

1.   OBI


OBI Asia Trade 是德国 Tengelmann 集团控股的 Deutsche Heimwerkermarkt Holding (DHH) 旗下的全资子公司。自1985年OBI 在香港设立采购办事处以来,公司一直通过综合的商品采购渠道在亚洲地区开展业务。OBI Asia Trade 经营各种产品,包括:DIY 产品、家居装饰用品及便利店商品,如五金工具,灯具,家居用品,电器,园艺用品,季节性装饰品,室内/室外设备,家庭装潢用品,建筑材料,玩具,成衣、配件及辅料。
作为美国、瑞士、澳大利亚及新西兰等地大型批发商和零售商的内部采购商,OBI Asia Trade 是欧洲最大的 DIY 及家庭装缮用品总经销商,设有 457 家连锁店,其中 342 家在德国,111 家在欧洲其他地区,4 家在中国。OBI 2002 年的营业额为 44 亿欧元,在全球各地拥有雇员 23,000 人。OBI 同时还为 "Plus" 的 3,400 家连锁店供货,"Plus" 是 Tengelmann 集团属下的超级零售连锁店。

OBI Asia Trade/Euromate Ltd.
Room 607C & 608, 6/F Empire Centre, 68 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: +852-22708218   Fax: +852-27220015
Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Person: Mr. Robert Siegmund
Job Title: Managing Director
Email: [email protected]  
Telephone: +86-21-5262 4600
Fax: +86-21-5262 4601

2.   Hornbach
Hornbach is a German DIY-store chain offering home improvement and do-it-yourself goods. It is 21% owned by Kingfisher plc, a UK company who also own the B&Q and Castorama DIY chains.
The HORNBACH Group is characterized by its ability to respond to the challenges of trading in DIY, home improvement and garden products, and to set new standards in the process. Since 1877, five generations of the HORNBACH family have been active in almost all areas of the construction sector – in the building trade, as manufacturers of prefabricated components and since 1900 as builders’ merchants. As one of the pioneers in Germany and Europe, HORNBACH opened its first DIY store in 1968 and combined it with a garden center – at its time unique in Europe. This combination has since developed to become a European standard in the DIY sector today.

Central Administration
Hornbach Street
D-76878 Bornheim bei Landau / Pfalz
Phone (+49) 06348/60 00
Fax (+49) 06348/60 40 00
E-mail [email protected]

3.   Toom Baumarkt

With around 331 stores (toom and B1), each offering on sales floor areas of up to 11,500 square metres a product range of up to 75,000 items, almost 14,000 employees and a net turnover of more than 1,5 billion euros, toom DIY is the number three on the German DIY market. For toom, the integration of 133 Marktkauf DIY stores, which were integrated within very short time into the merchandise system, was a event pointing the way und a clear signal to the industry. Modern gardening centres have been added to many stores.

The success of the modern toom BauMarkt DIY stores is based on their innovative concept: while the product range offered by traditional DIY stores is primarily oriented towards the needs and skills of do-it-yourselfers and skilled manual workers, the toom DIY store chain has re-positioned itself to adapt its product range and service offers also to the needs of the growing target group made up of women and casual handy men. The traditional assortment of DIY products offered by the toom DIY stores for construction, renovation and interior decoration is complemented by a range of services ranging from renovation tips to service offers and professional advice from professional workshops, interior designers and architects, thereby setting new standards for the entire DIY market.

Toom Baumarkt GmbH
Stolberger Str. 90 Stolberger St. 90, 50933 Köln-Braunsfeld 50933 Cologne-Braunsfeld

Tel: (02 21) 149-60 00
Fax: (02 21) 149-96 40
Customer Hotline:
0800 - 7 76 34 22 0800 - 7 76 34 22
[email protected]

Mr. Georg Rothacher
Mr Martin Söffge

4.   Hagebau
The hagebau is a group of around 260 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the building materials, wood and tile in the retail trade as well as at home. With over 1,000 locations in Germany, covering nearly present, the shareholders are based on a strong community.  Professional support in purchasing, marketing, services and safeguarding the future comes from its headquarters in Clarksburg - here the focus is always tailor-made solutions for the individual situation on the ground.

Phone: 0180/503 0003
E-mail: [email protected]

5.   Knauber
Knauber is your partner for leisure and energy. Personally, regional and correct!

Carl Knauber Holding GmbH and Co. KG
Endenicher Straße 120 - 140 53115 Bonn
Tel: 0049 0228 512 0
Fax: 0049 0228 512 110
Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Ines Knauber Daube-Büchel

6.   Baywa
The BayWa Group is a company with international operations specialised in wholesale and retail and in providing services. The Head Office of BayWa AG, the parent company founded in 1923, is located in Munich. Its business activities comprise the following segments: Agriculture, Building Materials and Energy. Other companies belonging to the Group concentrate on the production of consumer goods and car trading. Including its franchise/partner companies, the Group has more than 2,700 sales locations in 8 European countries. Its main sales areas are Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe.
The Building Materials business unit accounts for one third of the Group’s sales. As a trader of building materials, the BayWa Group ranks second place in Germany and is market leader in Austria. The Group operates its DIY & Garden Centers mainly in regions where the competition is less fierce. BayWa is also a major franchisor the building materials and DIY and garden center businesses. The Group’s Heating & Sanitation operations offer services for heating and sanitary installations on a regional basis.

