加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto[评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息


新闻:《经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息》的相关评论经济合作及发展组织(OECD)吁请加国央行在今年秋季开始加息,并持续至2013年底,期内调高利率1.25厘,以冷却炽热的地产市道及控制通胀。 总部在法国巴黎的OECD在其环球经济前景报告中指出,点击展开...单对楼市来说,现在如果加息,估计会好过明年加,毕竟高位进场的好多都是明年以后再renew贷款.

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息要是你, 你现在买房吗?

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息要是你, 你现在买房吗?点击展开...兔子永远都不会买房子的,因为在其眼中房价总是朝一个方向变化,下跌兔子会向火坑里跳吗?

_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 S silubi 0$(VIP 0) 3732012-05-22#4 回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息是一个没窝的兔子

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息要是你, 你现在买房吗?点击展开... 我还是有个朋友要买房,不过现在没人抢了。 他出了几次价,房主没卖,一直挂者,卖房者期望值还是很高,还要个把月才会见到价格明显的下降。 现在能买的起房的刚性需求几乎都在年初前抢到房了,投资房的也都抢到了。 除非价格能明显下降,让原来够不着的能买的起,市场才会有交易。 明显下降,一定引起投资出货套现,又回再次下调。 现在市场估计就几个所谓的学区房要到9月开学后才会下降。其他估计下月就会有明显趋势。 到年底,本人估计大多会下调10%到15%以上。

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息我还是有个朋友要买房,不过现在没人抢了。 他出了几次价,房主没卖,一直挂者,卖房者期望值还是很高,还要个把月才会见到价格明显的下降。 现在能买的起房的刚性需求几乎都在年初前抢到房了,投资房的也都抢到了。 除非价格能明显下降,让原来够不着的能买的起,市场才会有交易。 明显下降,一定引起投资出货套现,又回再次下调。 所以你就天真的以为你忽悠忽悠房价就下来了?点击展开...

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息我还是有个朋友要买房,不过现在没人抢了。 他出了几次价,房主没卖,一直挂者,卖房者期望值还是很高,还要个把月才会见到价格明显的下降。 现在能买的起房的刚性需求几乎都在年初前抢到房了,投资房的也都抢到了。 除非价格能明显下降,让原来够不着的能买的起,市场才会有交易。 明显下降,一定引起投资出货套现,又回再次下调。 现在市场估计就几个所谓的学区房要到9月开学后才会下降。其他估计下月就会有明显趋势。 到年底,本人估计大多会下调10%到15%以上。点击展开... 嗯, 对,一下你的观点。 几乎所有的人都让我等等。 房子不应该是实际的这么高。

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息很简单,买了一套房的筒子恨不得房价升到天高的价钱,好说话时自豪地说我有值多少多少钱的身家,拿钱观看等买房的,巴不得房子跌到可以一次性付款还剩余钱来装修,各自心怀鬼胎,谁也不能批判谁,都好不到哪去。

风景很美 超赞 赏 咱们这儿放牧人 0$(VIP 0) 8,2192012-05-23#9 回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息呵呵 ,这个不能主观。主观要不得。

