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既来之,则安之!最好不要喝COFFEE, 俺喜爱喝茶.点击展开... 和我一样!

既来之,则安之! 超赞 赏 Y youngweigh 0$(VIP 0) 9532011-01-01#4 回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?我在Timothy‘s 咖啡店打工,楼主想问哪方面的啊?

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?我在Timothy‘s 咖啡店打工,楼主想问哪方面的啊?点击展开...真的吗?太好了!我对咖啡相关的信息都感兴趣,比如咖啡豆品种的选择、如何烤咖啡豆、如何研磨、如何煮一杯香喷喷的咖啡、咖啡机的选择、煮咖啡的水质的选择、各种花式咖啡怎么做......谢谢啊!

既来之,则安之! 超赞 赏 反馈:苏而 和 (已删除的会员) G GarfieldCaiGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-01-01#6 回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?不懂

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?Americano: A single shot of espresso with about 7 ounces of hot water added to the mix. The name for this coffee drink stemmed from an insult to ‘uncouth’ Americans who weren’t up to drinking full espressos. A Shot in the Dark: See ‘Hammerhead’. Black coffee: A drip brew, percolated or French press style coffee served straight, with no milk. Cafe au Lait: Similar to Caffe Latte, except that an au lait is made with brewed coffee instead of espresso. Additionally, the ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1, making for a much less intense taste. Cafe Breva: A cappuccino made with half and half milk, instead of whole milk. The theory is that the mix gives a richer, creamier flavor. You should be aware, before trying this for yourself, that half and half is much harder to foam. Caffe Latte: Essentially, a single shot of espresso in steamed (not frothed) milk. The ratio of milk to coffee should be about 3:1, but you should be aware that latte in Italian means ‘milk’, so be careful ordering one when in Rome. Cafe Macchiato: A shot of espresso with steamed milk added. The ratio of coffee to milk is approximately 4:1. Cappuccino: Usually equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often with cinnamon or flaked chocolate sprinkled on top. Some coffee shops will add more milk than that so that the customer will get a bigger drink out of the deal, but that makes the coffee itself far weaker. Double, or Double Shot: Just as it sounds, this is two shots of espresso mixed in with the regular amount of additional ingredients. So, for example, if you were going to make a double hammerhead, you would put two shots of espresso into a coffee cup, and fill it with the drip blend, rather than the usual single espresso shot. Dry Cappuccino: A regular cappuccino, only with a smaller amount of foam, and no steamed milk at all. Espresso Con Panna: Your basic standard espresso with a shot of whipped cream on top. Flavored coffee: A very much ethnic tradition, syrups, flavorings, and/or spices are added to give the coffee a tinge of something else. Chocolate is the most common additive, either sprinkled on top or added in syrup form, while other favorites include cinnamon, nutmeg, and Italian syrups. Frappe: A big favorite in parts of Europe and Latin America, especially during the summer months. Originally a cold espresso, it has more recently been prepared putting 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee with sugar, water and ice. The brew is placed in a long glass with ice, and milk if you like, turning it into a big coffee milkshake. Greek Coffee: See Turkish Coffee. Hammerhead: A real caffeine fix, this drink consists of a shot of espresso in a regular-sized coffee cup, which is then filled with drip coffee. Also known as a Shot in the Dark, although many cafes rename the drink further to suit their own needs. Iced coffee: A regular coffee served with ice, and sometimes milk and sugar. Indian (Madras) filter coffee: A common brew in the south of India, Indian filter coffee is made from rough ground, dark-roasted coffee Arabica or Peaberry beans. It’s drip-brewed for several hours in a traditional metal coffee filter before being served. The ratio of coffee to milk is usually 3:1. Instant coffee (or soluble coffee): These grounds have usually been freeze-dried and turned into soluble powder or coffee granules. Basically, instant coffee is for those that prefer speed and convenience over quality. Though some prefer instant coffee to the real thing, there’s just no accounting for taste. Irish coffee: A coffee spiked with Irish whiskey, with cream on top. An alcoholic beverage that’s best kept clear of the kids, but warms you up plenty on a cold winter night. Kopi Tubruk: An Indonesian-style coffee that is very similar to Turkish and Greek in that it’s very thick, but the coarse coffee grounds are actually boiled together with a solid piece of sugar. The islands of Java and Bali tend to drink this brew. Lungo: One for the aficionados, this is an extra long pull that allows somewhere around twice as much water as normal to pass through the coffee grounds usually used for a single shot of espresso. In technical terms, it’s a 2-3 ounce shot. Macchiato: (See Cafe Macchiato) Melya: A coffee mixed with 1 teaspoon of unsweetened powdered cocoa and drizzled honey. Sometimes served with cream. Mocha: This popular drink is basically a Cappuccino or Latte with chocolate syrup added to the mix. Sweeter, not as intense in coffee flavor, and a good ‘gateway’ coffee for those who don’t usually do the caffeine thing. Oliang/Oleng: A stronger version of Thai coffee, Oliang is a blend of coffee and other ingredients such as corn, soy beans, and sesame seeds. Traditionally brewed with a “tung tom kah fe”, or a metal ring with a handle and a muslin-like cloth bag attached. Ristretto: The opposite of a Lungo, the name of this variety of coffee means ‘restricted’, which means less water is pushed through the coffee grounds than normal, even though the shot would take the same amount of time as normal for the coffee maker to pull. If you want to get technical, it’s about a 0.75 ounce pull. Soluble Coffee: See Instant Coffee. Turkish Coffee (also known as Greek Coffee): Made by boiling finely ground coffee and water together to form a muddy, thick coffee mix. In fact, the strongest Turkish coffee can almost keep a spoon standing upright. It’s often made in what’s known as an Ibrik, a long-handled, open, brass or copper pot. It is then poured, unfiltered, into tiny Demitasse cups, with the fine grounds included. It’s then left to settle for a while before serving, with sugar and spices often added to the cup. Vietnamese style coffee: A drink made by dripping hot water though a metal mesh, with the intense brew then poured over ice and sweetened, condensed milk. This process uses a lot more coffee grounds and is thus a lot slower than most kinds of brewing. White coffee: A black coffee with milk added.

