




realme 于2018年5月4日正式创立。首先进入了印度市场,2018年销售400万台手机。随后进入泰国、越南、
巴基斯坦和埃及等十个海外市场。 [6]
realme的首款手机realme 1推出后,在“亚马逊畅销排行榜”上获得4.5分。 [7]  双11期间,在印度尼西亚,realme获得了手机类总销售额、单品销量和最快销售增长的三料冠军。 [7]
realme已推出的包括realme 1 [8]  、realme 2 [9]  、realme 2 Pro [10]  、realme C1、 [11]  realme U1 [12]  、realme 3 [13]  在内的6款产品 [14]  ,主打畅快体验和潮流设计两大核心特点 [15-16]  。

5月,realme第一代产品realme1在印度推出,以4.5的评分成为亚马逊印度畅销排行榜中“评分最高”的手机 [7]  。
6月,据数据机构Counterpoint统计,realme上市一个多月后,获得了印度线上市场Q2季度排名第四位的成绩。 [17-18]
8月,realme第二款产品realme 2正式发布,在印度Flipkart电商平台首次销售5分钟便售出20万台,打破该平台手机单品销售记录 [7]  。
9月,realme推出“Proud to be young”的品牌口号 [7]  。
9月,realme发布了realme 2 Pro和realme C1两款产品 [7]  。
10月,realme在印度电商节创造了12小时售出70万台手机业绩 [7]  。
10月,realme宣布正式进入印尼和越南市场,和东南亚最大电商Lazada合作,成为印尼成长最快的品牌 [7]  。
11月11日,在印度尼西亚,realme获得了手机类总销售额、单品销量和最快销售增长的三料冠军;泰国,在Lazada平台上获得智能手机类销售冠军;在马来西亚的网购平台Shopee上,创造了单日销售的新纪录 [7]  。
11月15日,realme宣布全面升级品牌视觉识别系统与Logo标志。 [16]
11月28日,realme U系列正式上市。realme U1搭载了全球首发的MTK芯片P70,还拥有专业级自拍镜头SelfiePro Camera。 [19]
3月4日,realme发布realme 3 [20]
4月22日,realme在印度发布了realme 3 Pro,该机搭载高通骁龙710移动平台,最高配备6GB内存+128GB存储,电池容量为4050mAh,支持VOOC 3.0闪充。价格方面也颇具竞争力,realme 3 Pro 4GB+64GB版售价13999印度卢比(约合人民币1300元)。
4月24日,智能手机品牌realme创始人李炳忠发布长微博《在巨变的时代 我们越级向上》,正式宣布realme即将进入国内市场 [21]  。

Apple iPhone sales cratered year-over-year in India, dropping 40% in 2018. That's in spite massive growth in the India market. In fact, in the latest numbers from IDC, the Indian smartphone market grew 14.5% last year and market leader Xiaomi grew even faster: 58.6%.

And in the "super-premium" $700+ segment that Apple typically owns?

Samsung's Galaxy S9 series out-sold iPhone.

India's top five smartphone companies by sales IDC
This is a problem because India is probably the world's last major growth market for smartphones. Europe and North America are mature replacement marketers. China is largely the same. But in a world that saw smartphone sales sink slightly year-over-year, India continues to grow.

And the potential remains for further growth: while Indians bought 142.3 million smartphones in 2018, they also bought 181.3 million feature phones. As the country continues to grow richer, those people will eventually replace their feature phones with smartphones.

But unless Apple changes strategic focus, they won't be running iOS.

While online sales drove almost 40% of smartphone purchases in 2018, offline sales are still critical, says IDC's Upasana Joshi. That's something Apple will need to work on: physical points of sale.

The bigger problems, however, are price and place of manufacturing.

"With the government initiative to push local manufacturing in India, 2018 witnessed further duty hikes on mobile phone components," says the IDC, adding that a weak rupee contributes to the high cost of foreign phones.

Apple's working on that by partnering with Foxconn to build iPhones in India, which will lower costs for Indians. That should arrive some time this year. But the company also needs cheaper models that can compete with the high-end features on low-cost phones from Chinese manufacturers like Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo.

I have a Vivo phone along with my daily driver iPhone X, and it's a solid piece of hardware with a really good camera and decent processor speed.

The poor sales results have led to Apple being lumped into the dreaded "Other" category in phone sales statistics, behind obscure (to westerners) companies like Trassion. Analysts estimate Apple has just 1% of the world's fastest-growing smartphone market.

A few years ago, that might not have been a problem.

Apple made its money from premium device sales, and the developed world plus China sufficed to grow iPhone revenue year after year. Now, however, with lower sales, the company is refocusing on services: iCloud, Apple Music, and others, saying that it will make less and less of its revenue on hardware.

It is challenging, however, to provide services that are tightly connected to a device when you are not able to sell the device in the first place.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/joh ... apple/#8e5b3ae1df30





前一阵买的realme x,全面屏,用起来很不错
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