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息看中了一处,明天上午跟银行谈。可又看了这一篇: BEFORE THE BUBBLE BURSTS Canadian homebuyers are in a conundrum. For several years, analysts have warned that home prices are out of control and will soon collapse the same way the American real estate market did a few years ago. And yet prices keep rising and homebuyers keep purchasing due to the easy availability of credit and fear that the market may soon become unaffordable. Here are the top guidelines you need to know about the queasy state of the market and what to do if you are a homeowner.Studies show houses become unaffordable when they exceed three times a family's salary. Currently, most homes are 4.6 times our salaries. Further, the Toronto condo market is in a glut; if no more units were built now, there would be no real demand for five years. That's because up to 60 per cent of buyers are speculating investors who will sell when conditions change. Moreover, wages are not keeping pace with house prices. Therefore, when interest rates do rise, house prices could drop by 25 per cent.Higher interest rates will hurt prices but rates are unlikely to rise in this current global downturn. Unlike the U.S., we can't just walk away from homes we shouldn't have bought in the first place, which means we need to be prudent buyers. Further, the restrictions on buying are getting tighter, and while large cities like Toronto and Vancouver are showing extremes in prices, the situation is not the same in most other parts of Canada.While house prices are sky-high, rental prices are stable or even falling in many markets. A recent study showed that if you invested money in low-risk bonds, you would come out richer than paying down a mortgage and waiting for your home to appreciate. Renting is cheaper, gives you more flexibility and you don't have to pay five per cent commission when you pull up stakes and move to another property. Life-long renting isn't acceptable in Canada like it is in Europe get over it and rent.Don't be confused by expectations and reality; learn what these market phrases really mean:Sunny corner lot: The house is located on an intersection probably a busy intersection. Large family room: Large, open basement that only makes sense if you stick a few couches down there. Lots of storage space: The basement is just too small to be considered living space. Cozy bedrooms: Not a single room could fit a full size queen. Newly remodelled kitchen: The 50-year-old cabinetry and faucets were finally ripped out and replaced with cheaper equivalents. Storybook charm: The house is old, small and doesn't have a flat roof.The market has gotten so frothy that the lack of a bidding war on a solid property raises suspicions about structural faults in the building. While caution is always necessary when you are making the largest purchase of your life, take sensible steps to ensure you are doing the right thing. Remember, when bidding wars happen, buyers overpay. So if you're feeling uneasy, check out comparable homes and review the inspector's report. Maybe you are just getting a really great buy.'I'd like to wave a wand and make people slow down. A husband and wife who decide they want a new kitchen tend to hire a cabinet company before checking out if they have asbestos in the plaster anything before 1980 has a 50 per cent chance of this or lead in the paint or need new plumbing or electrical work. That's just not logical. People also tend to spend more money on the inside of their home than the outside. And I have to tell you, when you do a $30,000-plus kitchen and haven't even looked at your roof in the last 10 years, it doesn't make sense to me. You need to address the outside first.'Popular economist Robert Shiller of Yale University has written that U.S. house prices peaked two years before the market crashed. The implication for Canada is that, if you are just watching house prices, you may miss the warning signs that the Canadian market bubble will burst. In brief, the fours indicators of an impending crash are: 1) a huge run-up in house prices; 2) a growing negative outlook by homeowners about property value increases; 3) a drop in the number of potential buyers visiting houses for sale; and 4) a drop in the number of house permits issued.According to Redfin, a U.S. online real estate brokerage, Fridays are the best day to debut your home. Redfin found that homes listed on a Friday are 12 per cent more likely to sell within 90 days and sell much closer to the original list price. Also, homes listed on a Friday got 19 per cent more prospective buyers through the door.The theory behind a Friday listing is that it's fresh in a buyer's mind. A Friday listing makes it to the top of a potential buyer's list created for weekend viewings.Everyone needs a place to live but homeowners who think a house can serve the dual purpose of a home and an investment may be wrong. Consider: the basic rule of investing is to diversify your assets by type or region (Canadian stocks, U.S. bonds). However, a house can't be diversified and therefore its whole value is influenced by uncontrollable events like interest rates, the jobless rate and the growth of the neighbourhood. A home is also an illiquid investment, one that can't be sold at a moment's notice like shares of a company.Online home appraisals are beginning to proliferate. The tool is in demand for owners who wish to find out the value of their home but don't want a formal appraisal. However, homeowners are forewarned: the online tools are assessing a few top level home features, comparing your home to recent sales and arriving at an appraisal. The problem with this is that neither the specific features of your home, nor the homes it is being compared with, are taken into consideration when arriving at an average price.House prices across Canada are soaring. If you bought ten years ago and sold now you would earn a huge profit, right? Not so fast. Instead of subtracting what you paid for your property from what you sold it for, you have to make the following calculations: subtract what you still owe on the mortgage and the down payment, the legal and realtor fees for buying and selling, plus ten years of mortgage payments and property taxes and home improvements. Check again to see if you really made a profit on your home sale.Conventional wisdom dictates that remodelling your bathroom or kitchen will drive up the sale price of your home. Unfortunately, that has been disproved by a survey by Remodeling Magazine. If you remodel your attic into a bedroom at a cost of $50,000, you might see 72 per cent of the costs recouped and replacing all your windows could get two-thirds of the cost returned. On the other hand, a new front door can get you a 102 per cent return on your renovation. However, there are some renos that are just not worth it. A new roof will only bring back about 60 per cent of the costs while a $40,000 bathroom will only return about 50 per cent.

