加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto谁能告诉我这封信是让干嘛的?什么是Annual Filing In Default?
今天收到一封信,是Industry Canada或者是叫做Corporation Canada寄来的,内容如下: Annual Filing In DefaultCanada Business Corporations Act(CBCA) The above-mentioned corporation is in default of filing its 2010 annual return which was due to be filed between 2010-3-16 and 2010-05-15. CAUTIONFAILURE TO FILE MAY RESULT IN THE DISSOULUTION OF THE CORPORATION. HOW TO FILEONLINEVisit www.corporationscanada.ic.gc.ca and choose"File an annual Return". The online filing fee is $20. 谁能帮我看看,这封信是让交钱的吗?
回复: 谁能告诉我这封信是让干嘛的?什么是Annual Filing In Default?是注册公司以后要交的钱吗?
回复: 谁能告诉我这封信是让干嘛的?什么是Annual Filing In Default?LZ不用管。这是前任房客以现住址开了个公司,公司的性质是corporation,他(她)就可以做生意了。这封信的意思是.......................年审。corporation 和自雇不一样的哈。自雇是自己负责,而且债务和个人相关。corporation是有限责任................
回复: 谁能告诉我这封信是让干嘛的?什么是Annual Filing In Default?多谢阳光和topspin!
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