加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto美国媒体对中国国安局间谍案的报道


China said to arrest alleged U.S. spy​ June 2, 2012 ​ By:Gary Dunn​ BEIJING _ China has arrested an employee of the Ministry of State Security on suspicion of spying for the United States, Hong Kong media reported Friday.​ The employee is said to be a 38-year-old man who was a secretary to Qiu Jin, the deputy minister of state security. He is alleged to have been recruited and trained by the CIA and was arrested sometime this year.​ “He helped to successfully penetrate the state security department and became aide to the vice minister … and was able to get his hands on core secrets of senior state officials,” a report in the Hong Kong-based Oriental Daily said.​ There were conflicting reports on how the alleged spy was recruited. In one account, it occurred while he was a student in the U.S. The Oriental Daily, however, reported that he was caught up in a classic “honey trap” by a woman who photographed him in a compromising setting in a Hong Kong apartment and later coerced him into spying.​ The charges appear to be entangled in the power struggle raging within the Communist Party since the beginning of the year. China is in the throes of a leadership transition, with its top-tier officials set to retire at the 18th Communist Party Congress later this year.​ The alleged spy was not identified in the reports, which named only Qiu, who is believed to be a close ally of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao.​ In February, Qiu personally handled the politically explosive case of Wang Lijun, a police official from Chongqing who had sought asylum in a U.S. Consulate in western China.​ After fleeing to the consulate in Chengdu, Wang alleged that Bo Xilai, the powerful party secretary from Chongqing, was covering up a murder by Bo’s wife.​ Qiu was reportedly one of the people who convinced Wang to leave the consulate, and on Feb. 8 he flew back to Beijing with Wang.​ “The CIA’s China spy case definitely threw a big bucket of cold water on Hu and Wen’s campaign to purge Bo. The CIA’s involvement in China’s power struggle will make Hu and Wen lose face,” wrote Duowei News, a pro-Beijing Chinese-language website based in the United States.​ If true, the incident could be the most explosive case of a U.S. spy in China since 1985, when Yu Qiangsheng, an intelligence official, defected to the U.S.​ The Ministry of State Security is China’s main intelligence arm. Even the names of its top officials are a state secret.​ Relations between the U.S. and China are in a delicate state at the moment because of Wang’s asylum bid at the U.S. Consulate as well as the case of Chen Guangcheng, a blind dissident who escaped house arrest and fled to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, ultimately leaving for the U.S. last month.​ Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had no comment on the spy case, according to news reports.​

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