加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷
网上有老外说这款床垫有强烈的山葵味道,不知道啥是山葵,觉得很像腻子的那种感觉 怎么会这样子,好像里面有LATEX什么的,有PAD 加拿大这种名牌货不会也有苯、甲醛之类的污染吧?
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变 超赞 赏 W why1976 0$(VIP 0) 1112010-10-14#2 回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷我们以前也以为这边的东西就好,其实很多还不如国内的,床垫里面不是海绵就是纸板加弹簧,ikea的也好,专卖的也好,都不怎么样,西人不在乎味道,也不懂得污染,他们知道的是用空气清新剂来掩盖任何不喜欢的味道。户外空气的确是好,不过室内要真做检测,我估计这里大部分出租的公寓因为使用装修材料简单便宜的原因质量都不合格,污染都很严重。
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷网上有老外说这款床垫有强烈的山葵味道,不知道啥是山葵,觉得很像腻子的那种感觉 怎么会这样子,好像里面有LATEX什么的,有PAD 加拿大这种名牌货不会也有苯、甲醛之类的污染吧?点击展开... 芥末般辣,老外用来形容辣嗓子的。
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷我们以前也以为这边的东西就好,其实很多还不如国内的,床垫里面不是海绵就是纸板加弹簧,ikea的也好,专卖的也好,都不怎么样,西人不在乎味道,也不懂得污染,他们知道的是用空气清新剂来掩盖任何不喜欢的味道。户外空气的确是好,不过室内要真做检测,我估计这里大部分出租的公寓因为使用装修材料简单便宜的原因质量都不合格,污染都很严重。点击展开... 同意,都说这里市场监管好,我看不见得。 自己也要内行才能不被骗,就算是THE BAY 东西也很差,要认真选择商家。
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷我们以前也以为这边的东西就好,其实很多还不如国内的,床垫里面不是海绵就是纸板加弹簧,ikea的也好,专卖的也好,都不怎么样,西人不在乎味道,也不懂得污染,他们知道的是用空气清新剂来掩盖任何不喜欢的味道。户外空气的确是好,不过室内要真做检测,我估计这里大部分出租的公寓因为使用装修材料简单便宜的原因质量都不合格,污染都很严重。点击展开... 这个牌子应该是最贵的,要是这个还污染严重....... 价格和国内相差也不太大,国内这样子的也差不多这个价,按照COIL数量算,越多越好,这个有1600个COIL,COIL ON COIL,国内这么多的也几乎同等价位 也是觉得老外很傻,有次油漆粉刷公寓门,那些刷门的金发老外都不带任何防毒面具之类,我离那么远,把内层们关紧都觉得快窒息了...... 国内喷漆工人都必须带防毒面具,后来琢磨了很久,认定这里的油漆可能污染小......
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变同意,都说这里市场监管好,我看不见得。 自己也要内行才能不被骗,就算是THE BAY 东西也很差,要认真选择商家。点击展开... 嗓子到没觉得什么,就是觉得那股子腻子味道真是难以忍受。把包装袋扔储藏间了,放了几个小时打开门,一股扑面而来的腻子味....... 只能先扔阳台上了,据网上解答说是上面的FOAM处理可能缺少了一道CURE的工艺或者没弄好,明天要是不下雨扔阳台上让风吹吹。把FOAM拽到客厅地上,一闻BOX上都是很浓的味道,放了一小时差不多小时了。
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变嗓子到没觉得什么,就是觉得那股子腻子味道真是难以忍受。把包装袋扔储藏间了,放了几个小时打开门,一股扑面而来的腻子味....... 只能先扔阳台上了,据网上解答说是上面的FOAM处理可能缺少了一道CURE的工艺或者没弄好,明天要是不下雨扔阳台上让风吹吹。把FOAM拽到客厅地上,一闻BOX上都是很浓的味道,放了一小时差不多小时了。点击展开... 是啥床垫?foam的? 多少钱买的?
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷嗓子到没觉得什么,就是觉得那股子腻子味道真是难以忍受。把包装袋扔储藏间了,放了几个小时打开门,一股扑面而来的腻子味....... 只能先扔阳台上了,据网上解答说是上面的FOAM处理可能缺少了一道CURE的工艺或者没弄好,明天要是不下雨扔阳台上让风吹吹。把FOAM拽到客厅地上,一闻BOX上都是很浓的味道,放了一小时差不多小时了。点击展开...
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷让专业人士给搂主回答一下: 你所描述的味道是Pillowtop里的胶水的味道。好一些的床垫在Pillowtop里要喷三次胶水,把几层海绵粘起来,以防海绵在Pillowtop滑动。这些胶水是生物胶水,尽管有味道,但无毒无副作用。点击展开...
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷不同厂家估计用的胶水不一样,如果有兴趣,我回头查一查我们的胶水是什么牌子,我只记得是魁北克生产的。点击展开...
