加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 如何支付医疗费用(译自www.settlement.org)
译自www.settlement.org,希望对即将登陆的筒子们有帮助,有不对的地方希望老筒子指正。How can I get health care coverage (OHIP)? To receive free public health care services, you must first have an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card (Health Card). If you are Resident of Ontario, you can obtain free basic health care services by showing the doctor, nurse, or other health care worker a valid OHIP card.获得免费的医疗服务,你必须获得安省健康保险计划,即健康卡。如果你是安省的居民,你可以获得免费的基本医疗服务,在享受服务时向医生,护士或其他医疗人员出示该卡即可。 The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays for services that are medically necessary. These services include visits to your family doctor and specialists.安省医疗保险计划支付必要的医疗服务(估计美容等不在此列),包括你的家庭医生和专业医师。 Waiting Period等待期 You should apply for OHIP as soon as you arrive in Ontario. Generally, there is a three-month waiting period from the date you arrive until you are covered. You are also required to be present in Ontario for 153 days of the first 183 days after the day you apply for health coverage.你应在登录后尽快申请健康卡,一般来说从你登陆到健康卡生效需要3个月的时间。并且申请日起的183天里,你需要在安省停留至少153天。 During 3-month waiting period, you are encouraged to buy health insurance from a private company.在3个月的等待期里,购买健康保险是不错的选择。 According to the Canada Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA), not all health related expenses would be covered with this private insurance (i.e. pregnancy). They do recommend that newcomers purchase private health insurance for the 3 months that they are not covered by the OHIP/Health Card for personal health coverage. However, you MUST buy this insurance within 5 days of arriving in Ontario, or the insurance companies may not provide coverage for you.根据加拿大Canada Life and Health Insurance Association ,保险并非支付所有的医疗费用,例如怀孕。保险公司建议购买3个月的医疗保险已支付在健康卡生效前的医疗费用。你必须在登陆安省5天内购买保险,否则保险公司可能拒绝赔付。 Click here for a list of companies that provide individual health insurance for newcomers/visitors to Canada.查看提供保险的公司列表 Generally, the coverage you will buy would be for "visitors to Canada." The cost of coverage depends on the company you choose, the coverage package you choose, you and your dependent's ages, health history and any number of other issues. (Contact the Consumer Assistance Centre with any specific questions you might have - 1-800-268-8099 or 416-777-2344 in Toronto).通常购买”visitors to Canada“保险即可。保费根据公司,项目,年龄等不同而不同。 NOTE: If you are buying from your country of origin, be sure to read the policy to ensure that you are still eligible for coverage as someone who is emigrating to another country. Be sure that they cover one-way travel, many do not. As well, once you land and are no longer a resident of the country where you got the insurance, you may no longer be eligible for coverage you bought in that country. Read the policy fine print and tell the insurance company what you situation is and ask if you will still be covered before you buy. ApplyingIf you are eligible, you can get an OHIP card by completing the Ontario Ministry of Health application form called: “Registration For Ontario Health Coverage.” Application forms are available from local Ontario Ministry of Health Offices. Some doctors’ offices and hospitals also have also have application forms. You can download a form from the Ministry of Health Web site.如果你具备申请条件,可以填些申请表申请健康卡。可以在本地的医院获取申请表,也可以在网站下载download a form。 Once you have completed the application, take it to the nearest Ministry of Health Office. Make sure to bring your immigration papers, an original document that proves you live in Ontario (such as your telephone bill or bank statements with your name and address) and other documents as proof of identity (such as your passport, social insurance card, credit card that has your name and signature on it). 填完表后,需将表格交到最近的Ministry of Health Office.记得带上移民纸,证明你在安省居住的文件,例如电话或银行账单,证明你身份的证件,例如护照,SIN卡,信用卡等。According to the Ontario Health Coverage Document List provided by the government of Ontario, you will need three types of original documents. You will need one document from each list. All documents must be originals, photocopies are not accepted:下面是需要提供的文件详细的清单,每种至少提供一个原始文件(下面 的不翻了,有些我也不知道是什么东东)。1. Proof of Citizenship of OHIP Eligible Status - A document to prove you are a Canadian Citizen or hold another status that makes you eligible for Ontario health coverage:移民证明 Permanent Residents / Landed immigrants Canadian Immigration Identification cardRecord of Landing (IMM1000)Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM5292)Permanent Resident Card Other Immigration Status Letter from Immigration and Refugee Board confirming Convention Refugee or Protect Person statusProtected Person Status document Temporary Resident Permit (restrictions apply)Work Permit (restrictions apply)Written confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada that you have applied for permanent residence in Canada and have passed the immigration medical 2. Proof of Residency - A document that displays your name and current home address and confirms that your permanent and principal home is Ontario:居住证明 Child Tax Benefit StatementEmployer record (pay stub or letter from employer on company letterhead)Income tax assessment (most recent)Insurance policy (home, tenant, auto or life)Monthly mailed bank account statements for savings or chequing accounts (does not include receipts, bank books, letters or automated teller receipts)Mortgage, rental or lease agreementOntario Motor Vehicle Permit (plate or vehicle portions)Property tax billSchool, college or university report card or transcriptStatement of Direct Deposit for Ontario Family Benefits AllowanceStatement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid T4EStatement of Old Age Security T4A (OAS) or Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits T4A (P)Statement of Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), or Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP) from a financial institution (bank, trust company, credit union).Utility bill (telephone, cable TV, public utilities commission, hydro, gas, water)Valid Ontario Driver's Licence or Temporary Driver's LicenceWorkplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits T5007Your Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contribution 3. Support of Identity - A document that displays both your name and your signature:身份证明 Canadian Immigration Identification Card Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (plastic card)Certificate of Indian Status (paper or plastic card)Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM5292)Credit cardCurrent employee IDCurrent professional association licenceOld Age Security cardOntario Motor Vehicle Permit (plate portion)Passport (Canadian or foreign)Permanent Resident CardRecord of Landing (IMM1000)Student ID cardUnion cardValid Ontario Driver's Licence or Temporary Driver's LicenceDrug Benefits Many health services and products are covered only in part by OHIP or not at all. These usually include prescription drugs. The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care helps certain groups to pay for medication:健康卡不包含一些医疗费用,例如处方药。下面的一些计划可以帮助你支付这些费用。 The Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODB) provides drugs at low cost to seniors (65+), recipients of social assistance, and long-term care patients.65岁以上,社会救助人士,长期治疗人士 The Trillium Drug Program provides drugs at low cost to people whose drug costs are high in relation to their family income.药品费用支出占家庭收入比例较高的人士 The Special Drugs Program covers the full cost of certain drugs used to treat specific conditions such as HIV and schizophrenia.特殊疾病例如HIV
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