加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto请教高手:出售国内房产,CRA承认网签价?实际成交价?







国内税务局按网签价计税,买家为了省税,会把网签价压低。可是作为卖家,加拿大这边,如果CRA只认网签价,会和汇到这里银行的金额有出入。。 ?

家园小千 说:为了少交税?点击展开...是的,按网签价交税

喜樂的心乃是良藥,憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。--箴言17:22http://bingoye.blog.sohu.com/http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3723826467_0_1.htmlhttp://bbs.ipa001.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=322759&do=thread&view=me&from=space 超赞 赏 FANNY_DF 5$(VIP 0,#189) 1,8052020-10-21#8 你国内的房子如果是自住的,卖了不需要交加拿大的税吧?具体得问问专家。

2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利你国内的房子如果是自住的,卖了不需要交加拿大的税吧?具体得问问专家。点击展开...海外收入好像也不计算海外自住房价值?

2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利 超赞 赏 FANNY_DF 5$(VIP 0,#189) 1,8052020-10-21#10 具体看看:https://www.ourdream.ca/forums/thread-119667-1-1.html明明白白我的税海外资产申报中的问题解析 | ibaoxian.ca 爱保险网站1.问:什么时候应该报海外资产申报表? 答:第一年不用报详细的海外资产申报表,第二年开始报详细的海外资产申报表。 例如:2019登陆的,在2021年4月30号前报2020年税的时候,首次报海外资产申报表。注意2020年头报2019年税的时候,切记海外收入也是需要报税的。 2.问:我需要报海外资产吗? 答:海外资产的申报要求是只要在2019年任何时点上,在您名下的海外资产总成本超过10万加币,就必须enjoylifeinsurance.com

2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利在计算海外收入的时候,CRA会承认售房的网签价还是实际成交价?如果是承认实际成交价,需要给售房合同和转账记录做翻译公证?第一次报海外收入,望高手解答。?点击展开...会计师说关键是你报国内资产时是多少价值

喜樂的心乃是良藥,憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。--箴言17:22http://bingoye.blog.sohu.com/http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3723826467_0_1.htmlhttp://bbs.ipa001.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=322759&do=thread&view=me&from=space 超赞 赏 反馈:WwowW F fmvictory 0$(VIP 0) 1,0542020-10-22#12 学习

关于“海外资产申报”,你真的弄明白了吗?在温哥华,随便翻开一份简体中文报纸,跳进你眼帘里频率最高的几个字是什么?连没读过几年书的老婆婆都知道这个问题的答案: “海外资产申报” 那都是黑体大字啊! 也不知道从哪天开始的,“海外资产申报”,成了新老移民的第一大关注,也成了老少爷们的第一大困惑,还成了…… 这可真有趣! 那边有位朋友说话了,谁说俺困惑了?那是以前,俺早听过专家讲座了,早就弄明白了,也早请专家给俺报过海外资产申报表了,俺的海外资产早就都安排好了。 什么?您老已经报过“海外资产申报表”了? 这事儿可就怪了。 这么着吧,咱打个赌玩儿玩儿吧:...forum.iask.ca本坛高人有详细解释


fock 说:关于“海外资产申报”,你真的弄明白了吗?在温哥华,随便翻开一份简体中文报纸,跳进你眼帘里频率最高的几个字是什么?连没读过几年书的老婆婆都知道这个问题的答案: “海外资产申报” 那都是黑体大字啊! 也不知道从哪天开始的,“海外资产申报”,成了新老移民的第一大关注,也成了老少爷们的第一大困惑,还成了…… 这可真有趣! 那边有位朋友说话了,谁说俺困惑了?那是以前,俺早听过专家讲座了,早就弄明白了,也早请专家给俺报过海外资产申报表了,俺的海外资产早就都安排好了。 什么?您老已经报过“海外资产申报表”了? 这事儿可就怪了。 这么着吧,咱打个赌玩儿玩儿吧:...forum.iask.ca本坛高人有详细解释点击展开...要向cra申报的海外资产,价值要超过10万加币,包括的类别很多,海外收入,买入的股票基金房产等。自用的不用报,投资房产要报,自住的就不用报。我是这么理解的,不知对不对。Specified Foreign PropertySome taxpayers might think that the term “foreign property” just refers to real estate, when it refers to a lot more.Here are some examples of foreign investment property you must include on Form T1135:A life insurance policy you own from a foreign issuerInterest you own in any offshore mutual fundsAny real estate you own held outside CanadaMoney in a foreign bank accountShares you own of a foreign companyInterest you hold in a non-resident trustBonds or debentures owned from foreign countriesAny other income you earn from foreign property.Foreign Property You Don’t Need to DeclareNot all foreign property above the $100,000 limit needs to be declared on your tax return.Any investments you hold inside your Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Tax-Free Savings Account don’t need to be included as specified foreign property.Here are some other examples of foreign property you can exclude:Any property you own primarily for personal use, including your automobile, cottage, paintings and jewelryAny property you use for running a business like a building, equipment and inventoryIt’s important to remember that just because a company’s stock is traded on a foreign stock exchange, doesn’t mean you have to include it as foreign income. Many Canadian companies are traded in this manner; you aren’t required to count these towards the $100,000 limit for foreign property.

When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.国内税务局按网签价计税,买家为了省税,会把网签价压低。可是作为卖家,加拿大这边,如果CRA只认网签价,会和汇到这里银行的金额有出入。。 ?点击展开...如果是外管局审批一次性汇出,外管局只批网签价减去国内付税的部分实际成交价和网签价的差额,在合同上体现的是家具装修附属价值,其实从字面理解网签价就是房子本身的成交价,总价是包括房子售价,家具装修

vivienli 说:如果是外管局审批一次性汇出,外管局只批网签价减去国内付税的部分实际成交价和网签价的差额,在合同上体现的是家具装修附属价值,其实从字面理解网签价就是房子本身的成交价,总价是包括房子售价,家具装修点击展开...看来操作过!实情。

喜樂的心乃是良藥,憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。--箴言17:22http://bingoye.blog.sohu.com/http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3723826467_0_1.htmlhttp://bbs.ipa001.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=322759&do=thread&view=me&from=space要向cra申报的海外资产,价值要超过10万加币,包括的类别很多,海外收入,买入的股票基金房产等。自用的不用报,投资房产要报,自住的就不用报。我是这么理解的,不知对不对。Specified Foreign PropertySome taxpayers might think that the term “foreign property” just refers to real estate, when it refers to a lot more.Here are some examples of foreign investment property you must include on Form T1135:A life insurance policy you own from a foreign issuerInterest you own in any offshore mutual fundsAny real estate you own held outside CanadaMoney in a foreign bank accountShares you own of a foreign companyInterest you hold in a non-resident trustBonds or debentures owned from foreign countriesAny other income you earn from foreign property.Foreign Property You Don’t Need to DeclareNot all foreign property above the $100,000 limit needs to be declared on your tax return.Any investments you hold inside your Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Tax-Free Savings Account don’t need to be included as specified foreign property.Here are some other examples of foreign property you can exclude:Any property you own primarily for personal use, including your automobile, cottage, paintings and jewelryAny property you use for running a business like a building, equipment and inventoryIt’s important to remember that just because a company’s stock is traded on a foreign stock exchange, doesn’t mean you have to include it as foreign income. Many Canadian companies are traded in this manner; you aren’t required to count these towards the $100,000 limit for foreign property.点击展开...我报海外资产的时候,在国内做了房产公证,都没有出租,都填报了。

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