加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Torontocomputer technician wanted
A small registered legitimate business looking for male computer technicians who must reside in the downtown Toronto area. This position is for onsite computer and technical repair at the client’s home or office. Appointments can be in morning, afternoon or evening. As stated this is at the convenience of the clients. Jobs depend on the clients calling us so this is pocket money for anyone who is working part-time/fulltime at other places. You must be using a TTC metro pass already. Students in college or university welcome to apply also. Be prepared to be asked questions at interview on your qualification /knowledge. Pay is $13 per hour Please send resumes to the email address listed when you answer: [email protected] SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY
回复: computer technician wanted二道贩子?
回复: computer technician wanted涨工资了,我老人家当年去应聘时才给$10
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 反馈:annieshen G googlebotGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-02-04#4 回复: computer technician wanted才13刀, 路上花的时间算吗?
回复: computer technician wanted不错嘛。
回复: computer technician wantedI am serious people...
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。 超赞 赏 反馈:annieshen annieshenModerator 0$(VIP 0) 27,2382011-02-04#7 回复: computer technician wantedbetter than nothing...
超赞 赏 Q qq716 0$(VIP 0) 3832011-02-04#8 回复: computer technician wantedmale???
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