加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto埃德蒙顿笨minivan撞进教室,正在上课的6年级女生一死两伤
司机多年前曾因为打架被打昏迷一个月留下后遗症,包括颅骨破裂、脑损伤、脸部失去知觉、平衡问题和一只眼睛丧失视力。最近他一直在服用控制羊角风的药物。 就这么一个浑身是病的独眼龙驾照还没吊销可以开车,能不出事吗? EDMONTON - One of three girls critically injured when a minivan crashed into their Grade 6 classroom has died, police have confirmed.Officers informed the St. Paul school district on Friday, superintendent Glen Brodziak said. “We’re devastated. It’s unfair when anyone passes away before their time. Our deepest, deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the family.” A 46-year-old St. Paul man faces criminal charges after a minivan smashed through the outside wall of a Grade 6 French immersion classroom Thursday morning, critically injuring three girls who were pinned under the vehicle. Richard Edward Benson, 46, is being held in custody and has a bail hearing scheduled Monday in St. Paul. He is charged with three counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm, resisting arrest and possessing a controlled substance, marijuana. There was no word Friday on whether a charge will be upgraded in response to the child’s death.Police are awaiting toxicology results on a blood sample which could indicate if the driver was impaired. Benson’s older brother, Ralph Benson, said Friday that Richard regularly had seizures after a head injury that put him in a coma for a month in 2002. Benson was beaten until he was unrecognizable after he confronted two brothers in a Mayerthorpe trailer park about supplying alcohol to two underage girls, RCMP said after the incident July 5, 2002. Two men were convicted the following year for the attack that left Benson skull fractures and brain-damage, permanent loss of feeling in his face, balance problems and loss of sight in one eye, according to information from court in 2003. “People right now assume the worst of him ... Richard was a family man,” Ralph said. “We’re positive that he had a seizure.” Richard was on prescription medication and was taking more than a dozen pills a day to control his condition, which had recently worsened, his brother said. Ralph suggested doctors or government authorities should have suspended Richard’s driver’s licence because of his seizures. Richard occasionally smoked marijuana to ease stomach problems related to the medication, said Ralph. After speaking with Richard’s children, Ralph said he doesn’t believe Richard was driving while impaired. “He shouldn’t even be in jail right now. He should be in the hospital because he’s been having seizures,” said Ralph, 52. “It’s very upsetting to see the way he was being handled (by police) ... If you have a seizure, what do you do? When you come out of it you don’t want anybody holding you or touching you or anything, and now they’re saying he was resisting the RCMP.” Richard is a father of five children ranging in age from about 11 years old to about 28 and he is a stepfather to four children, Ralph said. Two of his children had missed the bus the morning of the crash and Richard had likely just dropped them off at school before the crash happened. “If there was anybody that loved kids, that’s the guy,” said Ralph. “We’re all praying for the children because we have children ourselves, too, so we feel just as horrible about it as everyone else.” The injured girls were airlifted to Edmonton hospital after the Thursday crash. All three had surgery. One child was upgraded Thursday afternoon to stable condition and the other two girls were critical but stable Friday morning, RCMP said. Early Friday afternoon, the school district heard from police that one of the students died, Brodziak said. Five other injured students were treated in the St. Paul hospital and released. The RCMP’s forensic identification section, criminal crash investigation team and traffic analysts have finished gathering evidence at Racette Junior High School. The school was closed Friday and the St. Paul school district was offering counselling services at St. Paul Regional High School.点击展开...
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