加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 学区房与学校
回复: 学区房与学校登陆后,选择居住好的学区房,应该根据住址到对应的好学校就读。但如果到教育局报到,要先做测试的,孩子(国内初三毕业)的英语毕竟不是母语,测试的结果未必会理想,那么会否被发配到其他路远的、较差的而有ESL的中学???谢谢有经验的帮忙解答。点击展开...不会,这里都是就近入学。排名靠前的学校差不多都有esl,他敢发配楼主?谁怕谁啊。
回复: 学区房与学校不会,这里都是就近入学。排名靠前的学校差不多都有esl,他敢发配楼主?谁怕谁啊。点击展开...非也!
回复: 学区房与学校非也!点击展开...您遇到了被发配的情况?个别学校没有esl,但他不拒绝该学区的学生入学,只是esl 需要去其它学校上。不过,楼主干嘛非选择没有esl 的学校呢?不是自找苦吃吗?
回复: 学区房与学校不会,这里都是就近入学。排名靠前的学校差不多都有esl,他敢发配楼主?谁怕谁啊。点击展开... 那就放心些。看了一下教育局网站,排名前的学校不一定都有ESL的,所以才有这个担心。学区房买或租都贵,万一好学校又进不去,岂不劳民伤财?
回复: 学区房与学校登陆后,选择居住好的学区房,应该根据住址到对应的好学校就读。但如果到教育局报到,要先做测试的,孩子(国内初三毕业)的英语毕竟不是母语,测试的结果未必会理想,那么会否被发配到其他路远的、较差的而有ESL的中学???谢谢有经验的帮忙解答。点击展开...应该不会,会让你去ESL的课。不过都会在注册是让你出示居住证明(例如租房的contract啥的)
好事总多磨,明天更美好! 超赞 赏 S snowflakesGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-06-06#7 回复: 学区房与学校同问。我知道如果是留学生遇到这样的情况,是需要到离家远并且有ELS的学校读的。 不知道移民学生怎么样?请有经验的经纪或者朋友回答这个问题。
回复: 学区房与学校如果学校没有ESL,一般是不会接受ESL学生的。我问过north toronto,他们给了我非常肯定的答复,肯定不接收。其他学校不敢十分肯定,买房前要问清楚,可以直接问学校。
回复: 学区房与学校忘说了,我是移民。
回复: 学区房与学校有不少排名很好的学校没有ESL,一般在西人比较聚居的好学校都没有。以前哈珀上的那个中学也没有的,呵呵。。。当时为孩子选学校看了很多,实际最后能选的也就那么几所
回复: 学区房与学校同问。我知道如果是留学生遇到这样的情况,是需要到离家远并且有ELS的学校读的。 不知道移民学生怎么样?请有经验的经纪或者朋友回答这个问题。点击展开... 是的,国际学生是向学校申请能否录取,而非住址。即先有学校再定住所。 而移民(我是移民身份),到达后肯定得先安顿住处,然后向教育局报到、作评估考试,而且要带地址证明。如果仅仅是ESL的问题,发配到路远的学校,似乎不公平。而且,有ESL大都很一般的学校。 望有较为准确的靠谱的解答。
回复: 学区房与学校为什么非要上没有ESL的学校?即使学校同意你在其他学校上esl,课程也很难安排,孩子疲于奔命,可能还凑不上两个学校都合适的时间。这边上课的时间安排很紧,中间几乎没有休息,仅够从一个教室换到另一个教室,要不你就牺牲一堂课去在路上跑
回复: 学区房与学校“有ESL大都很一般的学校”,这个概念哪里来的?这一棍子打倒了一大片啊。
回复: 学区房与学校且不说“有ESL大都很一般的学校”这种说法不妥,如果孩子真的英文不是特别出色,能让孩子上ESL是对孩子更负责任。 LZ可多咨询咨询家有同年龄孩子的朋友。
回复: 学区房与学校没法说了, 有ESL 是非名校的标志?这说法听着新鲜。
超赞 赏 J jenny97 0$(VIP 0) 7022012-06-06#16 回复: 学区房与学校确实是这样,有些学校没有ESL课程,就算当时按住址进去了学校,如果英语达不到正常水平,也会重新安排到附近有ESL课程的学校。比如前面所说的NORTH TORONTO CI就是这样。是否有ESL课程与是否名校及所谓的名校没有什么关系,有些学校的校风挺好,排名不错,也有ESL课程呀。其实,上什么学校跟孩子的实际情况有很大关系,如果孩子实力很强,可以去那些竞争力较强的学校;如果孩子只是中等偏上一些或者中等,就应该选择一些排名稍后一些的学校,这样孩子的压力没那么大,开心一些,学习也会有动力一些,当然,学校的校风要好一些。有些家长不管孩子的情况如何,非得把孩子往第一名或前几名的学校里送,结果孩子上学后,因为周围同学很强,怎么也赶不上,压力很大,反而不想努力了,破罐子破摔。不太赞成这种做法。还是应该看看怎样的学校适合孩子,这才更重要。
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 确实是这样,有些学校没有ESL课程,就算当时按住址进去了学校,如果英语达不到正常水平,也会重新安排到附近有ESL课程的学校。比如前面所说的NORTH TOROTO CI就是这样。是否有ESL课程与是否名校及所谓的名校没有什么关系,有些学校的校风挺好,排名不错,也有ESL课程呀。其实,上什么学校跟孩子的实际情况有很大关系,如果孩子实力很强,可以去那些竞争力较强的学校;如果孩子只是中等偏上一些或者中等,就应该选择一些排名稍后一些的学校,这样孩子的压力没那么大,开心一些,学习也会有动力一些,当然,学校的校风要好一些。有些家长不管孩子的情况如何,非得把孩子往第一名或前几名的学校里送,结果孩子上学后,因为周围同学很强,怎么也赶不上,压力很大,反而不想努力了,破罐子破摔。不太赞成这种做法。还是应该看看怎样的学校适合孩子,这才更重要。点击展开... 你说的很客观,谢谢你的意见!
