


1.2.2. Within five days from receipt of the Buyer's order the Seller in accordance with such order will be obliged to make and send to the Buyer a proforma invoice for the batch of goods ordered or to forward to the Buyer a letter of refusal to ship the batch of the goods.The Sellers's evasion from making and sending to the Buyera proforma invoice for the batch of goods ordered by the Buyer, including any delay in sending the proforma invoice to the Buyer, shall be deemed as refusal of shipment.
In case of a refusal of shipment the Seller within no more than five (5) days from sending of a relevant claim by the Buyerwill pay to the lattera penalty in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the value of the goods ordered, shipment of which was refused by the Seller.

3.3.1. 30% of the price indicated in a proforma invoice shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller within a period of no more than ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the proforma invoice conforming to the Buyer’s order;
3.3.2. 70% of the price indicated in a proforma invoice shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller within a period of no more than ten (10) days from receipt of the Seller’s notification of readiness of the goods for shipment in accordance with the procedure provided for by clause 2.2. of the present Contractand after the quality checking of the goods.

11.1. The Buyer shall have the right to require the Seller to pay a penalty for a delay in supply of a batch of the goods as follows:
11.1.1. For a delay of up to 10 days: 5% of the lot value.
11.1.2. For a delay from 10 to 30 days: 10% of the lotvalue.
11.1.3. For a delay from 30 to 60 days: 15% of the lotvalue.
11.1.4. For a delay of more than 60 days: 100% of the lot value.
11.2.For late presentation of documents specified by the present Contract the Buyershall have the right to require the Seller to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.3% ofthe value of abatch of the goodsper each day of delay for each document not presented.


那位大神 take a look 啊
加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目 加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo
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