Implementation of the ECTN in South Sudan as from April 1st 2019The South Sudanese Customs Authority is introducing the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note for all shipments to/from South Sudan and appointed Antaser Afrique as its strategic partner for the management of this ECTN.
For all shipments to and from South Sudan (transit cargo included), the shipper or his forwarder is required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser Afrique for validation.
Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.
Cargoes arriving without a valid ECTN will be blocked for delivery by the local customs in South Sudan.
This new regulation takes effect as from April 1st 2019 (date of Bill of Lading).
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