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?1,咖啡豆的品种太多了。我个人喜欢非洲的。2,生的咖啡豆是淡绿色的。人家专业的呢,有可以转的大炉子翻来翻去的烤。自己家里就放炉子上炒就行,有点像烤栗子,不能走开的,要站在那里一直翻一直翻。烤的久一些,就是dark,不喝苦咖啡的,就别烤的太久。我还没见过谁家里自己炒咖啡豆的,忒麻烦了。3,买炙好的咖啡豆,要选看着油亮亮的,才是新鲜的咖啡豆,咖啡豆的油分会蒸发掉的。越油的咖啡豆,越苦。装袋的咖啡粉,基本都不好了,不新鲜了,要是讲究喝咖啡,至少不买咖啡粉。跟所有的东西一样,一分钱一分货。星巴克的咖啡比timy和麦当劳强多了。4,有了咖啡豆,当然要买研磨机,很便宜的,就是磨豆子,别的功能不需要。滴漏壶或者摩卡壶用,要磨的细些。埃及人的泡咖啡法,要磨的粗。5,咖啡机的话,有钱去买espresso咖啡机,不是很会喝咖啡的,就别浪费那个钱了。不是天天喝咖啡的人,最简单的装置是一个锥形的金属网,把滤纸放进去,放咖啡粉,再倒开水进去,旅行的必备。最常用的咖啡机滴漏式的,蛮便宜的,自己去商场看,牌子就是那几个,大同小异。还有就是摩卡壶。如果你想做花式咖啡,一定要有摩卡壶,这个壶按大小算,价钱不同,一般2杯量的壶20刀左右,建议买不锈钢的,铝制的一旦犯懒,用过没有及时清洗,那就杯具了,会霉掉,而且永远洗不干净。4,至于花式咖啡,基本材料就是摩卡壶还有奶油或者牛奶,然后就是各种香料。对了,这样的话,牛奶发泡器,就是个小型的搅拌器,是必备的。摩卡壶滤出来的浓咖啡,加各种打泡的牛奶,奶油,香料,就是星巴克里死贵的花式咖啡。我就不一一说,乐趣之一,就是自己乱加东西来混,跟做饭一样,喝了才知道。5,每个人的口味不一样,自己试,反正就是咖啡加水。至于水质,太有情调了,不晓得,水管子里的水就好了。

