加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto安省医保卡生效后半年内离境了会如何?
回复: 安省医保卡生效后半年内离境了会如何?还有这种事?同问。
分分钟涨姿势 超赞 赏 DNW 0$(VIP 0) 7,9702013-05-24#3 回复: 安省医保卡生效后半年内离境了会如何?http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/ohip/ohipfaq_mn.aspxAm I still eligible for OHIP if I temporarily leave Ontario? You may be out of the province for up to 212 days in any 12-month period and still maintain your Ontario health insurance coverage provided that you continue to make Ontario your primary place of residence. To maintain eligibility for OHIP coverage you must be an eligible resident of Ontario. This means that you must : have an OHIP-eligible citizenship/immigration status; andbe physically present in Ontario for 153 days in any 12-month period; andbe physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days immediately after establishing residency in the province; andmake your primary place of residence in Ontario.If you will be out of the province for more than 212 days in any 12-month period, please refer to the Longer Absences from Ontario fact sheet. 红色字就是LZ所说的情况。离开超过限制时段的话,再次回来的时候你就要等3个月医保卡才能重新生效,也就是3个月内医疗费用自理
回复: 安省医保卡生效后半年内离境了会如何?多谢,那看来该走的时候,也不得不走,等回来再申请吧。
回复: 安省医保卡生效后半年内离境了会如何?看不懂英文,拿去狗狗翻译也是不明白.请问:如果每年在安省住8-9个月,然后去美国西雅图住3-4个月.请问安省医疗卡还有作用吗?
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