加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto在飞机上看到的一段话,很不错,与大家共享
You’ll wait for a bus, a plane, a taxi You’ll patiently wait to be seated and always wait for your number to be called. You’ve waited for the phone to ring for a decision to be made and you’ve wisely waited for just right moment. You’ll wait for the rinse cycle, the commercial to end and definitely wait for the encore. In many cases, you’re just going to wait for the DVD to come put. Sometimes you just want to wait and see what happens next. But when it comes to your legacy, don’t wait until it’s too late.
回复: 在飞机上看到的一段话,很不错,与大家共享你会等一辆公交车,飞机,出租车你会耐心地等待能坐下来,始终等待你的电话号码被调用。你等着电话响作出决定,并为你明智地恰到好处的时刻等待着。你会等待冲洗周期,商业,制止和肯定等待安可。在许多情况下,你只是要等待的DVD来放。有时你只是想等着看接下来会发生什么。但是,当它来到你的遗产,不要等到为时已晚。
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 反馈:自由云飞 甘帕地的阳台 0$(VIP 0) 1,2162010-11-06#4 回复: 在飞机上看到的一段话,很不错,与大家共享啥意思啊?这段话的点是要我们早点立好遗嘱呢还是要多做好事以便留下身后美誉啊?还是说要抓紧投资机会以便死了以后有产业可遗?我等穷人,没有遗嘱也有法律规定谁可以分我的财产吧?
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