回复: 学区房与学校没法说了, 有ESL 是非名校的标志?这说法听着新鲜。点击展开... 没法说你就别说嘛! 我的提问当然事出有因的,不是拍脑袋想出来请大家解答的。 安省有700多家高中,当然有好有差,我只关注校风、家庭背景等对孩子来到新环境后的成长,而非看重学业。学校排名前与后是很多项指标来评分的,有一定的依据。我不是盲目地追崇名校,但也不想随便进一间。 排名前的学校一定设有French Immersion而未必有ESL,这是事实,好几位持异议的回复者并不准确,每间学校有ESL老师,帮助学生、家长、学校的沟通,也会课后辅导一下学生的英文,但这不是ESL课程。 有认为我说“有ESL大都很一般的学校”打击一大片,抱歉本人言语不当!事实上,有ESL的公立学校才可以收国际学生,这就是为什么排名前的学校几乎没有国际学生(移民属于本地学生)! 以前是私立中学在国内招生,现在多伦多有ESL的公立中学在国内留学中介也有了代理,我认识的朋友并不困难就把孩子办成了,学费不到两万加币(一年),比私立便宜多多。如果此风盛行,我开始担心以后校风问题,没有别的意思。任何国家任何社会有都校风问题,西人也关注的,不然就没有所谓学区房贵之说了。
回复: 学区房与学校没法说你就别说嘛! 我的提问当然事出有因的,不是拍脑袋想出来请大家解答的。 排名前的学校一定设有French Immersion而未必有ESL,这是事实,好几位持异议的回复者并不准确,每间学校有ESL老师,帮助学生、家长、学校的沟通,也会课后辅导一下学生的英文,但这不是ESL课程。点击展开... 下面是安生排名考前的学校,很多都有esl。esl和是不是名校没关系。 St Michael’s Choir (Sr) [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 29ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 6.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $110,900: 2.3 Rank: 1/718 n/a Bayview [Public] Richmond Hill OSSLT count: 525ESL (%): 26.9 Special needs (%): 7.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $86,800: 3.0 Rank: 2/718 4/691 Pierre Elliott Trudeau [Public] Markham OSSLT count: 504ESL (%): 21.4 Special needs (%): 8.1Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $75,400: 3.3 Rank: 4/718 3/691 Oakville Trafalgar [Public] Oakville OSSLT count: 326ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 11.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $230,400: -2.3 Rank: 6/718 7/691 North Toronto [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 335ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 13.1Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $178,400: -0.5 Rank: 6/718 10/691 St Therese of Lisieux [Catholic] Richmond Hill OSSLT count: 364ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 15.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $99,300: 2.2 Rank: 6/718 12/691 Holy Name of Mary [Catholic] Brampton OSSLT count: 234ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $72,600: 3.1 Rank: 6/718 54/691 Unionville [Public] Unionville OSSLT count: 510ESL (%): 38.6 Special needs (%): 6.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $97,300: 2.2 Rank: 11/718 5/691 St Augustine [Catholic] Markham OSSLT count: 348ESL (%): 0.3 Special needs (%): 12.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $92,500: 2.4 Rank: 11/718 10/691 Richmond Hill [Public] Richmond Hill OSSLT count: 484ESL (%): 26.0 Special needs (%): 11.2Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $81,000: 2.7 Rank: 13/718 17/691 Neil McNeil [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 248ESL (%): 8.1 Special needs (%): 21.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $66,400: 3.2 Rank: 13/718 47/691 Abbey Park [Public] Oakville OSSLT count: 313ESL (%): 1.3 Special needs (%): 14.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $155,500: 0.0 Rank: 15/718 12/691 Bur Oak [Public] Markham OSSLT count: 397ESL (%): 31.7 Special needs (%): 10.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $70,500: 2.9 Rank: 15/718 n/a Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 175ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $88,000: 2.2 Rank: 20/718 5/691 St Robert [Catholic] Thornhill OSSLT count: 436ESL (%): 19.7 Special needs (%): 5.7Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $83,700: 2.4 Rank: 20/718 7/691 Etobicoke School of the Arts [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 250ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $118,100: 1.1 Rank: 23/718 17/691 St Aloysius Gonzaga [Catholic] Mississauga OSSLT count: 434ESL (%): 6.7 Special needs (%): 15.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $87,700: 2.1 Rank: 23/718 17/691 Earl Haig [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 783ESL (%): 29.4 Special needs (%): 4.6Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $74,700: 2.6 Rank: 23/718 30/691 Thornhill [Public] Thornhill OSSLT count: 326ESL (%): 18.4 Special needs (%): 16.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $96,200: 1.8 Rank: 23/718 37/691 William Lyon Mackenzie [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 382ESL (%): 26.2 Special needs (%): 15.2Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $94,700: 1.9 Rank: 23/718 37/691 Ursula Franklin [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 107ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $108,500: 1.3 Rank: 31/718 25/691 Lorne Park [Public] Mississauga OSSLT count: 293ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 14.