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Providing that the cards that you cancel are fairly new or newer than your other credit cards, your credit score should not be affected with any significance. However, canceling credit cards may be helpful if you're looking to get a mortgage in the near future as lenders look at the total credit available as one of their lending criteria.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?Lesson learned: If you have an old credit card in good standing, then think twice before canceling it as it may negatively impact your credit score. However, as with any credit blemishes, time heals all credit wounds.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?The older the credit card, the more weight or importance it has on your credit score. In other words, credit history is an important factor in the credit scoring system. Also note though that credit history only accounts for approximately 15% of your total credit score.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?Many people are not aware of this fact that their unused credit card will adversely affect their credit score. Closing your unused card will not wipe out your past credit history with the account but it will help you to reduce your open credit. But before you cancel your unused credit cards make sure that you are going to cancel the cards which you think you don’t want anymore. There are several peoples who used to cancel their credit cards just to increase there current credit score. But remember that doing so won’t increase your credit score. That is it is not a good idea to cancel your unused credit cards just as a short term strategy to increase your credit rating.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?Before you take a decision of whether to use your credit card or to cancel your unused credit card make a thorough study that you won’t need the credit card at a later stage in your life. That is, make yourself clear why are trying to get rid of a credit card. The next step is to check whether there is any balance to be paid for the credit card you are about to cancel. Don’t try to cancel your credit card while you are paying the balance. Cancel the credit card after you have completely paid the balance amounts.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?If your credit card balance is zero, go ahead and close as many unused accounts as you want. As long as your credit cards are balance-free, it won't hurt your credit score a bit. So call those card issuers and cut away.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?It is best to pay the card off completely before canceling your account.Next, consider how cancelling a credit card can affect your credit score. Yes, it seems a little illogical that having fewer credit cards would hurt your credit score but it is possible.Your credit score is partly based on the total outstanding balances on your credit cards compared to the total available credit. If you cancel a card that has a zero balance, it can actually hurt your score by increasing this ratio.For example, let's see what happens if you have 4 credit cards with a total available credit of $8000 and a total balance of $2000 outstanding. For simplicity, we'll assume each card has a credit limit of $2000.Currently, the ratio of outstanding credit to total available is .25 ($2000 divided by $8000). If you cancel one of the cards with a zero balance, that ratio will increase to .33 ($2000 divided by $6000).Because the ratio is higher, this can have a negative effect on your credit rating. If you are planning to apply for a mortgage, car loan, or some other type of financing in the near future you may be better off keeping the extra cards until after the financing has been approved.
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?对取消信用卡有了初步了解了。
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?我最老的BMO的credit card已经好几年没有用过了,真不知道该不该取消
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google我最老的BMO的credit card已经好几年没有用过了,真不知道该不该取消点击展开...最老的还是留着吧,偶尔刷一把。
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?看了没两眼我就晕了,反正用的多的credits多的老信用卡别随便cancel,新的不怎么用的credit少的信用卡取消了也没什么大不了。猪哥:我的概括能力还可以吧。
小隐藏于山,大隐藏于室,无影藏于网路。。。 超赞 赏 Chinese Canadian两个娃儿的爹 0$(VIP 0) 14,0112009-03-09#12 回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?我用的最少的还有个TD的金卡,因为没有返点,只有在买电器需要保修时才用
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?看了没两眼我就晕了,反正用的多的credits多的老信用卡别随便cancel,新的不怎么用的credit少的信用卡取消了也没什么大不了。猪哥:我的概括能力还可以吧。点击展开... 前面一大段英文我看不懂.我想问一下,我们申请的第一个信用卡,目前就一年了,前面大半年基本用的就是这个,但目前又申请了另一个别公司的信用卡,预计将来会更高频率地使用第二张卡(事实上从拿到这第二张起我们基本就用这张,而少用第一张了),那此时取消第一张,有啥影响不?
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?近期没有贷款的话影响不大
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?其实信用卡多几张也无妨,有的加油的时候用划算,有的在某些店买东西划算,有些有cash back,有的租车的时候用...不过别太多了忘记按时还钱就不好了。ps庆祝我的第1000帖诞生,成功进级~~~
小隐藏于山,大隐藏于室,无影藏于网路。。。 超赞 赏 peterduan 0$(VIP 0) 3,7922009-03-09#17 回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?学习了,也长见识啦。
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?其实信用卡多几张也无妨,有的加油的时候用划算,有的在某些店买东西划算,有些有cash back,有的租车的时候用...不过别太多了忘记按时还钱就不好了。ps庆祝我的第1000帖诞生,成功进级~~~点击展开...congrats
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google其实信用卡多几张也无妨,有的加油的时候用划算,有的在某些店买东西划算,有些有cash back,有的租车的时候用...不过别太多了忘记按时还钱就不好了。ps庆祝我的第1000帖诞生,成功进级~~~[/quote] 恭喜+庆贺!点击展开...
回复: 取消信用卡如何影响你的Credit Score?Closing your unused card will not wipe out your past credit history with the account but it will help you to reduce your open credit.this is most important thing.
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