CNS GROUP 是丹麦的服装公司, 有 solid / tailoredoriginals/ PEP/DESIRES 四个品牌,我们做的是女装品牌,谈了一两年,在各个工厂都能看见他们的样衣,以为是个大客户,打了很多销售样,结果5.10发邮件告知我们破产了,公司被丹麦DK company 收购,但是破产前的损失他们是不买单的,剩下还在的员工直接告诉我们钱也要不回来了,不要抱有任何希望,负责跟单的经理和员工都辞职了,真的是好惨啊,
我们前前后后给他们开发了将近2W的货啊,说破产就破产,,,,,,,: :Q
CNS Group A/S is one of scandinavias largest textile companies. With a wide selection af fashionwear for men and women, CNS Group A/S is comprised of: Solid, Desires, Pep and Tailored & Originals. CNS Group A/S distributes through a large network of agents in many countries. The menswear brands are also retailed through the Solid retail chain which has 27 stores across Denmark and Norway.
The CNS Group is seeking bankruptcy after the collapse of large customers
The CNS Group was today filed for bankruptcy at the Shuttle Court in Kolding. This happens after the company's largest customer went bankrupt last week, after which the CNS Group has not been able to raise the necessary capital to maintain operations. The CEO regrets the development, but hopes for a quick solution.
May 07, 2019
CNS Group A / S was bankrupted in the bankruptcy court in Kolding on May 7. The company has been under pressure for liquidity for some time, and developments have been critically increasing in recent months.
The overriding reason is that CNS Group's absolute largest customer, which in recent years, has subscribed for an annual turnover of two and three-digit million amounts, has just gone bankrupt. Already in the autumn of 2018, the customer began to buy far fewer of the goods that had already been ordered and was in stock in Denmark. As part of a larger reconstruction plan, the activities were suspended at the beginning of 2019, but at that time the customer's pre-ordered goods had already been delivered to the CNS Group in Denmark.
In connection with the customer's reconstruction plan, the CNS Group, like other suppliers, has, in the best possible way, actively tried to assist the customer in order to ensure the continued operation. This did not succeed, and last week the customer was declared bankrupt.
Thus, it was clear to the CNS Group that there was a need to add additional capital to the company to maintain operations and reduce debt to creditors. The CNS Group's owner, however, did not want to add additional capital, nor was it possible to reach agreement with the company's bank connection to raise the necessary capital. Therefore, the board of directors and CEO Peter Mazur decided to submit a bankruptcy petition to the Skifteretten in Kolding today, after which the bankruptcy decree was issued.
“This is a very regrettable situation, which is deeply in the heart of everyone who is affiliated with the CNS Group and the company's brands. It is inevitable that all the dedicated people are deeply affected by the situation. The primary task now, jointly with curator, Morten Hans Jakobsen from Gorrisen Federspiel, is to identify the values that we have built up over many years in both brands and the company and to realize them, ”says CEO Peter Mazur and continues:
“In this situation, it is assessed that there is a predominant probability that potential investors can see the unresolved value that lies in the company. Therefore, I hope that a solution can be found as soon as possible so that the many loyal employees can get a clarification on their situation. "
CNS Group A / S is behind the four brands Solid, Tailored & Originals, Desires and Peppercorn and is headquartered in Kolding.
https://www.dmogt.dk/branchenyt/ ... -storkundes-kollaps
这个公司名有重名 搜索的时候稍有困难 可以用官方名称来搜索 CNS Group A/S
楼主 如果钱多的话,可以找律师了,看起来是刚申请破产,应该没有这样处理货款的,或者你要求拿回货物,看信息,他们一堆库存中
DK Company takes over the activities of the CNS Group
DK Company takes over most of the activities in CNS Group but will primarily prioritize the two menswear brands Solid and Tailored & Originals. Peter Mazur becomes director of the new brands, which will be based at DK Company Vejle.
May 10, 2019
Throughout the night, the future of the activities of the CNS Group was negotiated, which on Tuesday filed for bankruptcy. After the night's negotiations, DK Company has entered into an agreement with CNS Group on the acquisition of most of the activities in the CNS Group. The takeover takes place with immediate effect, informs DK Company in a press release.
“Unfortunately, the CNS Group is in a situation where they have lost a large German customer, which resulted in the company being declared bankrupt. We know the CNS Group as good colleagues in the industry and have great respect for what they have built up. We are therefore pleased that in this situation we can go in and take over the activities, ”says Group CEO of DK Company, Jens Poulsen. He continues:
“DK Company has long wanted to strengthen our investment in the men's segment. At present we are working with 17 dambrands and three men's fires; Matinique, Casual Friday and Blend, and we see the acquisition of Solid and Tailored & Originals as a clear reinforcement within the men's segment. We have great respect for the two brands that are widely founded within wholesale and with own stores in Denmark and Norway. DK Company acquires the entire CNS Group, where the main focus will be on the two brands, which account for a turnover of approx. DKK 200 million divided into wholesale and retail. ”
DK Companys Vejle division, headed by Kasper Philipsen, will be the future headquarters of the CNS Group. Peter Mazur continues as director of Solid and Tailored & Originals, where approx. Half of the 60 employees at CNS Group's head office have been offered to have a future workplace.
