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Normally you pay for the cereal for no more than $3.99 one box, but you will get a box of cereal and a $12.75 film ticket. Free movie coupon in specially marked General Mills cereal boxesCoupon gets you a free movie in February from Sunday to Thursday, free small popcorn or candy in March, B1G1 movie admission in April and a small drink in May.https://lifemadedelicious.ca/Offersa...ie-Coupon.aspxHow it works: 1. Cut out the coupon found on the inside of specially marked General Mills Cereals and Old El Paso* Kits.2. Redeem coupon for the offer of your choice at any participating Cineplex Entertainment theatre.3. Enjoy! †With coupon inside specially marked boxes of cereal & Old El Paso* kits. Each coupon valid for one time use only. Valid Sunday-Thursday, until May 31st, 2011. Other restrictions apply. See coupon for details.Please press the 谢谢 button if you like the deal
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超赞 赏 mayflower 0$(VIP 0) 2,2722011-02-11#7 回复: 免费电影票推荐Free movie coupon2月份拿着coupon直接就可以看电影了,不需要买一张电影票,所以才说2月份才是最合算的。大家可以买cereal的时候看盒子上的说明。可以在周日到周四看电影。
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