哪位大神知道,goods for resale 和 goods not for resale (GNFR)意思?我想发开一个客户,他发来一个网站,登记才可成为他们的供应商,但是里面有选择,请看下文,我不知道这两者的区别在哪,我们作为一个工厂该选择哪个? 求大神指点迷津,小弟在此感激不尽!!!
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If you can comply with these conditions please click here to send us your details.
Goods Not For Resale (GNFR)
If you would like to provide GNFR to Primark please download and read our Code of Conduct.
You should review our terms and conditions for Goods Not For Resale (which may vary slightly depending on what country/region you are trading in) and also download our Supplier Key Information Pack.
Once reading all of the above please send your company's details using this link.
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