我们是供应商,国内I类医疗器械出口加拿大,客户需要Health Canada Licence,请问这个是什么证书,是不是MDL,MDEL?是不是要找认证机构办理?评论
加拿大卫生部(Health Canada)注册--医疗器械经营许可证申报清单(针对销售商):
a) 营业单位的名称/地址;
b) 作为情况联系人的营业单位代表的名称、职位及电话号码;
c) 介绍营业单位为进口商或销售商或二者兼有;
d) 进口或销售的医疗器械制造者的名称地址;
e) 针对每一制造者,列在卫生部所指定的专家库中与进口或销售医疗专家;
f) 针对每一制造者,进口或销售的器械的分类;
g) 营业单位的高级官员所作的声明,声明营业单位建立并保持与分销记录、投诉处理和召回相关的形成文件的程序;
h) 若营业单位进口医疗器械,见其高级官员声明遵守强制采取报告制度;
I) 当营业单位进口或销售II,III,IV类医疗器械,高层官员声明建立文件化程序以控制这些器械处理、贮存、交付、安装、纠正措施和服务;
j) 在加拿大境内实施(g)至(I)款的各个地址。
If you are planning on selling medical devices in Canada, you will most likely need to register your product by securing a license. There are two types of licenses issued by Health Canada with different requirements.
Health Canada Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL)
If you manufacture Class I medical devices or IVDs and plan to sell directly into Canada without a distributor, you must secure a Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL). If you choose to sell through distributors in Canada, your distributor is required to have an MDEL. Medical device distributors and importers must secure an MDEL regardless of device classifications.
Health Canada Medical Device License (MDL)
The Canadian Medical Device License (MDL) is required for companies selling Class II, III, or IV medical devices in Canada. The MDL is a product approval, while a MDEL is a permit for the company/distributor/importer itself.
Canada's Medical Devices License (MDL) is comparable to the US FDA 510(k) process. The process of securing an MDL is usually faster that a 510(k) for Class II devices, about the same for Class III devices, and more complicated for Class IV devices.
Health Canada Medical Device and Quality Management System Requirements
When applying for a Canadian Medical Device License, you will also need to prove that you have a certified ISO 13485 quality management system that also meets the specific requirements of the Canadian Medical Devices Regulations (CMDR). You can read more about ISO 13485 for Canada here.
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