加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的
刚有个显示18009311026的电话打进来,说是CANADA REVENUE AGENCY.先问我地址,我说你们有我地址的,她问你的新地址,我如果有事说按电脑上的地址给我来信就可。她再问我的银行账户,我说就是你们退税给我那个阿,没有改变。我说电话里听不清楚,有问题请给我发信。哎,一紧张忘了问对方什么事了,还好,在加拿大我偷不了税漏不了税不明白我紧张什么。谁知道这个电话事怎么回事阿?我拒绝回答是否违反什么的?还是税局确实有事找我?
风景很美 超赞 赏 二胡MM 0$(VIP 0,#516) 1,7272013-05-27#2 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的我觉得问银行账户的应该是骗子吧?
回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的刚有个显示18009311026的电话打进来,说是CANADA REVENUE AGENCY.先问我地址,我说你们有我地址的,她问你的新地址,我如果有事说按电脑上的地址给我来信就可。她再问我的银行账户,我说就是你们退税给我那个阿,没有改变。我说电话里听不清楚,有问题请给我发信。哎,一紧张忘了问对方什么事了,还好,在加拿大我偷不了税漏不了税不明白我紧张什么。谁知道这个电话事怎么回事阿?我拒绝回答是否违反什么的?还是税局确实有事找我?点击展开... 假的,google一把就明白了。http://whocallsme.com/Phone-Number.aspx/8009311026 有人的回帖:Even though this number MAY respond as a legit Revenue Canada number the people who are using it are NOT Revenue Canada! They are disguising their actual identity by using this number. It's a scam known as Vishing where a scam artist(s) by using Voip technology will cloak themselves as a legitimate government agency or business with the intention of trying to con you out of personal information. Revenue Canada will not ask you for banking information over the phone. And if they were going to garnishee your bank account or wages there is a lengthy process they must go through prior to that and they will always (as is the LAW) mail you correspondence apprising you of the impending situation to allow you ample opportunity to take action before it gets to that point. There is even a poster on this board who said that she did not even owe Revcan any money but they called her anyhow. Why would they do that? Trust me THIS IS A SCAM! Revcan would never call and not leave a message. They would not ask for personal info like bank account information. I've even heard of stories of people who were asked for the SIN's and banking info of relatives of the people they were speaking to. Does that sound like something Revcan would do?Caller ID: 800-931-1026Caller: GOC-GDC
名闻天下之 一根葱 超赞 赏 甘帕地的阳台 0$(VIP 0) 1,2162013-05-27#4 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的打电话的一般都是假的吧,如果政府真有事找你,都是用邮寄信的。
回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的你可以直接给税务局打电话,不要听信自称税务局的来电。或者登陆税务局你自己的帐号,有什么问题会显示出来的。
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 超赞 赏 fateli 0$(VIP 0) 18,4982013-05-27#6 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的这个电话号码是税务局的阿。我吃完饭再登陆网站看看。
风景很美 超赞 赏 T tomming 0$(VIP 0) 1842013-05-27#7 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的无论他们问你任何密码,包括税务access密码、银行密码,都不要告诉,这样问肯定是个骗子电话
回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的这个电话号码是税务局的阿。我吃完饭再登陆网站看看。点击展开... 你看回帖真是不仔细啊。我回你的第一句英文说的明明白白。Even though this number MAY respond as a legit Revenue Canada number the people who are using it are NOT Revenue Canada!