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?自己常弄Espresso和Turkish Coffee ,要咖啡豆现磨的才好。这两样喝惯了,一般的咖啡喝到嘴里能淡出个鸟儿来。速溶咖啡只能旅行时候实在没招儿了凑合事儿用。

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗? common question asked in cafes around Houston is, "What is your dark roast?" We think people are trying to ask, "What coffee has the biggest, most pronounced flavor today?" But there's some confusion here. One aspect of coffee is often overlooked but very important. There are, in essence, two different philosophies of coffee roasting. The early years of American roasting brought what coffee geeks call "roast profiling," which means that the coffee, no matter where it's from, is roasted until it's very dark and oily in order to mask any flavors of the particular region. In the photo above, beans 14 through 16 would be achieved through roast profiling. This style also brings astringent, acrid flavors that generally are so bitter and unpleasant, a normal coffee drinker must load in cream and sugar to mask the pungent flavors. Putting cream and sugar in coffee destroys the whole idea of coffee being a healthy treat with no carbs or sugar and little to no calories. The coffee geeks don't blame anyone for wanting or needing sugar or cream, because the roast profiling process leaves unpleasant flavors that must be fixed somehow. But the coffee roasters of the world learned how to fix this problem without sacrificing the health benefits of coffee. They called this new style of roasting "bean profiling." Bean profiling developed when really high-quality coffee started being produced scientifically by farmers around the world. Careful attention to growing and processing practices yielded unique flavors and textures from each coffee-growing region that farmers wanted to highlight instead of mask. Roasting companies followed suit, roasting to accent the positive characteristics of these specialty coffees. Beans 7 through 12 above were achieved through bean profiling. This was a huge step in learning how to present each country's coffee properly. Choosing coffee to drink at home or even choosing a café to frequent can be a daunting task if you are quality-minded. We highly recommend going straight to the beans to see if the coffee is worth trying. If you see any oily residue on the beans served at a café, we suggest leaving. This signifies roast profiling, not bean profiling, and isn't worth your time. This also works when you're selecting coffee to make yourself. If it's oily, don't bother. We can't promise that just because coffee isn't oily, it will be phenomenal, but this is a great first step.

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?我对咖啡没研究,我只在困而又需要工作时喝,我喜欢喝哥伦比亚咖啡。

风景很美 超赞 赏 urchin随波逐浪零向量 0$(VIP 0) 2,6172011-01-01#12 回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?我是再7-11得时候打工基本喝遍了一些老外常喝得咖啡,最后得结论是只有regular是适合我得。。哈哈哈

世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 N njxiaomage 0$(VIP 0) 1902011-01-01#13 回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?呵呵,我家LD喜欢喝咖啡,我经常给她做拿铁,但是我不能多喝,以前在国外工作的时候,每天办公室里三大杯咖啡以后感觉心脏受不了,所以每天只能喝一杯,经常喜欢睡觉前喝咖啡,呵呵!!!

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?5,咖啡机的话,有钱去买espresso咖啡机,不是很会喝咖啡的,就别浪费那个钱了。不是天天喝咖啡的人,最简单的装置是一个锥形的金属网,把滤纸放进去,放咖啡粉,再倒开水进去,旅行的必备。最常用的咖啡机滴漏式的,蛮便宜的,自己去商场看,牌子就是那几个,大同小异。还有就是摩卡壶。如果你想做花式咖啡,一定要有摩卡壶,这个壶按大小算,价钱不同,一般2杯量的壶20刀左右,建议买不锈钢的,铝制的一旦犯懒,用过没有及时清洗,那就杯具了,会霉掉,而且永远洗不干净。4,至于花式咖啡,基本材料就是摩卡壶还有奶油或者牛奶,然后就是各种香料。对了,这样的话,牛奶发泡器,就是个小型的搅拌器,是必备的。摩卡壶滤出来的浓咖啡,加各种打泡的牛奶,奶油,香料,就是星巴克里死贵的花式咖啡。我就不一一说,乐趣之一,就是自己乱加东西来混,跟做饭一样,喝了才知道。点击展开... 不错 正想入一个 Saeco 的Espresso Machine 请问熟悉吗?这类机器做出来的和摩卡壶的有什么差别?

