

To:  The Marketing & Sales Manager

Your good company is highly recommended for possible TiO2 business sharing.  

Reviewing Our past coop with One of the China good TiO2 manufacturers, for over (2)years, but, with very limited achievement, we are now in touch. The TiO2 market potential is HUGE and we believe that one of the key successes is to find a committed manufacturer that have the common interest in marketing, selling & distributing the products into Our customers base /networks.  

Our aim is to share Our together resources, then, against fruitful and successful coop, we are to anticipate exploring closer coop.   

At your valuable consideration and approval, We have (3)options to propose ways forward sharing:-

1. Own brand (at this initial stage of (12)months, with NO exclusive arrangement).  

2. Fty brand (with trial & conditional exclusivity arrangement for (1 – 2)years).  

3. Neutral packing (NOT preferred one).  

Based on agreed option(s), We are to start trading, by sending queries to justify What & how are the differentiations of your both technical products & commercial conditions vs competitor Ones; then, to hopefully follow up with sampling test to goal Our initial sharing coop in actions.

Fyi:- Presentation on Group Companies:-  

1. We have Our own marketing and selling Network establishments in Africa & Latin American countries for around (20)years, for dealing in Fibreglass & related products.  

2. For this project of TiO2 – this products are used by some of the same, similar customers, as well as recommended customers. This project of TiO2 is managed thru this business unit (Companies):-  > Composites Solutions (BZ) , website: www.compositessolutions.com.br  > Sinosia Composites Solutions (SA), website: www.compositesolutions.co.za

3. Nature of business: for ALL Our Overseas establishments, We have been working as stockist, distributors & traders /retailers, as well as Agency basis.  

Based on Our above intention /aim, I hope to learn your sharing interest, Ok & possible ?  

For the above captioned subject, help allow both of us chance to do our internal assessment before assuming this challenge, based on the foll:-

1st - We are happy with primarily justified exercises, as done together and like “Thanking you” for the enthusiastic explorations.

2nd – Pls feel free to extend your ideas /thoughts /guidance (as applicable) for my below inputs:-

1.     Based on experience, TiO2 is a high technical products to demand EXTRA preparation /works to be done and Our 1st priority is to always hunt coop partner(s) with common goals, to deliver consistent quality products and to aim sharing our together resources in (1)teamwork, do hopefully.

2.     The Composite Solutions (either CSBZ or CSSA) is positioned as a stockist, distributor & trader /retailer, also working on project(s) /agency basis. We are an organization with a flexible structure and variable costs per Business Unit, that can’t afford to have a staff of product specialists without having a business definition. Therefore, once the fundamental business issues are agreed between us, we will put more resources to speed up the growth of this TiO2 Business Unit (incl. together presentence).

3.     Fyi:-side from the above Composites business, we have also other technical /engineering products & managed via different specialized companies (i.e: Forklifts & Material handling equipment; Machineries & toolings; Earthmoving & construction equipment); should you have interest, we can explore separately.

3rd – We need your sharing inputs at your kind convenience:_

1.      Your Marketing & Selling policy toward Our targeted markets (i.e. South Africa & Brazil), plus, if your products have been selling into these market ..?

2.      If Yes, the annual volume and via Agent /Distributor or else ?

3.      What will be your company expectation in growing our present & future coop; and/or which option is of your best preference, based on (3)options, presented on our 1st email; plus, formalities to follow (if any &/or, as applicable) ..? pls.  

I hope that I did present my above points clearly & cover the key issues of Our ways forward sharing intention; however, should there be queries or additional issues to explore, I am available.








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