加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto[评论]加国沃尔玛6大商家告上法庭 反对魁省强加法语店名
新闻:《加国沃尔玛6大商家告上法庭 反对魁省强加法语店名》的相关评论(满地可18日加新社电)几个大型零售商要将魁北克政府告上法庭,反对省府语言督察明令修改商号,加入法语。 这些零售商包括北美洲最大的商号,例如沃尔玛(Walmart) Best Buy及Costco,它们的点击展开...哈哈,大家以后找不到店。烤鸡PFK在魁省生意几乎为0。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 DKnight 0$(VIP 0) 1,6252012-11-19#2 回复: [评论]加国沃尔玛6大商家告上法庭 反对魁省强加法语店名How about the stores with French names in other provinces? Should they do such stupid translations for their names too?If the people living in Quebec want to show their strength, dont go shopping in the stores with English names.
回复: [评论]加国沃尔玛6大商家告上法庭 反对魁省强加法语店名Respect has limit. Push too hard would trigger negative effect. Respect a la limite. Pousser trop fort entraînerait des effets négatifs
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