各位兄弟姐妹们,我想请教一下,平时催客人翻单的时候,是直接问他要不要Repeat Order, 还是委婉的问他有什么Further News 呢?评论
你可以问how about business our product sell well if have problem pls inform me we will improve 也许客户会说 business is good i will make a new order soon..
1 你们的库存怎么样了,还有多少库存?
What is the situation of your stockpiles? How much stock you still have?
2 我们的产品质量怎么样?客户有什么反馈?
What are our product qualities like? What kind of feedbacks do we get from our customers?
3 你们的销售情况怎么样?卖得还好吧。
What are your sales situation? Do you sell well?
4 我们的产品还有哪些需要改善的地方?
Is there any improvement we need for any of our products?
5 你们是否有翻单的计划呢?
Have you any plan to repeat your orders?
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