Tel:0049 89 92 22 35 24
Fax: 0049 89 92 22 35 97
[email][email protected][/email]

7.  Globus Baumarkt
Fracture 1828 by Franz St. Wendel in the Saarland was founded until today GLOBUS is a trading company in family ownership. The retail operation was then gradually the most important wholesalers in the region expanded. In the 60s broke the fourth-generation entrepreneur with the wholesale division to a self.
GLOBUS now operates 84 stores each with a minimum area of 7.000m 2 and 9 electrical specialist with a minimum area of 3.000m 2.

Tel: 0049 6898 51 50
Fax: 0049 6898 51 53 44

[ 本帖最后由 Sayyid 于 2017-2-4 13:17 编辑 ]

8.   Bauhanus

Gutenbergstr. 21 68167 Mannheim
Tel: 0049 (0)621 3905-0
Fax: 0049 (0)621 3905-132
Email: [email protected]

9.   Praktiler
Praktiker Group based in Kirkel (Saarland) plays in the Champions League of the European home improvement and DIY sector. With its around 420 DIY stores in nine countries, almost 29,000 employees and annual sales of 4 billion euros, it is number fourth at the European level. The profitable growth that forms the basis for these figures, an innovative group strategy in Germany and abroad, an unmistakable profile of the Praktiker brand and a high customer acceptance are the drivers of the success story of this company that went public in November 2005.

Tel: 0049 6849 95 00
Fax: 0049 6849 95 33 29

MGB Metro Group Buying HK Ltd
9 / F. World Finance Centre, South Tower, 17 Canton Road, Kowloon.
Tel: 00-852-27300000
Fax: 00-852-29575009

MGB METRO Group Buying HK Limited Shanghai Representative Office
Tel: +86-21-5250 4888
Fax: +86-21-5282 2059
Email: [email protected]  

10.   Max Bahr

Tel: 0049 40 65 66 65 10
Fax: 0049 40 65 66 67 68
E-Mail: [email protected]

11.   OTTO Baumarkt
Baumarkt Direkt, a joint venture between the Otto Group and Hagebau, is Germany’s market leader in do-it-yourself distance selling.
The fundamental concept behind the joint venture is to exploit the opportunities presented through multichannel retailing by drawing on Hagebau’s experience in over-the-counter retail with that of the Otto Group in distance selling. As a multichannel provider, the ‘hagebau direkt’ brand integrates and bundles sales opportunities offered by Internet and catalogue sales with that of over-the-counter retail. Since July 2007, the company has served customers through its own catalogue and an online shop.

Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
Corporate Communications
Wandsbeker Straße 3-7 D-22172 Hamburg
Phone: +49-40 - 64 61 - 0
Fax: +49-40 - 64 61 - 8571

12.   Markant
Markant AG 是德国一家服务机构,属下拥有许多大型零售集团。大多数的零售集团由许多中型或是大型的高档百货商店和 DIY 商店组成。集团总的营业收入大约 650 亿德国马克,其中平均 35% 来自非食品类商品的收入。香港的 Markant Trading Organization (远东) Ltd. (MTO)是 Markant AG 的分公司,为 Markant 集团提供完善的采购和支持服务。我们提供信誉卓着的服务,为买家和供应商建立直接的商务联系。
为Baywa, Globus Baumarkt, Hellweg供应商。

MARKANT | Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Straße 2 | D-77656 Offenburg
Tel: +49 781/6160 | Fax: +49 781/616166

MTO Markant Trading Organisation Ltd., Hongkong
1510 Chinachem Golden Plaza, Kowloon, HongKong
Helmut Schwarting
Tel. +8 52/23 13 47 99
Fax +8 52/23 69 16 51
E-Mail: [email protected]

13. ZEUS
As a leading co-operation of the DIY and garden sector combines the ZEUS GmbH & Co. KG, Soltau, retail activities in Germany and Austria.  In addition to the approximately 650 locations hagebaumarkt system (DIY) market works (specialist) and Flora Country (Garden Specialist Center) ZEUS serves approximately 900 owner-managed and individually-profiled shops and garden centers.
With the largest network location, euro 2.44 billion net revenue and a leading position in the garden area is the Zeus of the top 5 of the sector in Germany.  Around 190 employees in the system Soltauer headquarters and 16 in the ZEUS establishment in Austria are in the areas of category management, sales and marketing.

ZEUS Central Purchasing and Service GmbH & Co. KG und Service GmbH & Co. KG
Celler Str 47 D - 29614 Soltau
Phone: 0 51 91 / 8 02 - 0
Fax: 0 51 91 / 8 02 - 5 30
E-mail: [email protected]

14.   Hellweg
The first Hellweg Baumarkt was established in 1971 at Brackel Hellweg opened in Dortmund. End of the'60s opens in a new retail development to an entire industry should change.  Inspired by the American "Home Center" opened in Germany also the first consumer markets for DIYers.
Hellweg grow. Offers, product lines and customer needs are subject to constant change.  We continuously invest in the modernization of existing markets and can therefore always be a demand-oriented range of services.

Die Profi-Baumärkte GmbH & Co. KG
Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Borussiastraße 112
44149 Dortmund
Tel: 0231 / 96 96 0
Fax: 0231 / 96 96 100
E-mail: [email protected]


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