[SIGPIC]不错 正想入一个 Saeco 的Espresso Machine 请问熟悉吗?这类机器做出来的和摩卡壶的有什么差别? 点击展开...我对机器品牌没有研究,应该是区别不大。硬要说,意大利产的好过北美的。我自己买东西是偏向于功能越简单越好,做espresso就是espresso,好像有些机器号称可以做这个那个,基本都不用,浪费,还容易坏。注意一下那个滤头,金属的最好,当然了,基本都是塑料。机器出来的espresso跟摩卡壶还是有很大差别的。摩卡壶的压力不够,出来的espresso怎么也没有那个浓度,爱好花式咖啡的话,espresso机还是很必要的。自己弄出来的卡布奇诺比谁家卖的都香,还好玩。除了爱好花式咖啡的,那要咖啡上瘾的,每天早上起床需要杯浓浓的咖啡的,那是一定要买一个。真的很浓的咖啡啊,好像是只有意大利呆久了的人才有那个需要,跟喝兴奋剂一样。立马醒过来,可以精神抖擞去上班。不是上述两种人的,滴漏壶基本可以满足需要了,毕竟那个机器可不便宜。摩卡壶加磨豆机加滴漏壶一起都要不了一半espresso、机的价钱。不过呢,买个espresso机,做花式咖啡很好玩的。不用切啦洗啦打扫啦,比做饭还好玩。

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?每天一杯的话,中庸(省时省力品质尚可)意大利浓缩的解决之道是Nespresso,是用。(250刀,或1700人民币)单品咖啡再买个“瑞士金”滤网,日本手摇碾磨器,世界各地买些豆子自己焙烘,是玩。 (200多人民币)

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?不错 正想入一个 Saeco 的Espresso Machine 请问熟悉吗?这类机器做出来的和摩卡壶的有什么差别?点击展开...我也想知道。

既来之,则安之!呵呵,我家LD喜欢喝咖啡,我经常给她做拿铁,但是我不能多喝,以前在国外工作的时候,每天办公室里三大杯咖啡以后感觉心脏受不了,所以每天只能喝一杯,经常喜欢睡觉前喝咖啡,呵呵!!!点击展开... 那就别喝多。

回复: 有懂咖啡的吗?我对机器品牌没有研究,应该是区别不大。硬要说,意大利产的好过北美的。我自己买东西是偏向于功能越简单越好,做espresso就是espresso,好像有些机器号称可以做这个那个,基本都不用,浪费,还容易坏。注意一下那个滤头,金属的最好,当然了,基本都是塑料。机器出来的espresso跟摩卡壶还是有很大差别的。摩卡壶的压力不够,出来的espresso怎么也没有那个浓度,爱好花式咖啡的话,espresso机还是很必要的。自己弄出来的卡布奇诺比谁家卖的都香,还好玩。除了爱好花式咖啡的,那要咖啡上瘾的,每天早上起床需要杯浓浓的咖啡的,那是一定要买一个。真的很浓的咖啡啊,好像是只有意大利呆久了的人才有那个需要,跟喝兴奋剂一样。立马醒过来,可以精神抖擞去上班。不是上述两种人的,滴漏壶基本可以满足需要了,毕竟那个机器可不便宜。摩卡壶加磨豆机加滴漏壶一起都要不了一半espresso、机的价钱。不过呢,买个espresso机,做花式咖啡很好玩的。不用切啦洗啦打扫啦,比做饭还好玩。点击展开...

[SIGPIC]每天一杯的话,中庸(省时省力品质尚可)意大利浓缩的解决之道是Nespresso,是用。(250刀,或1700人民币)单品咖啡再买个“瑞士金”滤网,日本手摇碾磨器,世界各地买些豆子自己焙烘,是玩。 (200多人民币)点击展开...不得不说,你知道的太多了。

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