加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto老革 命、新问题!



回复: 老,新问题标题应为:老,新问题!版主TX,为啥俺不能编辑标题?

回复: 老,新问题分享一个量身为海外华人打造的网络电视软件,基本上支持所有的华文电视台(永久免费)可以看翡翠台、本港台、J2、CCTV-5、CCTV风云足球、NBA、凤凰台、星空卫视、湖南卫视、江苏卫视等等感兴趣的人可以加BETV交流QQ群:133383438http://www.mybe.tv/点击展开...

回复: 老,新问题可以。详见附件。A guarantor is a person other than the applicant who confirms the applicant's identity and has knowledge of the child.Your guarantor MUST:be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older;hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid or has been expired for no more than one year on the day you submit your application;have been 16 years of age or older when he or she applied for the passport identified in Section 6 of this application form;have known you (the applicant) personally for at least two (2) years*;*To know an applicant personally means that the guarantor is able to confirm aspects of the applicant's personal attributes such as name, approximate age, place of birth, physical description and some personal history such as occupation and place of residence.provide the requested information contained in his or her passport;be accessible to Passport Canada for verification;reside in Canada, in the USA or in any of the areas where submission of this application form is authorized, e.g. Bermuda. It is not necessary that the guarantor reside in the same country as the applicant.A family member or person residing at the same address as you (the applicant) may be your guarantor, provided that he or she meets the specified requirements. If you are the parent or legal guardian applying for a passport for the child, you cannot sign as guarantor. However, if applicable, the other parent or legal guardian of the child may sign.

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790可以。详见附件。 A guarantor is a person other than the applicant who confirms the applicant's identity and has knowledge of the child.Your guarantor MUST:be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older;hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid or has been expired for no more than one year on the day you submit your application;have been 16 years of age or older when he or she applied for the passport identified in Section 6 of this application form;have known you (the applicant) personally for at least two (2) years*;*To know an applicant personally means that the guarantor is able to confirm aspects of the applicant's personal attributes such as name, approximate age, place of birth, physical description and some personal history such as occupation and place of residence.provide the requested information contained in his or her passport;be accessible to Passport Canada for verification;reside in Canada, in the USA or in any of the areas where submission of this application form is authorized, e.g. Bermuda. It is not necessary that the guarantor reside in the same country as the applicant.A family member or person residing at the same address as you (the applicant) may be your guarantor, provided that he or she meets the specified requirements. If you are the parent or legal guardian applying for a passport for the child, you cannot sign as guarantor. However, if applicable, the other parent or legal guardian of the child may sign.点击展开...

回复: 老,新问题学习。。。

超赞 赏 反馈:自由云飞 和 (已删除的会员) 昆虫国际 0$(VIP 0) 11,0432011-04-07#7 回复: 老,新问题占位,学习~

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩点击展开...扑哧,你狠,这儿挥着鞭子呐 好久不见,家人都好吧?

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?扑哧,你狠,这儿挥着鞭子呐 好久不见,家人都好吧?点击展开...谢谢!都挺好的,就是有点忙。

回复: 老,新问题云飞,入籍解决了?

回复: 老,新问题云飞,入籍解决了?点击展开...总算给解决了,法官面试当天都给了俺一个private ceremony

回复: 老,新问题标题应为:老,新问题!版主TX,为啥俺不能编辑标题?点击展开... 按照你的要求改了下,看看成不成?

我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下按照你的要求改了下,看看成不成?点击展开...⊙⊙b汗应该为:老革 命、新问题谢谢版主美女!

回复: 老,新问题!O(∩_∩)O哈!终于明白了!革 命不是能连写的,必须分开!白色恐怖!

回复: 老,新问题总算给解决了,法官面试当天都给了俺一个private ceremony点击展开...恭喜

回复: 老,新问题恭喜点击展开...谢谢!

回复: 老,新问题⊙⊙b汗应该为:老革 命、新问题谢谢版主美女!点击展开... 哈哈,才想呢,这名字想要表达啥意思呢?

回复: 老,新问题⊙⊙b汗应该为:老革 命、新问题谢谢版主美女!点击展开... 终于明白你的意思了,已经改好啦!

我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下终于明白你的意思了,已经改好啦!点击展开...谢谢!

  ·新西兰新闻 “对中国没有信心!”NZ邻国爆发抗议,“既要又要”!新西兰
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