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息很简单,买了一套房的筒子恨不得房价升到天高的价钱,好说话时自豪地说我有值多少多少钱的身家,拿钱观看等买房的,巴不得房子跌到可以一次性付款还剩余钱来装修,各自心怀鬼胎,谁也不能批判谁,都好不到哪去。点击展开...房价大涨对大家都没好处,我有房,但加拿大真不会大涨.前两年政府应对危机万不得以.可是好多前几年在中国买了几套房,涨了,个个都以为是投资家.加拿大会出现温家宝吗,民主社会如果上班族都买不起房会怎样?

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息看中了一处,明天上午跟银行谈。可又看了这一篇:建议等两个月,前两年危机,为了老百姓就业,放弃大温百姓的安居.现在就业稳了,房价要合理化,才可能保住执政权,需要买房的年轻人拥有最多的选票.政府不希望爆跌,回调10%--30%是一定的,在联邦大选之前.点击展开...

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息所以你就天真的以为你忽悠忽悠房价就下来了?[/quote] 加拿大制度很完善的,不是某人拍一下脑袋,95%的人的财富就到5%的人的口袋了.

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息很多因素的整合。 主次因素有时候可能相互转化。所以, 这个真难说。在中国, 没规律。在一些发达国家的规律化程度, 要取决于华人的多少。 呵呵。。我们拭目以待。 等到明年再说。 今年暂时不买了。

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息是取决于移民政策,放多少移民进来。尽管好多个地产马甲死不肯认这条规律,读书的时候就有学过类似这类问题,加拿大虽然是白人社会,但人家国家也有读金融的智囊团,好多调控政策不是哈白计算出来而实施的,是智囊团。

风景很美是取决于移民政策,放多少移民进来。尽管好多个地产马甲死不肯认这条规律,读书的时候就有学过类似这类问题,加拿大虽然是白人社会,但人家国家也有读金融的智囊团,好多调控政策不是哈白计算出来而实施的,是智囊团。点击展开... 对啊,很多刚来的华人被温总理4万亿后,连最基本的经济学原理都不相信了,加拿大可是老牌资本主义国家.我就想知道,温总理的后任要如何解决这个4万亿引发的问题?这世界上估计还没答案,用小平的话,摸着石头过河?

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息房价大涨对大家都没好处,我有房,但加拿大真不会大涨.前两年政府应对危机万不得以.可是好多前几年在中国买了几套房,涨了,个个都以为是投资家.加拿大会出现温家宝吗,民主社会如果上班族都买不起房会怎样?点击展开...又在说谎了,你有房子还天天急溜溜发帖子盼房价下跌?

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息投资归投资, 涨与不涨,都不会因为某些人的声音而变化。 尽管自己有房子, 但是自己还是用自己认为最公正的思想说事儿。 再说, 做生意赔与赚都很正常, 没有那个法律条文规定做生意只赚不赔。 当然也理解那些卖房子的人, 俗言道,卖瓜的不说瓜苦。

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息又在说谎了,你有房子还天天急溜溜发帖子盼房价下跌?点击展开... 我一个月200住地下室,好吗?

回复: [评论]经合组织OECD:加拿大楼价泡沫 今秋应加息十月份房子通常比八月份便宜,当然,那时候房源也较少。等那个时候也许能碰到便宜的。房价下跌前的一个标志应该是交易量放大,现在这个特征还不明显。没有量的放大就很快下跌不符合原则。所以说马上要大跌没有什么根据。

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