加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto芹菜桃子含有67种农药
您买的水果和蔬菜足够干净么?美国环境工作团体近日对来自美国农业部和美国食品药品监督管理局的10万份生产农药报告研究发现,芹菜位列“最脏”蔬果之首。 环境工作团体罗列了多达49种“最脏”蔬果的名单。消费者在前往杂货商店时可要注意您最爱的蔬果有没有在名单之列了。 此外,环境工作团体建议购买有机蔬果或是本地生产的蔬果,因为这些蔬果比起用常规生产方式生产的蔬果,能够减少80%的农药摄入量。 十款上榜蔬果 芹菜:一根芹菜含有13种农药,整把芹菜含农药多达67种。 桃子:“毛茸茸”的桃皮是害虫最爱滋生的地方,因此农药喷得最多。研究发现,桃子含有的农药高达67种。 甜柿子椒:皮薄、质脆是这种蔬菜最易受农药污染的原因。含有农药高达63种。 菠菜、甘蓝:菠菜含有45种不同的农药,甘蓝含有57种不同的农药。 草莓:柔软、“邋遢”的表皮使得草莓更易“吸收”农药。研究发现,草莓上残留的农药多达53种。 苹果:是“高维护的水果”,需要喷洒很多农药来维护其外形,防止虫害。因此表皮最多含有47种农药。 土豆:您是否在吃土豆皮时不假思索?如果知道土豆的表皮中含有高达36种农药,您就要三思而后行了。 蓝莓:表皮很薄,更容易受到化学物质的污染。最多含有14种农药。 葡萄:皮薄依然是使得葡萄最易受农药污染的原因,这也波及葡萄酒。
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 反馈:johnee 和 (已删除的会员) Chinese Canadian两个娃儿的爹 0$(VIP 0) 14,0112011-02-22#2 12种食物要买organicThe Environmental Working Group created a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides, to help consumers lower pesticide consumption by nearly four-fifths by avoiding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables and instead eating the least contaminated produce. When you eat the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, you’ll be exposed to an average of 10 pesticides a day. When you choose fresh produce from the 15 least contaminated fruits and vegetables, you’ll consume fewer than 2 pesticides per day. Of the 12 most contaminated foods, 7 are fruits: peaches, strawberries, apples, domestic blueberries, nectarines, cherries and imported grapes. Notable findings: More than 96 percent of peaches tested positive for pesticides, followed by nectarines (95.1 percent) and apples (93.6 percent).Nearly 86 percent of peaches contained 2 or more pesticide residues ‚ followed by apples (82.3 percent) and nectarines (80.6 percent).Strawberries and domestic blueberries each had 13 pesticides detected on a single sample. Peaches and apples were second, with 9 pesticides on one sample.Peaches had been treated with more pesticides than any other produce, registering combinations of up to 67 different chemicals. Strawberries were next, with 53 pesticides and apples with 47. Celery, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale, collard greens and potatoes are the vegetables most likely to retain pesticide contamination: Some 95 percent all celery samples tested positive for pesticides, followed by imported cucumbers (84.5 percent) and potatoes (84.2 percent).Nearly 85 percent of celery samples contained multiple pesticides, followed by sweet bell peppers (61.5 percent) and collard greens (53.2 percent).A single celery was contaminated with 13 different chemicals, followed by kale (10), and collard greens, domestic green beans, spinach and lettuce (9).Celery had been treated with as many as 67 pesticides, followed by sweet bell peppers (63) and kale (57). The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides ranks pesticide contamination for 50 popular fruits and vegetables based on an analysis of 96,000 tests for pesticides on these foods, conducted from 2000 to 2008 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the federal Food and Drug Administration. The 49 fruits and vegetables analyzed in the guide are the top 49 most consumed fruits and vegetables, as reported by the USDA, with a minimum of 100 pesticide tests between 2000 and 2009. Nearly all the studies on which the guide is based tested produce after it had been rinsed or peeled. Contamination was measured in 6 different ways: Percent of samples tested with detectable pesticidesPercent of samples with two or more pesticidesAverage number of pesticides found on a single sampleAverage amount (level in parts per million) of all pesticides foundMaximum number of pesticides found on a single sampleTotal number of pesticides found on the commodity Crops were ranked based on a composite score from all categories. The goal is to include a range of different measures of pesticide contamination to account for uncertainties in the science. All categories were treated equally; for example, a pesticide linked to cancer is counted the same as a pesticide linked to brain and nervous system toxicity, and the likelihood of eating multiple pesticides on a single food is given the same weight as the amounts of the pesticide detected or the percent of the crop on which pesticides were found. The EWG’s Shopper’s Guide is not built on a complex assessment of pesticide risks but instead reflects the overall pesticide loads of common fruits and vegetables.
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 超赞 赏 alberto 0$(VIP 0) 16,2612011-02-22#3 回复: 芹菜桃子含有67种农药最少的是哪些呢?
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