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $164,600: -0.6 Rank: 31/718 30/691 Bishop Allen [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 419ESL (%): 5.0 Special needs (%): 18.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $99,200: 1.6 Rank: 31/718 87/691 Humberside[Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 298ESL (%): 1.0 Special needs (%): 13.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $128,800: 0.5 Rank: 34/718 30/691 Notre Dame [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 181ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $60,100: 2.9 Rank: 34/718 47/691 St Joseph’s [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 256ESL (%): 18.4 Special needs (%): 13.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $56,000: 3.0 Rank: 34/718 139/691 Corpus Christi [Catholic] Burlington OSSLT count: 300ESL (%): 1.3 Special needs (%): 13.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents¡¯ avg. inc. of $119,400: 0.8 Rank: 34/718 n/a Langstaff [Public] Richmond Hill OSSLT count: 366ESL (%): 15.3 Special needs (%): 12.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $88,500: 1.8 Rank: 43/718 37/691 Cawthra Park [Public] Mississauga OSSLT count: 356ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 12.1Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $90,400: 1.7 Rank: 43/718 54/691 St Ignatius of Loyola [Catholic] Oakville OSSLT count: 395ESL (%): 9.1 Special needs (%): 12.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $144,800: -0.1 Rank: 43/718 67/691 St Marcellinus [Catholic] Mississauga OSSLT count: 381ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $85,200: 1.9 Rank: 43/718 67/691 Dr Norman Bethune [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 449ESL (%): 22.3 Special needs (%): 8.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $53,500: 3.0 Rank: 43/718 118/691 Bill Crothers [Public] Unionville OSSLT count: 299ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $99,200: 1.4 Rank: 43/718 n/a Iroquois Ridge [Public] Oakville OSSLT count: 320 ESL (%): 6.9 Special needs (%): 9.1Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $127,600: 0.4 Rank: 50/718 17/691 John Fraser [Public] Mississauga OSSLT count: 404ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 8.2Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $87,400: 1.7 Rank: 50/718 17/691 Leaside [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 219ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $178,100: -1.4 Rank: 50/718 37/691 Aurora [Public] Aurora OSSLT count: 290ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/a[/font]Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $139,800: -0.1 Rank: 50/718 47/691 Westmount [Public] Thornhill OSSLT count: 368ESL (%): 13.3 Special needs (%): 22.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $174,800: -1.3 Rank: 50/718 67/691 Lawrence Park [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 278ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 11.5Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $266,800: -4.5 Rank: 58/718 17/691 Middlefield [Public] Markham OSSLT count: 498ESL (%): 31.3 Special needs (%): 13.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $60,500: 2.6 Rank: 58/718 37/691 Richmond Green [Public] Richmond Hill OSSLT count: 372ESL (%): 22.0 Special needs (%): 10.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $84,500: 1.7 Rank: 58/718 37/691 Markham [Public] Markham OSSLT count: 356ESL (%): 5.9 Special needs (%): 20.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $90,700: 1.5 Rank: 58/718 47/691 Thomas A Blakelock [Public] Oakville OSSLT count: 327ESL (%): 6.1 Special needs (%): 9.2Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $116,700: 0.6 Rank: 58/718 54/691 Mary Ward [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 325ESL (%): 10.5 Special needs (%): 5.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $52,900: 2.8 Rank: 58/718 67/691 Sacred Heart [Catholic] Newmarket OSSLT count: 344ESL (%): 0.3 Special needs (%): 24.