加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是多少?



回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是12

USANA直营-flycafe12点击展开... 谢谢。

回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是登陆时发给你的移民手册里都写有,要自己认真学习,不要老听说。

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 susanhuang2 0$(VIP 0) 1132012-04-25#5 回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是12周岁以下是非法的。

做过多年建筑信贷项目经理,当过会计,工作生活在Oakville,Burlington多年信誉之上,愿以真诚、热情、周到的态度为您解决安居生活问题。MSN:[email protected] Cell: (416)-508-3789 QQ:1465106359 超赞 赏 R rz617 0$(VIP 0) 4412012-04-25#6 回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是参考http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=377041

回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是参考http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=377041点击展开...是的, 我就是记得听说过没有一个确切年龄的...好像就是来自这里

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%... 超赞 赏 heartinfall懒羊羊也不好当 0$(VIP 0) 1,3562012-04-26#8 回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是这里有点信息:Each province and territory has its own statutes that deal with child protection, which give social workers the authority to make decisions on the care of children. In Ontario, for example, the legislation is known as The Child and Family Services Act, and it has two clauses relevant to this discussion:Sec. 79 (3) “No person having charge of a child less than 16 years of age shall leave the child without making provision for his or her supervision and care that is reasonable in the circumstances.”Sec. 79 (4) “Where a person is charged with contravening subsection (3) and the child is less than ten years of age, the onus of establishing that the person made provision for the child’s supervision and care that was reasonable in the circumstances rests with the person.”In plain English, you, as a parent, are responsible for your children’s safety and well-being until they are 16 years old, and you are obligated by law to provide adequate supervision and care.

其实我是懒羊羊... 超赞 赏 N ntchris 0$(VIP 0) 3,1002012-04-26#9 回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是In plain English, you, as a parent, are responsible for your children’s safety and well-being until they are 16 years old, and you are obligated by law to provide adequate supervision and care.15.9999 岁都不行??15岁好大了吧

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%... 超赞 赏 C crackydoor 0$(VIP 0) 9152012-04-26#10 回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是http://www.oacas.org/childwelfare/faqs.htm#alone At what age can a child be left home alone?The Child and Family Services Act does not identify an age when a child can be left alone, or an age at which a child can supervise or babysit other children. The Act recognizes that age alone is not a sufficient safeguard for the supervision of children.The Act says that a person who has charge of a child less than 16 years of age cannot leave the child without making provision for his/her care or supervision that is reasonable under the circumstances. Anyone who contravenes this provision is guilty of a provincial offence and if convicted is liable to a fine of up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment of up to a year. In addition, the Criminal Code of Canada includes the offence of abandoning a child. Everyone who unlawfully abandons or exposes a child who is under the age of 10 years, so that its life is or is likely to be endangered, or its health is or is likely to be permanently injured is guilty of an offence that carries a penalty of imprisonment of not more than two years.If you're unsure as to whether it's okay to leave your child home alone, please consult with your local Children's Aid Society -- you don't have to give your name, or any identifying information.注释:对于什么年龄把小孩留在家里,没有特别的年龄规定(看红字部分)。暗示对于16岁下的要有妥善安排。

回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是不同省不一样,你在哪个省?魁北克14岁,有的省要到18岁。有的12.

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克 超赞 赏 N Nebula.Trek 0$(VIP 0) 6,9242012-04-26#12 回复: 请问,听说加拿大单独把小孩留在家里是违法的,不知道是否真的这样?以及这个年龄的规定是安大略好像是只要孩子能证明有足够自理,学习过自理课程发了证书,就可以在家里的。

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