加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 供从国内过来的高中生参考-UBC大学对英语的要求


There are eight ways to meet this requirementComplete three or more consecutive years of full-time education in English within Canada immediately prior to attending UBC.Complete four or more consecutive years of full-time education in English in a country other than Canada where English is the principal language. These four years must be immediately prior to attending UBC.Achieve a grade of 70% or better on the provincial examination portion of BC English 12 or English Literature 12 or the equivalent.Achieve a final grade of 4 or better on Advanced Placement (AP) English Language & Composition or AP Literature & Composition; or achieve a final grade of 5 or better on International Baccalaureate English A1 or A2 (higher-level or standard-level).Achieve the competence standard indicated by one of the tests of English language proficiency that evaluates skills in listening, reading, speaking, and writing.Successfully complete six credits of post-secondary first-year English studies that are eligible for transfer credit to UBC. To be eligible, the course must be taken at a recognized university in an English-speaking country. A transcript showing completion of these courses is required by June 30. For students at North American post-secondary institutions, this usually requires you to complete the courses by the end of the January to April term.Graduate from a recognized degree program at an accredited university at which English is the primary language of instruction in a country where English is the principal language.Attend four or more years at an eligible international secondary school that uses English as the language of instruction but operates in a country where the primary language is not English. These four years must be immediately prior to attending UBC. You will need to submit a transcript as soon as possible to the Undergraduate Admissions office.If you do not meet UBC’s minimum English language requirement for an undergraduate program, you may be interested in the Conditional Admission Program.If you are fully proficient in English but do not meet any of the eight options listed above, you may request a waiver of the English language requirement.

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多伦多 Toronto-加拿大


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