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $105,900: 1.0 Rank: 58/718 67/691 Cardinal Carter [Catholic] Leamington OSSLT count: 225ESL (%): 1.3 Special needs (%): 33.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $71,800: -1.1 Rank: 559/718 514/691 Nelson [Public] Burlington OSSLT count: 381ESL (%): 0.3 Special needs (%): 12.6Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $149,600: -0.6 Rank: 68/718 47/691 Aldershot [Public] Burlington OSSLT count: 120ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearon parents’ avg. inc. of $97,400: 1.2 Rank: 68/718 54/691 Father John Redmond [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 251ESL (%): n/a Special needs (%): n/aActual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $72,600: 2.0 Rank: 68/718 211/691 Jean Vanier [Catholic] Aurora OSSLT count: 200ESL (%): 1.0 Special needs (%): 10.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $71,300: 2.1 Rank: 68/718 n/a Glenforest [Public] Mississauga OSSLT count: 489ESL (%): 18.0 Special needs (%): 7.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $60,300: 2.4 Rank: 74/718 47/691 Gordon Graydon Memorial [Public] Mississauga OSSLT count: 336ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 32.7Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $80,300: 1.7 Rank: 74/718 67/691 Malvern [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 289ESL (%): 0.0 Special needs (%): 16.6Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $133,400: -0.1 Rank: 74/718 67/691 Stephen Lewis [Public] Thornhill OSSLT count: 379ESL (%): 20.6 Special needs (%): 19.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $89,800: 1.4 Rank: 74/718 155/691 Markville [Public] Markham OSSLT count: 469ESL (%): 23.0 Special needs (%): 9.4Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $77,000: 1.7 Rank: 84/718 67/691 Loretto Abbey [Catholic] Toronto OSSLT count: 254ESL (%): 11.4 Special needs (%): 5.9Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $97,800: 1.0 Rank: 84/718 97/691 St Francis Xavier [Catholic] Mississauga OSSLT count: 689ESL (%): 10.6 Special needs (%): 12.5Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $73,500: 1.8 Rank: 84/718 139/691 Forest Hill [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 315ESL (%): 18.1 Special needs (%): 8.3Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $169,300: -1.6 Rank: 97/718 82/691 Newmarket [Public] Newmarket OSSLT count: 362ESL (%): 1.7 Special needs (%): 16.0Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $118,000: 0.2 Rank: 97/718 82/691 R H King [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 351ESL (%): 3.1 Special needs (%): 5.7Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $59,400: 2.2 Rank: 97/718 87/691 White Oaks [Public] Oakville OSSLT count: 546ESL (%): 8.2 Special needs (%): 22.2Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $109,000: 0.5 Rank: 97/718 97/691 Holy Trinity [Catholic] Oakville OSSLT count: 438ESL (%): 4.8 Special needs (%): 15.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $115,400: 0.3 Rank: 97/718 118/691 Our Lady of Mount Carmel [Catholic] Mississauga OSSLT count: 530ESL (%): 9.2 Special needs (%): 15.1Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $87,000: 1.3 Rank: 97/718 118/691 W A Porter [Public] Toronto OSSLT count: 385 ESL (%): 3.9 Special needs (%): 7.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $48,700: 2.6 Rank: 97/718 118/691 John Cabot [Catholic] Mississauga OSSLT count: 297ESL (%): 11.4 Special needs (%): 17.8Actual rating vs predicted based 2010-11 Last 5 Yearson parents’ avg. inc. of $62,300: 2.1 Rank: 97/718 273/691
回复: 学区房与学校下面是安生排名考前的学校,很多都有esl。esl和是不是名校没关系。点击展开... 谢谢北京爱心HomeStay,你在坛里的帖子我也看了不少,对我很有帮助和启发的。 你的回帖有误区:你的学校信息,正是证实我的疑问不是没有根据的。这个ESL(%)是指该校ESL学生的比例,即来自非英语母语国家的学生比例。个人英文程度再好,mother tongue非英语国家都算作ESL,所以加拿大大学对少于四年(五年?)英文中学都得考托福或雅思。 你发的学校单内ESL(%)低于10%甚至0的也不少,说明什么?显而易见。(排第一的那所教会学校就是0,有中国人脸也是CBC!并列排名第六的四家学校也全部是0!)。再者,高于10%那些学校,只是说明非英语学生多一些,不代表它设有ESL课程。ESL学生、ESL老师、ESL课程这三个是不同概念的。 教育局测试会将ESL分为A-E五级,好像D级以上可以直接上Regular,按住址分学校,没有问题了。万一不达标就得去上ESL相应的级别,我的疑问就是在这里。学校里有ESL老师不代表该校有ESL课程,因为就算直接上了regular,有问题ESL老师会帮助你。 我的理解对吗?请指正。
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