加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto[评论]绝食迫哈珀谈条约 扬言不惜捐躯 加国女酋长号召全国
新闻:《绝食迫哈珀谈条约 扬言不惜捐躯 加国女酋长号召全国》的相关评论原住民酋长斯彭斯(Theresa Spence,圆图)的绝食行动踏入第三周,她开始呼吁所有加拿大人团结,一起向总理哈珀施压,要求他接见她和其他原住民领袖。 全国多个社区发起「不再懈怠」(Idle No点击展开...动机不明,理由不足,纵有牺牲,对其民族並无好处。
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy. 超赞 赏 K Kentucky Grass 0$(VIP 0) 1,2502012-12-30#2 回复: [评论]绝食迫哈珀谈条约 扬言不惜捐躯 加国女酋长号召全国了解来龙去脉,推荐以下文章: How the Idle No More movement started and where it might go from herehttp://news.nationalpost.com/2012/12/26/idle-no-more-first-nations-protest-movement-theresa-spence/
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