名闻天下之 一根葱 超赞 赏 castro 0$(VIP 0) 4,6902013-05-27#9 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的是真的,不用怀疑税务局有无数外包小组(承包商),他们一般会先打电话税务局的电话多如牛毛,他们自己都不知道有多少承包商替他们干活这种运作方式跟中国不一样
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!!假的,google一把就明白了。http://whocallsme.com/Phone-Number.aspx/8009311026 有人的回帖:Even though this number MAY respond as a legit Revenue Canada number the people who are using it are NOT Revenue Canada! They are disguising their actual identity by using this number. It's a scam known as Vishing where a scam artist(s) by using Voip technology will cloak themselves as a legitimate government agency or business with the intention of trying to con you out of personal information. Revenue Canada will not ask you for banking information over the phone. And if they were going to garnishee your bank account or wages there is a lengthy process they must go through prior to that and they will always (as is the LAW) mail you correspondence apprising you of the impending situation to allow you ample opportunity to take action before it gets to that point. There is even a poster on this board who said that she did not even owe Revcan any money but they called her anyhow. Why would they do that? Trust me THIS IS A SCAM! Revcan would never call and not leave a message. They would not ask for personal info like bank account information. I've even heard of stories of people who were asked for the SIN's and banking info of relatives of the people they were speaking to. Does that sound like something Revcan would do?Caller ID: 800-931-1026Caller: GOC-GDC点击展开...看清楚,群众是说这是骗局。但还是有点不放心,得再弄清楚。
风景很美是真的,不用怀疑 税务局有无数外包小组(承包商),他们一般会先打电话 税务局的电话多如牛毛,他们自己都不知道有多少承包商替他们干活 这种运作方式跟中国不一样点击展开...我在想,问我这些问题也没有用处阿,盗用不了什么,但因为一听到税务局习惯上紧张了,明明在加拿大逃不了税。
风景很美 超赞 赏 外 外汇专家 0$(VIP 0) 2,2302013-05-27#12 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的别把私人信息和银行账户密码等东西告诉他看看他能玩出个什么花样?等到他要问你银行账户甚至密码的时候就露马脚了.
回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的这个电话号码是税务局的阿。我吃完饭再登陆网站看看。点击展开...没准人家伪造来电显示呢。只有你亲自打这个电话,才能认为对方是税务局的。
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔刚有个显示18009311026的电话打进来,说是CANADA REVENUE AGENCY.先问我地址,我说你们有我地址的,她问你的新地址,我如果有事说按电脑上的地址给我来信就可。她再问我的银行账户,我说就是你们退税给我那个阿,没有改变。我说电话里听不清楚,有问题请给我发信。哎,一紧张忘了问对方什么事了,还好,在加拿大我偷不了税漏不了税不明白我紧张什么。谁知道这个电话事怎么回事阿?我拒绝回答是否违反什么的?还是税局确实有事找我?点击展开... CRA是会打电话询问的。电话号码或显示1800或是705开头的。我有过两次经历,他问那些都是VERIFY你的ID。
超赞 赏 fred.wang 0$(VIP 0) 8242013-05-27#15 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的1800 或1877的电话我从来就不接,不是广告就是骗子。政府部门或银行如果是正经事找你,会直接用他们的本地号码的电话,不会通过这个免费电话打给你。另外,电话开通留言,如果是什么正经事,他们会留言,然后你再回过去就可以了。我一般也不接不认识的电话。而且99%的未接电话都没有留言,肯定没有正经事。
超赞 赏 B BRASSEURSGuest 0$(VIP ) 2013-05-27#16 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的我秘书,请您留下姓名,电话号码包括分机号,她会尽快回拨的.
回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的打电话的一般都是假的吧,如果政府真有事找你,都是用邮寄信的。点击展开...也有打电话的。我就碰到过,跟我确认非隐私信息,我都如实提供。当需要隐私信息的时候我直接告诉对方,我感觉这样不妥当。跟他要了他的工号、部门名称、case号,回头找cra的客服电话打回去找他们,发现真有怎么回事。还有一次,信用卡公司打过来确认信息,所有的信息(卡号姓名地址电话)都是他主动说出来让我确认是否正确,最后竟然要我信用卡的背面的security code,我一下警觉了,把电话挂了以后,按照信用卡上的电话拨过去,也发现不是骗子。
钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore 超赞 赏 R richmo 0$(VIP 0) 1,0592013-05-27#18 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的LZ做的对。政府有亊会寄信给你,电话查问不用管骗子还是政府一律不用理。
回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的打税务局电话18009598281 打了一下午打不通。我觉得我可能没能收到税务局的信吧?
风景很美 超赞 赏 B BRASSEURSGuest 0$(VIP ) 2013-05-27#20 回复: 半小时前接到税局电话,询问我一些问题,这个电话是否真的investigated. case closed. 1 800 931-1026- this is Canada Revenue Agency, collections department (if you owe them money); they work till 11pm, that's why to some folks it appeared suspicious. If you question them - they are polite and offer verification procedure- you can call main Fed.Gov't line (1 800 oCanada) and verify. Not to mention full gov't IVR menu and prof. manners. Don't be scared, if you don't ask like a**hole, they can be nice people too.Caller ID: GOC-GDCCaller: Canada Revenue AgencyCall Type: Debt Collector
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