“The night's negotiations show that DK Company can react quickly. We are convinced that in this difficult situation a good solution has been found for all parties, and we look forward to welcoming new employees and customers, ”concludes Jens Poulsen.
https://www.dmogt.dk/branchenyt/ ... teterne-i-cns-group
关于 Dk Company Vejle A / S
Since its inception in 2001, DK Company has grown to become one of Europe's leading suppliers of fashion and lifestyle brands catering to men and women.
这个公司B&C Textiles 也在申请破产了
B&C Textiles is seeking bankruptcy
The troubled situation in the UK has left deep traces in B&C Textiles, which is behind Soft B, Intown and Adia. So deep that the company has now filed for bankruptcy.
May 10, 2019
"It is with great annoyance and saddened that today we have chosen to file for bankruptcy at the probate court in Sønderborg," the owners of B&C Textiler A / S, Claus Zink and René Toft, write in a press release.
The South Jutland fashion company is behind the three brands Soft B, Intown and Adia and was founded in 1979. The company has based itself on 75% export, and it is in particular an export market that has played a key role in the negative development.
"There are several reasons why we have come to this, but the main reason must be seen in the light of the continued Brexit uncertainty and the large negative impact this has had on B&C in the UK, which is B & C's largest market," the owners say.
Up until the bankruptcy, the company has worked intensively on continuing the plus size brand Adia Fashion in a new setup, and the management expects it to fall into place during the coming days.
"We believe that a new owner will be able to continue the positive development that ADIA Fashion is in," writes Claus Zink and René Toft, who have seen a positive development in this brand.
It has been a tough decision for the two owners.
“On the personal level, we are sorry that we must say goodbye to faithful and dedicated employees who have been a big part of B&C for many years. However, we are sure that where a door is closed, a new one opens, ”they conclude.
2019 has so far offered a number of bankruptcies in the fashion industry. This week, CNS Group filed for bankruptcy and earlier this year Womens Wear Group, Active Sportswear, Solo Company and Fashion Brands Inc. go the heavy corridor to the probate court.
https://www.dmogt.dk/branchenyt/ ... egaerer-sig-konkurs
关于B&C Textiler A/S
做服装的 仔细看看丹麦的这些服装企业申请破产中
英国退欧的后遗症出现 丹麦服装业的生意越来越难做
丹麦服装公司Second Female对此深有体会,英国本来是其第4大市场,每年贡献1000万克朗的营收,然而自从英国宣布退欧至今,该公司却因货币波动损失了1000万克朗,实在得不偿失。
“我们是靠卖衣服营生,并不是货币投机者,所以这么大的金融起伏当然会给我们带来挑战。”Second Female首席执行官Preben Laust这样说。
新的定价是造成其损失的最直接因素。由于英镑的贬值,包括Second Female在内的许多公司必须要调整产品价格,才能保持品牌在英国市场的竞争力。从整体来说,如果每家门店的营收都因此都下降,将会为公司带来巨额的损失。
要知道在2015年,丹麦对英的服装出口总额达到了20亿克朗,这本来是个向好的机会,但如今,零售商、生厂商和设计师都机器焦虑,“出口到英国变得不再困难了,但是却变得更贵了,这对于很多公司来说不太值。”丹麦服装集团Dansk Mode的总经理Michael Hillmose曾在8个月前表示。
Vero Moda在德国的门店
因此,失望透顶的Second Female已经开始寻找新的替代市场,他们现在只能把希望寄托在德国身上。
事实上,丹麦的整个产业都面临着同样的问题。根据World Input-Output Database的数据库显示,英国是丹麦整个经济体的第四大出口国,而英镑贬值的程度是16年来最严重,这也会损害丹麦的畜牧业、食品业和制造业等。比如丹麦一家名叫Arla食品的企业,就在英国投资了视频加工厂,据称是欧洲最大的日用生产厂家之一,但现在这些投资有20%都打了水漂。
这在服装产业上也有体现。 丹麦最知名的服装公司恐怕就是Bestseller 了,该集团旗下经营着中国消费者已经非常熟悉的女装品牌Vero Moda、ONLY和Jack & Jones。其实对于Bestseller来说,欧洲依然是其最重要的市场,仅在2016年,爱尔兰的批发生意就给予了该集团近100万欧元的利润。
Bestseller因此更加重视在中国的市场占有率,集团近五年来采取了许多战略来维持自己在中国快时尚领域的先发优势,在2013年到2014年之间,电商是其主要的发力点,而在2016年天猫双十一的女装排行榜上,ONLY仅次于优衣库位列第二,Vero Moda排名第七。
http://bbs.shanghai.com/company/v1539tf5mq20786.html 也出现在了服装的关系圈内
文章来源:驻丹麦经商参处 2018-05-19 22:45 文章类型:编译 内容分类:新闻
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