加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto在保守党的老巢,10个男人就有1个人为打老婆应该


阿尔伯塔十分之一的男人认为如果女人惹男人生气就该挨揍; 另外还有21%的男人认为扇小孩耳光也是可以的。 http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...iolence-against-women-is-okay-leger-poll?bn=1 Almost one in 10 Alberta men believes hitting a woman is okay if she makes them angry, says a recent poll. The Leger Marketing survey also found 40 per cent of the men say women who dress provocatively risk being raped “This is first study of its kind that has been done in Alberta and I believe in the rest of the country,” Ian Large, vice-president for the Alberta branch of Leger Marketing, said told the Star Wednesday.“Alberta has a particularly bad reputation in this area,” he said, adding that the 1,000 men surveyed were remarkably honest. According to a report released by Statistics Canada in 2011, Alberta and Saskatchewan have the highest rates of spousal abuse in the country. Those taken aback by the “ground-breaking” results include Alberta Premier Alison Redford, who says she was sickened by some of the findings. Redford said the statistic showing that 21 per cent of men surveyed said slapping a child’s face is acceptable behaviour “made me sick to my stomach.”点击展开...

  ·新西兰新闻 【实时更新】飓风预计今晚登录澳洲 布里斯班街道已空无一人
·新西兰新闻 致两名投资者被骗近200万纽币 奥克兰61岁男子获洗钱罪名

多伦多 Toronto-加拿大


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多伦多 Toronto-加拿大


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