如题,这是客户发给我的,我是外贸新人,麻烦各位大神帮我解答一下I have a question for your engineer. I have found research that carbide with Tantalum added increases lubricity and restricts galling, we are mainly running stainless parts with these dies and are having galling issues. Could you produce or do you have available a grade made as the following?
WC 88%
Co 25%
TaC 3%
Other 1%
Grain size 83.0-84.9
Density (g/cm3) 13.01-13.21
Average transverse rapture strength 430,000 (PSI)
This is the specifications from the venders website. Let me know your thoughts.
碳化钨含量 88%
钴含量 25%
碳化钽 3%
晶粒度 83.0-84.9
密度 13.01-13.21
横向撕裂强度 430,000PSI
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·生活百科 包裹隔热围绕A/C管道