加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 TorontoThe City I love....


(转贴)Organizers of Shanghai's World Expo have been holding trial runs this week, before the official opening this Saturday, May 1st. About 70 percent of the nearly 200 participants participated in the trials, and visitors were already encountering long lines. Officials now estimate the 6-month event, themed "Better City, Better Life", will attract up to 100 million visitors, 95 percent of them Chinese. Shanghai has spent 400 billion yuan (58.6 billion US dollars) preparing for the Expo, according to state media - more than was spent on the Beijing Olympics. Collected here are photographs of last-minute preparations in Shanghai as they prepare to welcome the world this weekend. (37 photos total)Visitors gather in front of a huge animated baby mannequin displayed in the Spanish pavilion at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 25, 2010. Expo organizers gave members of the public a preview of the largest-ever World's Fair as they tested facilities and public transportation before the official start on May 1. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) 2A visitor stands at the South Korea Pavilion at the World Expo site on the trial day Friday, April 23, 2010 in Shanghai, China. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) # 3Visitors walk past the illuminated Expo Axis of Sunshine Valley on the first day of the trial run of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China, on Tuesday, April 20, 2010. (Qilai Shen/Bloomberg) # 4Visitors stand outside the U.K. Pavilion, known as the "Seed Cathedral," at the site of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China, on Wednesday, April 14, 2010. (Kevin Lee/Bloomberg) # 5A man takes a picture inside the British pavilion at the World Expo 2010 site in Shanghai on April 14, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) # 6A visitor examines a seed encased in acrylic inside the U.K. Pavilion, known as the "Seed Cathedral," at the site of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China, on Wednesday, April 14, 2010. (Kevin Lee/Bloomberg) # 7A night view shows the Serbia pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo site April 23, 2010. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 8A general view of the panorama of Shanghai and the Huangpu River from the top floor of Shanghai World Financial Center (492 meters high) in the Pudong Lujiazui Financial District on April 17, 2010 in Shanghai, China. (Feng Li/Getty Images) # 9Workers attach a logo in Chinese characters meaning the United States at the USA Pavilion at the World Expo site on the trial day Sunday, April 25, 2010 in Shanghai, China. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) # 10Journalists gather at the US pavilion for a press preview at the site of the World expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 7, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) # 11A worker stands at the wall of the South Korea pavilion at the World Expo site in Shanghai, China, Wednesday, April 28, 2010. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) # 12In this April 11, 2010 photo, Shanghai Automotive Group Co., Ltd. (SAIC) debuts the Ye Zi or Leaf concept car at the World Expo in Shanghai. (AP Photo) # 13Fireworks explode over the site of World Expo during a rehearsal for the opening ceremony in Shanghai, China on April 27, 2010. (AP Photo) # 14Visitors outside the Danish pavilion take photos of Denmark's iconic Little Mermaid statue after it was unveiled at Shanghai World Expo site April 25, 2010. (REUTERS/Aly Song) # 15Denmark's famed Little Mermaid statue is displayed after it was unveiled in Denmark Pavilion at the World Expo site on the trial day Sunday, April 25, 2010 in Shanghai, China. The 5-foot (1.5-meter) statue honoring Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen left Copenhagen Harbor for first time in 97 years for Shanghai's Expo which opens May 1. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) # 16Lead architect of the Danish pavilion, Bjarke Ingels rides a bicycle on its roof at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 25, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) # 17Workers assemble a wall part of the Latvia Pavilion at the World Expo site on the trial day Sunday, April 25, 2010 in Shanghai, China. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) # 18A night view shows the Russia pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo site April 23, 2010. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 19An aerial view shows vehicles traveling on newly-lit intersections at night in Shanghai in this March 28, 2010 photo. (REUTERS/Shanghai Pacific Institute for International Strategy) # 20Riot policemen take part in a swearing-in ceremony at a security meeting for the upcoming Shanghai World Expo 2010 in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province April 10, 2010. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 21Paramilitary policemen take part in a drill in preparation for the security of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, in Nanjing, Jiangsu province April 26, 2010. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 22Two performers practice at the World Expo site in Shanghai, China, Wednesday, April 28, 2010. (AP Photo/Alexander F. Yuan) # 23Performers dressed as traditional Chinese Terra Cotta Warriors march during an event as part of the Shanghai Expo to promote tourism to Xi'an, Shaanxi province, in Shanghai, China, Saturday, April 10, 2010. (AP Photo) # 24A man walks past the Polish pavilion at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 27, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) # 25An aerial view shows the French Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo site in Shanghai March 28, 2010. (REUTERS/Shanghai Pacific Institute for International Strategy) # 26A performer prepares for a rehearsal in Beijing on April 26, 2010 for their performance in the first week of the upcoming Shanghai 2010 World Expo. Along with daily parades, fireworks and other festivities, the Shanghai World Expo's 192 participating countries are contributing to a six-month calendar of music, dance and stage shows. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) # 27A Chinese worker stands on the top of the pavilion of Iceland at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 7, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) # 28Farmer Wu Yulu, 48, operates his walking robot near his home in a village at the outskirts of Beijing April 14, 2010. Hobby inventor Wu, who started to build robots in 1986, has invented 47 robots that can perform different functions like jumping, painting, drinking, pulling carts, massaging and helping with cooking. He will display more than 30 of his robots during the Shanghai World Expo 2010, where he hopes to promote the practical uses of his robots. (REUTERS/Petar Kujundzic) # 29A child poses for her mother in front of the China Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo site April 25, 2010. (REUTERS/Aly Song) # 30An aerial view shows Shanghai's new financial district skyline along the Huang Pu river at night in Shanghai in this March 28, 2010 photo. (REUTERS/Shanghai Pacific Institute for International Strategy) # 31Visitors walk past the Shanghai Corporate Pavilion, known as the Dream Cube, in Shanghai on April 26, 2010. Multi-nationals are seizing on the six-month event beginning May 1 to build their brand presence in the market of 1.3 billion people, but also the business and government connections - or "guanxi" - crucial to making money in China. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 32A visitor takes photos of a 3D-projected image of a Terracotta Warrior jade burial suit in the Aurora Pavilion as organizers of Shanghai's World Expo gave members of the public a preview of the massive event in Shanghai on April 26, 2010. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 33A project model shows a possible future transport system in the Pavilion of Future as organizers of Shanghai's World Expo gave members of the public a preview of the massive event in Shanghai on April 26, 2010. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images) # 34Visitors walk past the "Information and Communications Pavilion," built by China Mobile Ltd. and China Telecom Corp., in Shanghai, China, on Monday, April 19, 2010. (Qilai Shen/Bloomberg) # 35The North Korean pavilion is seen, next to the Iranian pavilion (right) at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 27, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) # 36Elevated highways are illuminated by LED lights on April 18, 2010 in Shanghai, China. (Feng Li/Getty Images) # 37A Chinese worker peers from behind a wall surrounding the UK pavilion at the site of the World expo 2010 in Shanghai on April 7, 2010. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images) #

