加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?



回复: 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?Granting visa does not matter whether you have kids. But the key point is can you stand for the long time seperation with your little kid? If the kid goes with you, your hands would be in full even only taking care of a kid, plus you need to study full-time. How can you survive? Unless you are very rich, you can hire a nanny to take care of your kid. Remember, your kid would not have any benefits here in canada. All the expenses would be expensive.

2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga -> 超赞 赏 Y yuki.shi 0$(VIP 0) 42010-11-17#3 回复: 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?Thanks!

回复: 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?补充问题:我出去留学可以申请爱人陪同吗?这样就有人照顾孩子,一家人在一起了。

回复: 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?Yes, you can, but i don't think you can apply together. After you get student visa and come to canada. Your spouse can try to apply for a visitor visa (no guanrantee he/she can get it). If your spouse is lucky enought to get the vistor visa, he/she can go to canada. If he/she wants to stay longer, he/she can apply for an open work permit which would allow him/her to work here. You can check CIC website for details. Good luck.

2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga ->Yes, you can, but i don't think you can apply together. After you get student visa and come to canada. Your spouse can try to apply for a visitor visa (no guanrantee he/she can get it). If your spouse is lucky enought to get the vistor visa, he/she can go to canada. If he/she wants to stay longer, he/she can apply for an open work permit which would allow him/her to work here. You can check CIC website for details. Good luck.点击展开...可以一起申请。我周围好几个人都是这样一家过来的。不要用中国人的逻辑猜测签证的事情。如果你来读几年书,不同时办理家人的签证时很奇怪的事情。建议一起签证。

回复: 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?楼上2位说的不一样,我有点迷茫了……

回复: 孩子才一岁多,我可以申请留学吗?可以一起申请。我周围好几个人都是这样一家过来的。不要用中国人的逻辑猜测签证的事情。如果你来读几年书,不同时办理家人的签证时很奇怪的事情。建议一起签证。点击展开... Why are you such unfriendly? I just try my best to help LZ, of course, I am not god, I could be wrong at some extent. If you have different opinion, just express it. I don't think you have right to judge me. Respect other people is also repecting yourself.

2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga ->Why are you such unfriendly? I just try my best to help LZ, of course, I am not god, I could be wrong at some extent. If you have different opinion, just express it. I don't think you have right to judge me. Respect other people is also repecting yourself.点击展开...首先,我写的没有针对你。请不要对号入座。告诉楼主我周围的人申请签证的方式和理由。怕楼主不理解,所以解释这种操作的主要原因是不要以中国人的思维猜测签证官的逻辑。跟你没什么关系。第二,请使用中文。不知道是不是你工作的地方不能写中文。表示理解。如果是觉得英文更能表达你的想法,也请用正确的英文。

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