的清关费用,谢谢海关编码:84271090 货值10万美元左右
[ 本帖最后由 uangle 于 2017-1-20 11:24 编辑 ]
很尴尬的一个问题,整柜、散货? 什么都没有??
[ 本帖最后由 小小的风 于 2017-1-16 17:52 编辑 ]
海关编码:84271090 货值10万美元左右
Import duty & taxes when importing into South Korea
Import duty and taxes are due when importing goods into South Korea whether by a private individual or a commercial entity. The valuation method is CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), which means that the import duty and taxes payable are calculated on the complete shipping value, which includes the cost of the imported goods, the cost of freight, and the cost of insurance. In addition to duty, imports are subject to sales tax, education tax, STRD tax, transportation tax, special consumption tax, and in some cases to liquor tax.
Duty Rates
Duty rates in South Korea vary from 0% to 40%, with the average duty rate at 4.17%. Some products can be imported free of duty (e.g. books).
Sales Tax
VAT is levied on imports at a standard rate of 10% on the sum of the CIF value, duty and other taxes if applicable.
Minimum thresholds
Imports with a CIF value up to KRW 150,000 are exempt from duty and VAT.
Other taxes and custom fees
Special consumption tax is charged on certain products as ad valorem at rates between 5% and 20% of the sum of the CIF value and duty. It can also be specific, i.e. charged per unit of measure.
STRD (Special Tax for Rural Development) is charged on certain products at 10% of the Special Consumption tax.
Transportation tax is charged on some products based on quantity.
Liquor tax is charged on alcoholic beverages at a rate between 5% and 72% of the sum of the CIF value and duty. It can also be specific, i.e. charged per kg.
Education tax is charged at rates between 10% and 30% based on Special Consumption tax, or Liquor tax, or Transportation tax, whichever is applicable.
Local Customs office and contacts
More information on import declaration procedures and import restrictions can be found at the South Korea Customs website.
协定税率: 5.4 % CIF (中国-韩国自由贸易协定)
(MFN)最惠国税率:9.0 % CIF
出FROM E 按协定税率收。
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