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷让专业人士给搂主回答一下: 你所描述的味道是Pillowtop里的胶水的味道。好一些的床垫在Pillowtop里要喷三次胶水,把几层海绵粘起来,以防海绵在Pillowtop滑动。这些胶水是生物胶水,尽管有味道,但无毒无副作用。点击展开... 非常感谢专业人士热心解答 估计是LATEX的味道,仔细闻闻,味道集中在上层软垫,下面弓丝倒还好。这个味道确实和国内的那种家具或者一些不合格鞋类产品的刺鼻味道完全不一样,很腻的腻子味道 款式是S&F 2010年的新款。应该是这个http://www.sealy.com/Mattress-Brands/Stearns-and-Foster.aspx
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变兄弟这不是难为我了?这大半夜的我去一趟工厂也不容易啊!我清楚看到大胶水桶的标签上的“Natural”,至于胶水厂是否作假我就不得而知了!点击展开... 没有啦,又不是你的产品有异味,呵呵。
回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷Latex是很淡的一种香味,和胶水味道不一样。什么时候有兴趣到我们厂子来看一看,也真诚邀请玩酷娃参加。 Sealy的床垫我相信不会用劣质胶水的。点击展开... 难道S&F是Sealy旗下的一个品牌吗? 早上起来味道还是不小,近闻觉得辣嗓子,超级郁闷,床垫在送来的时候,外包装有割开半米长的一道口子,一开始怀疑可能是退过货的,现在想来可能就是割开放味道的,或者割开确认是否有味道的。说明家具店是知道这个垫子有味道的,故意不告诉我们而已....... 超级郁闷!!! 搜索这个牌子和SMELL,网上投诉如潮。很多人都要求退换货。例如http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/strong-chemical-odor-makes-my-eyes-burn-c360470.html Posted: 2010-07-29 by Travelhol123strong chemical odor makes my eyes burn Complaint Rating: Company information:Stearns and FosterChicago, IllinoisUnited StatesOn 7/21 Sears delivered to us a Stearns and Foster mattress we selected by lying on it in the store. We also tried mattresses at Carson's, Macy's and Bloomingdale's. In no store that we were in was there a strong chemical smell coming from any mattress we lay down on. From the time our mattress was delivered to us by Sears, the chemical smell coming off it was overpowering. It got even worse when we lay down on it. I woke after 4 hours with burning eyes and face and tingling lips and tongue. I could not sleep with my face down because of the stench. Everything that came in contact with the bed stank - bedding, pillows, skin. It is now 1 week later and things are only slightly better. I cannot sleep on the bed or even be in the room with it. Sears does not want to take it back. Says smell is normal and it will go away. 在4个评论者中,有一个快被味道折磨疯了http://reviews.macys.com/7129/39759...luxury-firm-mattress-sets-reviews/reviews.htmVery Unhappy with the Smell - Stench! January 25, 2010 "I was so excited to recieve my new mattress! I tested it in the store and was familiar with the brand, and loved the way it felt when I tried it. Unfortunately, I've just had to talk to customer service about either returning or exchanging the mattress! The smell is unbearable. I have had it 3 days, and can't even be in the same room! My sister walked in the front door of my home and exclaimed "What is that awful smell??". It was my mattress reaking of some indescribable chemical/flowery/horrid odor.I live in the cold north and resorted to opening the windows in 40 degree weather, turning off the heat vents in the room and placing an air purifier directly next to the mattress! It barely touched the odor.I honestly can't decide what rating to give this mattress, as I loved the feel in the store. The floor models had no odor, and neither does any one my family already owns. But the one Macy's delivered is simply horrifying in it's stench. Nobody could sleep on it to tell how comfortable it is. I had to change clothes after sitting on it once.Not sure what I am going to do. If I exchange it and the next one smells this bad ~ I will cry!
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变 超赞 赏 anny宝宝 0$(VIP 0) 8802010-10-15#18 回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷严重怀疑这种味道根本就散不净,放了一夜,用手轻拍一下床垫,闻闻手上的味道都是很重 我的遭遇和上面投诉的一摸一样,他坐在上面一下,连衣服都要换的。睡在上面,毯子褥子枕头衣服皮肤都会沾上同样的臭味
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变 超赞 赏 anny宝宝 0$(VIP 0) 8802010-10-15#19 回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷这个评论更让人郁闷,经销商让消费者的孩子们在上面乱蹦,目的是为了让里面的味道更快消散!!! 但这个到底是说海绵枕头还是说海绵垫子有点模糊 http://www.bestmattressreviews.com/stearns-and-foster-mattress-reviews.htmlUnhappy in Washington: March 29, 2010 at 5:00 pmWe just purchased a Eureka Springs Plush S & F mattress, it arrived a week ago, the product they use in the foam on top smells SO BAD that I have not been able to sleep in the bed yet! It came with two foam pillows that also smell so bad I can’t use them! The place I purchased them told me to have my kids jump on the bed to air it out!! And then said to leave a fan on it for a couple of days…Really? I a paid $1,800 for a bed I can’t sleep on? And you want me to have kids jump on it? Waiting for a call back from S & Foster, we will see what they have to say. Has any one else experienced this problem? Sleepless in Seattle….
命由己造 相由心生世间万物皆是化相,心不动,万物皆不动,心不变,万物皆不变 超赞 赏 anny宝宝 0$(VIP 0) 8802010-10-15#20 回复: 新买的床垫味太大了 郁闷看来只能要求换回去了,太郁闷了,搞不好还要多花50块换货运费,可这是厂家和经销商的责任!严重郁闷,搞不好还不给换。据说S&F的质保也是SHIT一摊,经常推卸责任,有问题也说成没问题,什么1/2 INCH塌陷不算SAGGING..... Joe of Baytown Tx:We just purchase a new stearns & foster fiona mattress and it has a terrible odor of sewer gas,is this normal as I have been told. If this is normal what can I do to get rid of the odor. Hi Joe,There is always something of a "new mattress" smell with any bed. If the odor is real strong, either the foam was made wrong or it was stored in a bad place. If it is that bad, insist on having it replaced...but not from stock. Insist that it be freshly made. Every so often, a roll of improperly cured foam is produced. A "batch" of mattresses are made from that roll. The factory goes through a roll in no time and the likelihood of getting a second is remote if ordered and much greater if taken from stock.Most mattress factories buy from the same foam companies. This kind of thing happens to all of them, from time to time.
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