回复: The City I love....我就在上海,上海人,也不知道搞这么个EXPO有什么意思~展示科技吧~每年世界都有大大小小的科技展,汽车展,展示人文吧~来来去去也就那些东西,人还特别多~~到时候挤进去也看不到~我们又不是建筑家,看不懂~~而且建筑的再好,开完也要拆的~~~世博就是劳民伤财~~~你们不在不知道,这里每栋大楼,政府都出钱重新油漆过~~玻璃的就负责清洗~~路是修了又修~~~不知道花了多少钱~~感觉就是在向世界展示我们钱多~~帮最后那幅图的工人一样像只刚b

享受溫哥華 超赞 赏 Candace Gao超级版主 0$(VIP 0) 5,9162010-04-30#3 回复: The City I love....偶也没搞明白EXPO倒底是为了什么,貌似在国外的认知率也不高,问了周围的同事,都不知道也不关心呢。不过,作为上海人,还是要支持下的。多谢Nini的转帖!送花表示感谢!

我在加拿大找工作的故事College学习生活全攻略一点感想,写给新移民找对你的第一份工作加东旅行 翠湖山庄欧洲五国自驾游行摄天下我就在上海,上海人,也不知道搞这么个EXPO有什么意思~展示科技吧~每年世界都有大大小小的科技展,汽车展,展示人文吧~来来去去也就那些东西,人还特别多~~到时候挤进去也看不到~我们又不是建筑家,看不懂~~而且建筑的再好,开完也要拆的~~~世博就是劳民伤财~~~你们不在不知道,这里每栋大楼,政府都出钱重新油漆过~~玻璃的就负责清洗~~路是修了又修~~~不知道花了多少钱~~感觉就是在向世界展示我们钱多~~帮最后那幅图的工人一样像只刚b点击展开... 在那里的时候, 哪哪都不好, 到了这里, 哪哪都象宝.

回复: The City I love....偶也没搞明白EXPO倒底是为了什么,貌似在国外的认知率也不高,问了周围的同事,都不知道也不关心呢。不过,作为上海人,还是要支持下的。多谢Nini的转帖!送花表示感谢!点击展开... 谢谢, 专门贴给你(们)看的

回复: The City I love....SB会成果一:即地皮大幅增长SB会成果二:又一帮贪官污吏肥了荷包SB会成果三:房价持续攀升,人民财富赶英超美SB会成果四:上海蔬菜比肉贵,谁说咱没跟国际接轨?怎么能说SB会没什么意思呢,太不河蟹了

回复: The City I love....第一张小朋友的照片我看着觉得好恐怖阿

回复: The City I love...."Better City, Better Life"搞不懂什么意思?房价都上百万了,工资没几个,还有什么好生活?

回复: The City I love....谢谢分享

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google​ 超赞 赏 majorshenzhen早起的虫子被鸟吃 0$(VIP 0) 13,8412010-04-30#10 回复: The City I love....[FONT=宋体]塞尔维亚的中国政府给出[/FONT]60[FONT=宋体]%的费用。[/FONT]

早起的虫子被鸟吃 超赞 赏 annieshenModerator 0$(VIP 0) 27,2382010-04-30#11 回复: The City I love....不错。。。

超赞 赏 Amanda Geng 0$(VIP 0) 1,6182010-04-30#12 回复: The City I love....结束后那些建筑基本要被拆掉,真是可惜。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012年1月13日拿到OSSD2014年6月Accg Diploma, graduated with high honoursContract ing 超赞 赏 多伦多梦龙 0$(VIP 0) 1,5882010-05-01#13 回复: The City I love....好图啊,谢谢楼主分享,俺是一看到好片片就两眼发直的人。

don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.好图啊,谢谢楼主分享,俺是一看到好片片就两眼发直的人。点击展开... 我是一看到帅哥两眼发直的人, 照片很

回复: The City I love....为什么要拆呢?

签名无效​我是一看到帅哥两眼发直的人, 照片很点击展开...顶花痴贴

回复: The City I love....刚看到,原来这个the city I love指的是上海,呵呵,作为上海宁,格记一定要来顶一顶。世博场馆建设时期和世博会期间,其实挺烦这件事的,不过现在回想起来,又觉得还是很有意思的一件事情,对于上海这个城市和身处其中的人来说,都是一次难得的经历。这会看看电脑里的一些世博会照片,突然觉得回忆还是很愉快的,那些烈日下的排队好像想起来也变得愉快了。真是好了伤疤忘了疼啊 呵呵。

我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时 超赞 赏 K KyoKo 0$(VIP 0) 7152012-11-29#18 回复: The City I love....上海世博会 加拿大馆有护照和枫叶卡的不用排队。去的那天忘带枫叶卡了,跟门口的加拿大小伙子一说就直接带进馆了,有点感动

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